Parents Need to Understand That Every Child is Unique

Every Child is Unique

As parents, we know it every child is unique, but we all compare. It is natural for parents to see another child and start comparing them to theirs. I often feel when no two siblings or twins are the same, who are born from the same genetics, how we can expect two kids from different parents to be the same. And this comparison tamasha starts as soon as the child is born. Do you know what the first thing that is often compared is? The weight at birth. And it just starts from there.

Every child is unique. They have different personalities, their strengths and weaknesses are not the same and they develop at different rates. I am a mother to a preemie so for me, the comparison game started as soon as Little Miss A was born. I was warned to not compare her milestones because they will be delayed and others always compared.

Comparison in the COVID-19 Times

Why I chose this topic for my post is that these days I often see so many parents being under so much pressure especially in the present times when we all are locked in the houses. Many mothers put these amazing videos and perfect pictures of doing activities with their child and the child sitting nicely in a corner playing. You feel jealous and worried about where I am going wrong or what a worthless mother I am.

You do not know what goes behind the shooting for such pictures and videos. Please remember, especially on Instagram, there are many influencers and it is a part of their work. And again, every child is unique, so what their child is enjoying yours might not. There are people posting pictures of perfect looking dishes and kids doing experiments and loads of activities. Do not think you do nothing, you are spending quality time in your way and that is what the child will remember. It might be a good day for them today but it will be one for you tomorrow.    

They Have Their Own Pace

It does not matter what was their weight at birth was or when they started talking. They all are different and will grow at their own pace. Each child has their growth spurts and then they all go through these phases where they do not achieve milestones. It is normal for your child to do things at their pace and that is why we say every child is unique. Not all kids can be good at everything, and instead of comparing and forcing them, we need to give them options and help them find their strengths.

Trust Yourself

Do not start running in the rat race. Have you seen the web series on Zee 5, Mentalhood? It shows how mothers just run in a race and want their kids to be the best in everything. In the bargain, there is a lot to lose. To know how comparison affects a child, read our post, Positive Parenting Tips for Child Development. The issue is we set high standards of parenting for ourselves and in order to meet those, we start putting pressure on the child by comparing them. The needs of your child are different from the others, and thus, you might need to parent them in a different way. Parents especially are often judged and this is stressful for parents but we cannot pass this stress to our little flowers who are just blooming. You all are perfect mothers, trust yourself, and stay confident.

We All Are In This Together    

Though each parent thinks they are alone in their parenting journey but it is not the case. Every child is unique but when you share your problems and concerns, you will find someone in the same boat as you. My experience says when you Google any problem of your child you will find someone or some content about your problem. The groups on social media are also a boon, but you must be careful as there will be a lot of negative people there as well.

5 Quotes on Every Child is Unique

Every time you feel you are coming under pressure and start comparing them, you need to calmly sit and see your child and you will know like any other, your kid is different and you know how to handle them. I love these quotes and they often help me in trying to see things from a different perspective.

“Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, make this world a beautiful garden.

“Don’t compare your child to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.”

“Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding.”

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”     

“Stop comparing children. Always remember a ship can sail and a plane can fly. If you want the opposite to happen, they’ll stay useless for the rest of their lives.”


Comparing your child and pressurizing him can be detrimental to his growth. Yes, as parents, sometimes we need to push them to bring the best out in them but like many other things, this is a balancing act as well. If you feel the child is being forced into something like a sport or an activity, you might need to stop pushing them. Sometimes kids are generally disinterested in things, so we need to help them find something they love by maybe giving a choice. I know this all sounds like a perfect scenario and parenting is not like that. As I said earlier, only you know how to handle your child, but remember every child is unique and so are you and you both make a beautiful and perfect team.


  1. I am so glad arushi you had written on this topic, this is the thing that so close to my heart and I strongly believe that each child is unique and as a parent we should avoid unnecessary comparison. loved all the quotes, all and all an amazing post.

  2. Rightly said! Every child is unique. It is us, the adults who forget that and tend to compare one child to another. So what if someone is good in sports, your child could be good in studies instead. This was a much needed post

  3. Bang On Subject you have come with Arushi, Can’t agree more on that comparison kills, it makes me so furious sometimes when I see how many parents are becoming the victim of the blind rat race and damaging the quality and personality of their own kids, by ignoring their real skills. I have also picked this topic for my children’s day post.

  4. I understand the reality of every child being unique everyday of my life when I see my own two kids being so different from each other. May be not in their value system so much, but in their way of dealing with situations and their preferences, likes and dislikes. If two kids of one mother could be so different and not comparable, the world definitely has a lot of variety around. We got to be open minded.

  5. I second this thought Arushi. Every child is unique and talented in their own way. How can we compare two different souls? My both kids are slightly different from each other, I know this and accept that fact and try to focus on their unique area of interest.

  6. What a cute photo of Miss A. Although we know that it isn’t right to compare, we may end up doing it subconsciously. Every person is unique, and every child needs all the support they can get from their parents. Great post, this needs to be read by all parents. 🙂

  7. This is so very true Arushi! Knowingly or unknowingly, we often end up comparing children with their siblings, cousins, friends, or even with someone we don’t even know. It is good to accept that every child is unique and respect them equally! I second your every word written here. Very insightful post!

  8. Aww, little miss A my dear Adya is looking like a princess, an angel here. Arushi are these quotes yours? Every child is unique. They have different personalities, their strengths and weaknesses are not the same and they develop at different rates. I love the concept.

  9. Loved loved loved this post. We should never compare our child with anyone as each child is unique. I can visibly see the difference between my daughters as well. If we let them be, don’t pressurize them they blossom well.

  10. Completely agree, Every child is unique and this engraved in my mind in the year 2007 when Taare Zameen par movie had come & I was also carrying my first baby. I made it a point to let my baby decide and I will just guide. Miss A looks awesome and full of confidence.

  11. I am so glad you talked about it Arushi. It is so true that each child is unique and each child is special. Every child has some unique quality . The other day a friend of mine called up and she actually broke down because she saw some kids on social media doing activities which her daughter wasn’t able to do! I talekd to her for a long time and explained to her that what she sees on the internet is not always true m what she sees is only 1/10th of that child’s whole day. Each child goes through tantrums and meltdowns which are not shown on the internet. I told her to stop being so hard in her 3 year old daughter and let her bloom into a special individual. This is one example this there will be so many.. it’s sad but true, parents do compare their child to others… I loved all the quotes which you shared ❤️

  12. Loved the quotes! It’s high time the world realised that every child has their own unique abilities which need to be addressed separately. A much-needed post!

  13. Such a beautiful and soulful post buddy and the biggest lesson to each parent. I was a very young mom dear and I had learned this after a lot of experience.


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