New Moms, Do Not Forget Yourself

new mom

Becoming a mother is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and life changing experiences for a woman. It is said, when a child is born, a mother is born too. The nine months of pregnancy bring about a lot of changes, both mentally and physically.  How much you prepare yourself for this new journey, it is not an easy one.

Once the baby comes, the focus shifts from you to the baby. You were probably the most pampered person during your pregnancy and now someone very tiny becomes everyone’s center of attention. I am not complaining in any way, but just stating a fact all moms should be prepared for. It does not matter if you had a normal delivery or a c section; post delivery time is not an easy one.

new mom quote

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While taking care of the babies, mothers tend to forget themselves and this is something that must be avoided. Dealing with the emotional, physical and mental challenges needs a lot of effort. The first month for me was the toughest as I was not mentally ready for the baby as my due date was 6 weeks later and also the pain in the cut and taking care of a premature baby and the challenges of breastfeeding, all took a toll on me. Thank God, my mom was there during this time, and she organized everything to make life easy for me. This is the time when each girl realizes how important it is to have your mother next to you during this phase.

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Traditionally a 40-day confinement period is recommended and from my personal experience I will say it is important and helpful. Last year, when Kareena Kapoor Khan was seen leading a normal life, there was a huge debate on this. My opinion on this is, each mother to her own and do not compare yourself to a celebrity ever as they have the help you cannot imagine to have and life for them is very different from ours.

The confinement period is recommended for a reason and which is to protect both the baby and the mother from any kind of infection. Pollution and weather conditions in our country make it more important than any foreign country. The basis idea to protect the new mother is to keep her free from any stress so that she is there for the person who needs her the most. Some restrictions can be put by the doctor depending on the kind of delivery too.

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Taking care of your diet is essential in the first 40 days. Many women like to shift to their mother’s place for this time and the main reason is they are pampered there. However, times have changed and fathers are more involved and thus, mothers like me like to stay with the husband and have their mother around for help. (It is difficult to manage without your super woman!!). I also feel a father has every right to experience every new moment of the child. After all, he also waited anxiously for his bundle of joy.

new mom quotes

Some things I learnt post pregnancy and which I can advise new moms are:

  • If you want to be there for your child, take care of yourself
  • A post pregnancy massage can do wonders, so find the time and indulge in one.
  • Drink lots of water. Some moms have ajwain water etc. and these all help too. The idea is to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Ask for help when you need it and do not try to be a perfect mother.
  • Eat healthy. When you eat the right food, your body recovers faster from all the post delivery physical changes. Never stay hungry and try and eat light and healthy food.
  • Do not leave drinking milk. You can add flavors if you want, but having two cups of milk really helps.
  • Keep the father involved as much as you can. They can be the best physical and mental support you want at this time.
  • Do nut rush to get back to normal life. Take care of your body and let it heal at its own pace. Do not forget the pregnancy takes a toll on your body, so give it time.
  • Find some time for yourself like reading a book, or reading things online or just spending time on Facebook. The main idea is to relax

New Moms

How the 40-day confinement period helps

There are some known benefits of this confinement period which helps the mother and the baby. Some of them are:

  • It boosts immunity
  • Increases milk supply
  • Gives relief to all the aches and pain
  • Helps you bond with the baby

The best way to enjoy your baby is to enjoy motherhood and do what your heart and body say. After delivery your body needs rest so do not deprive it. The night feedings and diaper changes anyway cause too much stress, so there is no point stressing the body further. Enjoy motherhood as “Ain’t no hood like motherhood.”


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