First Day of School: A Confused Mother

First Day of School

Since Little Miss A turned 2, one question everyone asked me was when was I sending her to school. I was in no hurry and was very clear not before she turns 2.5. A lot of people judged me and I am sure thought I was over protective. I always believed that these were the only years of her life where she could be free and do things the way she wanted to. Once she starts school, it will be an alarm waking her up always. I just wanted to let her be for some time and enjoy these stress-free years. And since I was at home with her, I did not feel the need to start play school. We travelled a lot with her in the last six months and that also, in my opinion, is a big learning for any child.

First Day of School

When she turned 2.5 it was evident, she needed to be with kids her age for some time and also it was getting a little tough to keep her occupied as she wanted constant entertainment. So, I decided that in January 2019 she will start play school. The first day seemed normal as I was with her or rather around her all day and I could see her settling into the new world.

a mom's though on first day of school

A Mixed Bag

I thought it would be a normal day and it will just pass. On the contrary, this was a very tough day for me and I guess for her too. The first day of school was a mixed bag of emotions for me.

Sad Mummy

Today, a part of me was sad. I am used to being with her all day. She knew the one person to go to for any problem was mummy. And today I was explaining to her that if you need anything go tell your teacher. Last 2.5 years have been about both of us discovering new things. I was the first one to see her doing anything new and now it would be someone else. I was the staple in her life since she came in to this world and now was the time to let go. Honestly, I felt like losing a part of myself. Thank god, it was only for 3 hours.

You Make Me Proud Baby

You Make Me Proud Baby

I was also very proud to see my little girl settling in to her new world effortlessly. I was proud she was growing up. I have tried my best to make her feel secure and protected, but also tried to make her independent and teach her the ways of the world. I could see my hard work was paying off. She was confident about the new environment and she was also sure that her parents will be with her when she needs them. I always wanted her to know and remember that mummy papa will always be there for you and it was showing today.

A Worried Mom

It would be wrong to say I was not worried. For the first time, it was a new person who would take care of her. She was used to the family only so far and this was totally new for her. There are many things I understand without her saying it, but it would be tough for a new person to know and maybe for her to explain. I was concerned about her safety and her happiness and if she would be taken care of. I had chosen the school carefully, and I knew she will be with people who would be with her when she needed them.

How much I prepared myself but there was a point in the day where I had tears. I did not know if it was my happiness or my apprehensions. I never spoke about this to anyone, but today I realized how any mom would feel when she lets go a part of her. Entering school is a milestone for a child, but also for the parents and all mothers should be ready to experience a wide range of emotions. The school will help your child discover themselves and thus, is important for them. Hold on mummies, it’s just a phase. When little Miss A came running to me at the end of the day, I forgot all that I went through as I was happy to have my baby and enjoy the rest of the day with her.


  1. […] Little Miss A has settled in school and we have started a new phase of life with her. As I wrote earlier, the first day was not easy for me at all. However, I am more comfortable and so is she. The first day of school is a big milestone for both parents and the child. New and big steps in your child’s life create new and big feelings for both the child and the parents. I spoke to some parents before we started school and after a few days of experiencing it, there are some tips I would like to write about, which might make it easier for others. (Read out post, First Day of School, A Confused Mother) […]


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