Why is It Important to Burp Your Baby?

Burp your baby

For a first-time mother, there are many new things which she hears of and learns. This journey comes with its own twists and tales, but no manual. As a first-time mom, there were many things which I started doing because I was told they had to be done. The first thing I remember was breastfeeding. I barely saved myself from going into depression. Very soon I realized that though everyone meant well, this journey was my baby’s and mine and we will do it our way. This is when I read a lot and ultimately adopted a parenting approach which suited me and my baby.

There were many useful things I had learned in my birthing classes. One such thing was how important it was to burp your baby and all about colic in babies. Colic can be really bad and when you see that few weeks old howling and not able to explain the problem, your heart breaks. In this post, let us talk about burping and its importance for your baby.

baby burping

What is a Burp

Burping is the release of bubbles from the esophagus through the mouth. Hence it is as important to burp your baby, as it is important to feed the baby. A new born child cannot even sit and spends more time lying down, it becomes essential to burp the baby.

Why Do Babies Need to Burp?

A new born baby needs a lot of care and attention as there are many things, they are incapable of doing. Burping is one of them and it is good for the digestion of the baby.

Some of the common challenges faces while the baby takes feed are: –

Swallows Air

When the baby drinks milk especially from a bottle, they tend to swallow a lot of air. This air goes into the stomach and troubles them, making it very uncomfortable for them. To release this air, it is important to burp the baby.


When the food is digested in the large intestine, it forms gas. Again, this gas can be uncomfortable for the baby and he needs to burp.

When should the baby burp?

How much a baby needs to be burped varies from one baby to the other. Breastfed kids tend to burp less as they swallow less air as compared to formula fed babies. When the baby starts pulling away while feeding, it is a sign that the baby needs to burp.

It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that the baby is fed during breaks he takes while feeding and after he finishes the feed. Breastfeeding moms should try and burp the baby when they change breasts. For children up to 6 months and who are on formula feed, they should be burped after every 2-3 ounces of milk they consume. Different methods of burping work for parents and babies so each parent needs to find the one that suits them the most.

baby Burp

Know the Right Positions for burping

A baby can be made to burp in three ways. The difference in the position is based on the way the baby is held. Once the baby is in the position, the baby should be pat on his back for about a minute. The neck and the head of the baby should be supported and the baby should be pat gently. If the baby does not burp, a break can be given or the position can be changed too. A burping cloth must be used every time in order to avoid wet burps or spit ups.

The various positions to burp your baby are: –

  1. The most common and easiest way is to make the baby’s chin rest on the shoulder. Some people find it easier to do this on the belly, but care must be taken that baby is able to breathe properly. The baby must be held with proper support with one hand and patted with the other one on his back.
  2. Another way is to make the baby sit with support on the lap and made to burp. This usually gets tough with new born babies.
  3. Some people also prefer to make the baby burp while lying down. The baby needs to be lying across the knees, in a position which is perpendicular to the body. The baby’s head should be higher than his chest to avoid blood flow to his head, and can be made to burp while patting his back.

Causes for colic in babies

There are many babies who cry daily or very often due to colic. There are some main reasons which cause the colic in the baby, which must be looked at and changed to try and make the baby comfortable.

The Diet of the Mom

All the mothers who are breastfeeding the baby must be careful with what they eat. There can be something in the diet of the mom, if the baby cried often. Dairy can be a big cause of gas in babies. Trying to change the diet is always a good idea.

Formulae milk

The most common way to make formula is to put the right amount in water and shake and feed the baby. While shaking, a lot of air gets added to the bottle and this is swallowed by the baby which can cause gas. The formula must be kept for a few minutes so that it settles before it is fed to the baby.

You may want to read this post to know more about this: Fed is Best: Best Baby Formula in India

Right Nipple Size

The feeding bottles come with nipples with different flow levels. The right nipple flow must be used depending on the age of the baby. Using a bigger size will make the baby gulp in more milk and also swallow more air. To limit the air swallowed, an age appropriate size of the nipple must be used.

Feeding Bottles

There are special bottles designed to prevent colic. These have a special shape and are better angled to feed the baby and reduce the chances of getting colic. If the baby is getting too much gas, trying a new bottle can help.

You may want to read this post to know more about this: Best 8 Feeding Bottles for Your Baby in India

Burping Your Baby

When to stop burping your baby?

Each child is different and there is no fixed age for doing anything for a baby. As the baby grows, his digestive system becomes stronger and he needs to burp less. This change is usually seen in kids between the age of 4 and 6 months or after the baby starts eating solids. Till the baby is on breastfeed or formula, the baby can be burped. Again, each child is different and you can see the need to burp the baby depending on how gassy he is.

Burping a child is a necessity and a practice which should not be ignored. A baby who is comfortable will eat and sleep well and thus, grow well. A cranky baby makes one helpless and colic is one of the main reasons why babies cry. Apart from burping there are some very useful natural ayurvedic remedies for relief from colic.

Few other articles that you can hop on to know more taking care your new born and what you need to know a first-time mom are: –

Tips to Care For A New Born Baby

Things You Need to Know as A New Mother



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