The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with a Baby

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with a Baby

“This is the end of your travel for a few years as traveling with a baby is impossible”. I can never forget this statement a friend said when I was 6 months pregnant.


And this was just the beginning. I heard a lot of these during my pregnancy and after it too. But traveling with a baby was never the reason we did not take holidays. In fact, to travel with the baby has been the best part of our parenting journey to date.

I often hear mothers saying that they cannot take holidays as they have a baby or a toddler or they have to leave the baby with grandparents or maids if they want to take a holiday. Some couples like to travel with maids, but that is their choice and I would not like to comment on it.

Coming back to the issue of traveling with your little one. With my experience I feel, it might not be the easiest thing to do but it certainly is not the most difficult thing as well.

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It is never too early to begin exploring the world

The Concept of Traveling with a Baby

Undoubtedly, the concept of holiday changes when you have a child traveling with you. If you are traveling with a baby, you need to be mentally ready for it, like this for sure is a change from the concept of holidays you had. This is because you possibly cannot go to a night club and dance the night away.

Little Miss A at 15-month-old had been on 22 flights (2 international ones) and three road trips. Her first flight and road trip were when she was three months old. And this was just the beginning of our travel with her. We have gone for road trips, trips to the wildlife parks, a cruise, many small domestic trips and a few more international ones. We have enjoyed all our trips with her, and I have seen the change in her too when she travels every time.

Her fear of water went away on our first Goa trip and then every time we traveled she looked forward to splashing in the pool with her father. She enjoys spending time with my husband as these are the times her dad is all hers all day. As she grew I also became less stressed about her food and schedules as the travel with baby taught me to be flexible.

A child grows due to the exposure they get when they travel. Read our post, Travel with Your Child and See them Grow.


Our vacations, even if it is a weekend trip, are the best and the activity we look the most looked forward to. From my experience, I have listed some tips for traveling with a baby and a traveling with baby checklist which might make it easier to travel with baby if you are unsure.

Woman Carrying Baby in White Long Sleeve Shirt

Tips for Traveling with a Baby

Be Flexible When You Travel with Baby

You have to go with the flow when you travel with a baby. Babies do not have concentration spans to do long hours of sightseeing. Holidays with simple schedules and itineraries should be preferred. You need to be mentally ready to make adjustments and thus, do not plan too many things in a day.

I suggest, to begin with, take holidays to places you have visited earlier and where you do not have much to do. Paying for day trips or excursions is not advisable as you might need to work around the baby’s schedule of feeding and naps.

Family Destinations

As discussed already, try and plan trips to family destinations which is equipped for the little travelers. A nature resort or a beach destination or a kid-friendly hotel are always recommended as the main idea here is to laze around and enjoy your time with the kids.

Any crowded place or a place where there is too much to do will be difficult to manage. Also, when planning the sightseeing trips, try and ensure the places have ramps or lifts for the stroller. Else you will end up carrying the baby and the stroller.

There are many hotels today, which are kids friendly and have special meals and cribs and baby seats for them. While booking the hotel do check for such amenities as this makes the trip fun for the little one. After all, they are on holiday too.

traveling with a baby

Food and Drinks

Be well stocked with food, milk and drinks for the baby. Babies tend to ask for more water on flights as they feel dehydrated or they can be picky eaters on trips. Depending on how old the baby is, carry enough food.

For children who are less than six months and are breastfeeding, there is no hassle at all. For the formula-fed, carry enough formula and never depend on buying it at the destination. For older kids who have started solids carry cheese, finger foods, ready to eat meals or some other thing which you think the baby likes.

I never gave my daughter packaged food when we were home, but these come in handy when we travel. As soon as she was one, we did carry cerelac for an emergency but she ate whatever we managed to get in the hotel. Most of the hotels will take your special request and prepare something simple for the baby.

Plan your travel

When planning your flights or time of road travel, choose options where there are chances of the baby to sleep. This helps them and you travel in peace. Kids will not always do what you want them to, but choosing the options keeping their schedule in mind makes it easier.

Babies usually tend to sleep in the car seat, so plan a few stops depending on when they get up and do not force them to wake them up as they might become cranky then. This is a lesson we learned on our first road trip and this tip has always come in handy.

Selective Focus Photography of a Baby Looking Through The Window

Pack Carefully when Traveling with a Baby

Packing is a tricky affair when you travel with a baby. The diaper bag must be well-stocked and you must carry everything spare in the suitcase as well. Pack a few books and toys to keep them entertained. Depending on the age of the baby and their likes and dislikes, do carry a few things to keep them busy or distract them.

I try and carry a new book or toy when we do a long trip as this surprises her and keeps her busy. Also, never leave your packing for the last minute. Make a list and pack well in advance to avoid leaving something necessary.

Packing Checklist

Traveling with Baby Checklist

I will list a few essential things you must pack and must be part of your traveling with baby checklist.

Things to Pack in a Diaper Bag

Diaper Bags are a very important part of any outing until the baby is toilet trained. Diaper bags do not need to be boring. Check our list of 5 Best Diaper Bags for Stylish Moms in India.


Carry extra diapers than what you expect you will need. Emergencies rarely come announced and with babies, it’s a big NO.


Wipes are not only needed for nappy changes but also come in handy for cleaning hands and face. But one of the Best Sensitive Wipes for Your Baby and travel in ease.

Bags for Diapers

Carry these to easily throw away soiled diapers.

Hand Sanitizer

This comes in handy to clean hands after diaper changes and also to feed the baby on the go. If the baby is in the crawling stage, they touch all sorts of things and a sanitizer makes life easy.

Do you want to know which are the 6 Best Alcohol Free Sanitizers in India?

Changing Mat

You might not get a clean surface to clean the baby so the changing mat is essential.

Diaper Rash Cream

Don’t let the baby get upset with a rash so always carry one. In fact, if you feel there might be delays in diaper changes, apply a mild one to avoid a rash. Choose a natural diaper rash cream for daily use and ensure the baby stays happy.


Carry both disposable and regular bibs to avoid messy clothes while eating.


Carry the baby’s bottles and essential utensils to feed them on the go. I always carried a travel sterilizer or microwave bags. There are other options available also like sterilizing tablets.

Change of clothes

Always carry clothes to change in times of an emergency.

Things to Pack in the Suitcase


Carry everything you have packed in the diaper bag for the entire trip. This also helps if something happens to the diaper bag.


Carry on an average two change of clothes per day and a few extra. Never underestimate the clothes you will need.

Weather Related

Pack essentials depending on the weather. With babies, it is always safe to carry a light jacket and full sleeve clothes even if you feel it will be hot.

Night Suits

In the first two years, I always carried one per day and one or two extras and I have never had a problem.


Make a small bag with essential toiletries so that the baby is clean and comfortable. I love the travel kit by Mamaearth and Mom and Co.

Swimming Gear

Carry a swimsuit and swim diapers to enjoy the pool time with your brat.


Carry common medicines for the baby like for fever, cold and diarrhea. Also carry a thermometer and basic first aid kit.

Other Items

Collapsible Pram/Stroller

This is very important to let the baby relax and move around.

Travel Sterilizer for Bottles

Miss A was always on bottle feed so this was a must have thing for us. However, parents can decide depending on their requirement.

Boy Wearing Green Polo Shirt

Keep Traveling with a baby

Traveling is an experience and a wonderful way of learning for the children and in my opinion, we should not deprive them of this. As parents, we only have a few years to travel and enjoy with them. Before you realize they will grow up and would want to holiday with friends and their partners. Traveling with a baby is not tough and all it needs is a mind set to enjoy. Go ahead, plan a trip and create memories.

“The Greatest Legacy We Can leave Our Children is Happy Memories”

Related Posts to Traveling with a Baby

1.      Top 5 Benefits of Spending Quality Time with Kids and you will realize why travel with baby is important.

2.      Why I Love to Travel with My Family

3.      Tips to Travel While Breastfeeding



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