How to Prevent Monsoon Diseases In Kids?

Prevent Monsoon Diseases

While the summers allow for lots of water time and lesser restrictions on ice creams; the scorching heat is undoubtedly very uncomfortable for kids. The first rain of the monsoon season brings with it a cool breeze which makes the atmosphere pleasant. But, monsoon also brings with it a big baggage of monsoon diseases and illnesses

Until last year, Little Miss A was not a happy child getting wet in the rain, though she would really enjoy seeing it. This year she experienced her first rain in Dehradun while visiting my parents, and I noticed she was enjoying it. I guess it is the influence of Peppa Pig and the muddy puddles. She enjoyed playing in the rain and these are the things children must enjoy. 

In the present times when there is a common problem of keeping them away from the screen, we as parents must let them enjoy nature and outdoor activities. Playing in the rain does make them dirty and warrants extra care for their hair and body.

Rain brings a lot of infections and thus, it is needed to take extra care of them. Let us first talk of the common monsoon diseases and ways of preventing them.

Common Monsoon Diseases and Their Prevention

Every season comes with some seasonal diseases and monsoons are no different. When compared to other seasons, children are more susceptible to catching infections in monsoons and thus, knowing about the common monsoon diseases is a must.

Common Cold

Monsoons can get nasty with fluctuations in temperature with a sudden fall of temperature with a heavy rain followed by a damp and humid warm temperature. These fluctuations welcome common cold. Nose blockage, body aches and running nose accompanied with coughing is a common illness during monsoons.

To fight and avoid common cold start with building a good immunity for your child by including a lot of fresh citrus fruits in the diet, supplements of vitamin E and C also help. Check the 10 Best Immunity Boosting Foods for Kids to make meal planning easier.

Ensure that you wash the fruits and vegetables every time you consume them to avoid any contamination. Avoid cut fruits brought from the shop and stick to homemade food with a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables.

Also, it is common for your child to be soaked in the rain and catch cold. Avoid damp clothes on them for long and maintain a proper hygiene of cleaning them after each outdoor visit.

Monsoon diseases

Malaria and Dengue

Damp areas and stagnant waters are the breeding grounds for mosquitos. And rainy days are the time of mosquitos multiplying. This increases the chances of monsoon diseases like malaria and dengue.

Use an effective mosquito repellent on your child generously before he steps out of the house. If you do not know which one to buy, check our list of Best Mosquito Repellants for Kids. Ensure that you allow no stagnation of water in and around the house and drain your coolers as this is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Typhoid and Diarrhea

Typhoid and diarrhea are the most common monsoon diseases. As these are mainly water borne diseases, you need to be extra careful with outside food and drinking water.

Ensure you carry food when stepping out, and stick to fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid buying cut vegetables and fruits. Prefer home cooked food to avoid any contamination of the food from unclean water. Also proper hydration is a must, so kids must have water and liquids regularly to stay safe from monsoon diseases.

Stomach Infection

Monsoon means playing in the rain and enjoying the outdoors and thus, there is an invitation of stomach infection. Unwashed hands after an outdoor activity or dirt accumulated in the nails pass along with the food leading to stomach infection.

Ensure you clip your child’s nails regularly and drop a hand sanitiser in the bag whenever she steps out. Make it a habit of washing the hands with a handwash every time they eat. Read the post on Best Nail Clippers for Baby in India.

Maintain a good hygiene at home. Rain water splashes in the house accumulate dirt and help various bacteria to grow. Ensure the house and the vessels you eat in, are clean. A personal hygiene and of the surroundings in very crucial specially during the monsoons.


It is quite common to develop rashes from damp clothes and footwear during the monsoons. These rashes when go unchecked can lead to redness of the area and several skin diseases.

Ensure that your child steps out with proper clothing. Make use of the gumboots and let them carry an umbrella or a raincoat with them while going to school or at the outdoor activity. Do not repeat damp socks or clothes if any.

Also avoid too much walking in the water, especially when not wearing the gumboots. You can also give your child a warm water bath every time she gets drenched in the rain or a thorough cleaning with warm water every time they step inside the house.

Also try and use a good antibacterial soap or liquid in the bath water and use dry towels to prevent the bacteria breeding on them. If your child has developed rashes, use home remedies for skin rashes to provide them relief else visit a doctor if it is not controlled.

Precautions to be taken during rainy season

Precautions to be taken during rainy season

Apart from the above monsoon diseases, kids tend to suffer from skin and hair problems. The following are some skin and hair care tips using basic precautions to be taken during rainy season which will keep them healthy and also reduce your stress when they play in the rain.

Clean Them Properly

The monsoon season comes with high levels of humidity and the moisture in the air increases viral and bacterial infections. As soon as the kids come home after playing in the rains, they have to be cleaned properly to ensure they do not carry any infections.

Care must be taken that the kids do not get wet in the first showers of the monsoon season because there is mild acid present in the water then.

When the children get wet in rains, the body temperature drops and they become more prone to catching infections and diseases. The child must be given a bath with lukewarm water as this is helpful in reducing monsoon diseases and cold and cough etc.

Both cold and hot water is not good for the skin of the kids especially the latter as it makes the skin dry.  A mild body cleansing soap free of chemicals is good for the skin of the child. Special attention needs to be given to the folds of the skin as these areas are more prone to fungal infections.

You can also read our list of Recommended Baby Soaps to know more about the best baby soaps.

Healthy Scalp

The monsoons ruin hair of adults and it is no different for kids. The weather becomes sultry and the sweat and the humidity tend to clog the pores of the scalp which causes irritation. Hair must be oiled weekly and a good mild shampoo must be used twice a week at least to keep the scalp and hair free from monsoon diseases.

Also read about the Best Baby Shampoo in India.

Keep Them Well Moisturized

After getting wet in the rain and having a bath, the skin loses its moisture which makes the skin dry and more prone to infections. A good baby skin moisturizer with natural oils and ingredients must be used daily to keep the skin hydrated. A nice oil massage, once a week, is also a good idea as this ensures proper blood circulation and also helps the skin retain its moisture.

Keep the Moisture Away from the House

There is a dampness in the house during rains and this is more in the wardrobes. The clothes of a child must be kept dry and proper care must be taken before they wear them. Damp clothes can carry infections and cause skin rashes.

During monsoons, it is advisable if an antiseptic is used to wash clothes and all clothes of the children should be ironed properly to ensure they are completely dry and monsoon disease free. Light clothes are always good and the children should ideally be dressed in layers.

The house must also be kept clean and dry as this reduces the occurrence of insects. Damp walls also have a problem of fungus and molds and thus, extra precautions to be taken during rainy season to keep them clean. It is also worthwhile to use antiseptic liquids to clean the house to keep any kind of infections and diseases away.

Clean Hands and Nails

It is natural for kids to touch everything they see without realizing it is dirty and might carry infections. Hands must be cleaned at regular intervals using mild soap and water. A hand sanitizer is a good idea when outside the house, but it must not be used frequently due to the alcohol content. On the other hand, you can buy one of the best Alcohol Free Hand Sanitizers for frequent use.

Apart from the hands, proper attention is needed to keep the nails of the baby well-trimmed. Any dirt in the nails can lead to skin infections and also, they can be a carrier of monsoon diseases. There is a high chance of children getting fungal infections around the nails thus, these must be kept clean.

To read more, click here:

Personal Hygiene

For kids in diapers, extra care must be taken. As the kids grow, we tend to reduce the number of diaper changes. However, in the monsoon, as the children sweat a lot, the diaper must be changed regularly and the area must be kept dry.

The folds of the skin have to be cleaned extra carefully. If possible, the kids must be left without diapers for some time during the day. For children who are toilet trained, care must be taken to clean the private areas carefully with mild soap and pat dry to ensure no moisture or dirt is trapped in the folds.

Take Care of the Diet

A healthy diet is the best way to keep monsoon diseases away and also build immunity. The diet must comprise of dairy, fruits, vegetables, nuts and home cooked fresh food. The children must have a nutritious and well-balanced diet to avoid skin rashes and other monsoon diseases.

Also, the children must keep having liquids to keep themselves well hydrated to flush the toxins out of the body. Natural drinks and water should be the preferred choice in the monsoons. The humidity levels make the digestive system weak and can cause infections, thus, simple and healthy home cooked food should be preferred.

Monsoon is a season to enjoy keeping in mind some simple monsoon health tips for kids to keep them healthy, the mothers can also reduce stress levels and let the children be. Precautions to be taken during rainy season for kids is not tough, just a little extra care is needed. After all, “Rain is not only drops of water, it is the love of sky for Earth, they never meet each other, but sends love this way.” Enjoy and let the children enjoy the love of nature.

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  1. Clean water, healthy diet and good personal hygiene is really important to keep kids safe in monsoon and upu have pointed it out pretty well. Great post and thank you for being a part of our Celebrations. 🙂

  2. Wow these are the very good and essential tips.

    As the say monsoon is the season of diseases

    But we can cure our kids by taking such small smaal precautions.

    Overall and nice qnd informative post.

  3. What a fresh start of this BlogTrain. Yes, Monsoon is the time to have loads of fun but if some precautions and the pointers that you have mentioned are kept in mind then it can become even more enjoyable.
    #BirthdayBlogTrain #GWNxTNM

  4. Lovely post, I completely agree that kids should enjoy rains too and as mothers adding just that needed precaution can help kids have fun in rain. Rains are gift of nature one must keep connect with nature always.

  5. We all know that rains bring a lot of cheer & kids just love it. But no matter how much fun they are, a lot of diseases come along. And, it becomes more important to take care of our kids. You have mentioned some valid precautions that if taken properly, can prevent our kids from getting sick. Great post, Arushi!

  6. Very nice tips to take into account when you allow your kid to play in the rains. Kids should be encouraged to play outside and ditch the gadgets for their better health. #BirthdayBlogTrain #GWNxTNM

  7. Such an informative post aarushi, you had convered all points with proper details . I m sure this info will help a lot to parents keep their kids healthy and safe during mansoon

  8. These are some great monsoon tips.. If kods follow personal hygiene monsoon ritual, half the battle is won.. Thanks for sharing such an informative post

  9. Rain brings back life after scorching heat. We all love the cool breeze and the newness. But the change in weather do have hidden dangers which can be prevented with proper protection. You covered all those tips for the monsoon. It is a helpful post indeed.

  10. In hills rains bring the temperature pretty down. We surely need to take special care as the kids want to enjoy in the rain . You have given useful tips Arushi. Good article.

  11. We have gone from intense heat to intense humidity here in Mumbai. It is important to change the child’s diet and personal care routine to keep up with the changing weather. Thanks for your tips on this

  12. You have hit the right notes in all the points. I especially liked the one about ironing kids clothes to keep them dampness free. I did not do this but think will start now

    • Thanks. Monsoons though are beuatiful bu they come with the infections as you say. Some basic precautions can keep the kids healthy and let us all enjoy it. 🙂

  13. That’s quite a list.. I loved how detailed your post is. My daughter is well past the age of the toddler so I can follow only one thing that is food that she eats.

  14. Some really good points to keep in mind in rainy season especially when there is a kiddo at the house. Sometimes we tend to ignore these basic precautions while enjoying the cool breeze and the splatters. Thanks for the reminder!!!

  15. Ask me how I keep my boy bug free in rain. He loves to get drentched. You can’t stop him from jumping to any puddle and yes all credit to Peppa big. I literally use a bigger bottle of Dettole to keep my house and his clothes germ free. Plus I stress on hand washing so much. With a little extra care, I let him enjoy his fav season.

  16. These are such helpful points. I use lots of Dettole and Betadine to keep my son away from monsoon bugs. Also, if I see he is itching a lots, which is also very common issue during monsoon, I used an anti fangal talc. It helps. Monsoon is a beautiful time but it also brings many bugs that we need to take care of properly.


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