Top 5 Benefits of Spending Quality Time with Kids

quality time with kids

For all parents, spending quality time with kids has been the best part of the present situation of COVID 19. The unprecedented situation has not been easy for anyone but the ability to be spending time with the family has made things bearable. Little Miss A is enjoying seeing her father at home and in fact, today she was telling him, “Papa I will miss you when you go to the office. Do not go till the big bad corona virus goes away”.

When she said that I was thinking that in the daily hectic routine of life, are we all working like machines and ignoring the child’s need to spend quality time with them. This is a basic thing we all as parents must give to our children.

I remember when I was growing up, it was just the three of us at home. It was a ritual and it still is, that when my dad came back from work we all sat down together and told about our day. This has been a big factor in my strengthening the bond with my parents and the ability to talk to them about what I feel.

(Read my post, Lessons for Life My Dad Taught Me)

What is Quality Time with Kids?

That time of the day or the week when you can give undivided attention to your child for some time is the quality time with kids. This time is not watching TV but talking and playing with them. During this time, we should not check our phones and messages and emails. This cannot be the time we are enjoying a drink with the family. This has to be the time when you do what the child wants and talk and listen to them. Eating a meal together is the simplest form of quality time.

The Benefits of Quality Time with Kids

Quality time with kids, in the long run, has a lot of advantages for the child and your relationship with your child. Though psychologists give many reasons, I will list a few I have experienced.

Makes the Child Feel Valued

When parents spend quality time with kids it is therapeutic for the parents and it has a lot of developmental benefits for the child. The most important is that it increases the self-worth of the child because they feel they are important to their parents.

It is human behavior to feel good when you are valued. Kids are the same and when they get attention and time from the parent, they feel happy. Playing or talking to kids daily or even a few times a week is far more beneficial than taking a luxury holiday with them annually.

Strengthens the Bond with Family

There is no explanation needed on this one. When parents can give time to kids without involving their phones and any other distractions, the emotional bond that develops is amazing. When a family can sit and eat or play or talk together, there is a better and stronger relationship and also is good for the emotional quotient of the child.

 Improves Communication

A large part of the quality time involves the child interacting with the parent. Even when you play a board game or go playing outdoors, there is communication. This sets the stage for the child to be able to openly communicate with the parents and they are in a comfortable zone to discuss anything under the sun as they grow up.

One of the simplest and the best way to bond with your child is to discuss with them about their day at the end of the day. In this way, the parents and the child feel connected and the child feels his day is important to the parent.

Helps Parents Become Friends with parents

Continuing on the above point, when parents spend quality time with their kids, they open communication channels with them and also strengthen their bond. This helps them to build a friendship with them over some time.

Little Miss A calls me her best friend and her father is her best buddy. I also have the same relationship with my parents and this is because of the time we spent as a family when I was growing up. My parents can freely talk to me about anything and vice versa and it is really important for any parent-child relationship.

Positive Behavior

When you spend quality time with your kids, they understand at a young age about basic interaction with others as well. This is because your kids always do what you do. They are like sponges who absorb everything.

Studies show that as these kids grow up they are more stable and mature and less likely to develop negative behavior and bad habits. Kids who interact with parents often, share about their school and the work, and with the help, they are known to do well academically as well.

Read my post, Positive Parenting Tips for Child Development to know how positivity in parenting helps a child grow.



A parent needs to spend quality time with kids. In today’s fast-paced life where the daily routine is so hectic that parents cannot give enough time, spending a few minutes daily or some time on the weekend is a great idea. A daily connect while eating or reading a story at bedtime or just asking about the day, takes less time and has great advantages.

Of course, these are basic things in the first few years of parenting where kids do not have many hobbies too. As they grow up, parents can easily find the common likes and spend some time every week. The quality of time is important here and not the quantity. Each parent has to see their schedule and convenience and find some time. Your time is the best gift you can give to your child.

“Kids don’t need things. Kids need parents who spend time with them”


  1. Spending time as a family with my son has been the biggest blessing of this entire situation. Such a lovely article!

  2. “Makes the kids valued”..these words stole my heart. Spending time with kids make them feel happy and and also make them realize that mamma-papa like spending time with me..

  3. Very True Arushi, well-picked pointers, kids are going to preserve the memories of parent’s quality time rather than the count of money, you know we have a must follow activity at my home before bedtime, 30minutes of reading and one more where everyone must share any 2 positive or happy going points and 1 disappointment one has received after spending the whole day it could be related to inside home or outside the home, just share appreciate and work on negative points, it may sound filmy but we as a family feel contented by this activity.

  4. I completely agree with arushi, that with busy schedule we often forget that importance of spending quality time with our kids. yes..spending quality time is great for kids and helps in strengthening the family bond. I always try to plan some different activities for my girls to spend some quality time with the, with this, we always had loads of fun and learning too.

  5. This is a unique way of looking at the pandemic. Indeed we get to spend more time with kids and also, it is essential to understand that like us, it isn’t easy for them to stay indoors for such a stretch. So, we need to help them cope with this changed circumstances.

  6. Such a great post Arushi! The quality time we spend our kids affects them in the long term. It’s about quality not quantity.
    My kiddo is happy to have his papa home all day. when this is over he is going to be one unhappy kid.

  7. One of the gifts of the Corona virus! Very true indeed. Let’s cherish and do the best we can in these times. Spending quality time with children is very necessary. Very well written Arushi!

  8. Growing up, I have shared my daily news so much with my parents that even today I find myself telling them everything when conversing with them. In this quarantine time, we end up spending a lot of time talking during meals. Spending quality time with the family is extremely important to keep strong relations. And so true that kids never outgrow time and love. Nice read.

  9. Quality time is the most and foremost important thing for kids. As parents, that’s the best gift we can give.
    Just for this reason, I decided to be a SAHM and I enjoy dropping and picking my kids, playing with them, eating and studying with them a lot. Lovely post with apt pointers.

  10. Such an honest post buddy, your daughter is such a sweetheart and I can understand her emotions so well. I am sure many more kids are feeling that way and so are parents. My friends you a working couple are feeling so blessed to spend time with their 3 years old who always stayed in a daycare

  11. Quality time is the most important time we as parents can give to our kids in these times.
    That was the reason I decided to be a SAHM coz I wanted to pick and drop my kids from school, form classes, I wanted to play with them and run/ race with them too. All points are so apt and in my case, more as right now, I have to share their dad’s time too with them.

    • Yes most moms leave jobs because of this reason but i would say its not possible for all to take the step. However, that should not mean parents do not give time to kids as this is essential. Thanks for reading 🙂

  12. Spending quality time is very essential it helps in the holistic development of a child. By doing this child is comfortable in sharing his worries and anxieties with parents and it saves them from so many unwanted things in life.

  13. Thanks for the darker font Arushi 🙂
    Quality and quantity are important for the child I feel. Toddlers and kids find solace and strength in the presence of a parent or as a grandparent i am sharing, Arian swears he is not going back without me.


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