Things You Hear as a Mother of a Preemie

things you hear as a mother of a preemie

Giving birth is the most beautiful experience for a woman. That is the moment when the woman becomes a mother. Becoming a mother is a gift of god and how you become a mom does not matter. When your child is born before 37 weeks it is a premature or a preemie and things you hear as a mother of a preemie are weird and ridiculous.

A mother does not choose to bring the baby in the world when she knows he or she is not ready for it. Most of the times, the decision is not even in her hand. The decision is to ensure the safety of the baby and like other things a normal and a C-section delivery does not matter as well.

You should read the post, the Normal Vs C-Section Debate to see the pros and cons of both.

My Preemie and Me

When a woman gets pregnant her main aim in life is to ensure the best for her baby. She will do everything possible so that her child is healthy.

In my case, I had a smooth pregnancy and I was an over-cautious would be mother as I did not want anything to go wrong. I ate healthy food, did everything my doctor suggested, ate everything I was told to eat and exercised regularly once I got the permission to do so. I attended birthing classes to know how to handle labor pains and how to take care of my baby.

In spite of everything going right, at 34 weeks, the baby stopped moving and I had to have an emergency c section. This is the worst nightmare for parents. When in their heads they think they have 4-6 weeks before the baby will arrive, in a matter of few hours they have their baby.

Having gone through it, I know this is a very stressful time for a parent as they take time to come out of the shock and they have to part with the baby as he or she will need to be monitored in the NICU.

Weird and Funny Things You Hear as a Mother of a Preemie

In such stressful times, there are some unreasonable comments and things you hear as a mother of a preemie, which add to the stress you are going through. We all need to respect a mother and her situation.

No mother will voluntarily walk in a hospital at 34 weeks and say please get this thing out. Trust me, she will never do that. Not everyone means bad, but their insensitive comments to hurt the new parents. Out of my experience, here are some things which you must avoid talking about to a mother or father of a preemie.

You are Lucky

People often say that the mother was lucky as she did not have to go through the toughest part of her pregnancy, the last month and of course, the labor pains. People feel they are being supportive but this offends a new mother.

A mother will never risk her baby’s health to save herself from the pains and the hardships of the last month. If a mother is given a choice, she will carry the baby till the right time, even if that means more than the 40 weeks. A mother’s love is the purest form of selfless love and some of these ridiculous things you hear as a mother of a preemie are not warranted.

sleeping baby boy

Sleep till They Keep the Baby

A mother whose baby has been taken away as soon she gave birth to, can never get sleep. She is a worried mother. I remember the medicines and the anesthesia made me drowsy, but I got up several times at night and we both were up at 6 so that he could go and see the baby.

I remember I called all doctors to remove the catheter so that I could go and see and hold my princess. I had waited for her for so long and now that she was here, she was not with me. This was devastating. Sleep was the last thing on my mind, and little did I know, this would be the case for the next few months. But undoubtedly, this was one of the weirdest things you hear as a mother of a preemie.

For those who do not understand the feelings of a parent of a NICU baby, you should read the post, Baby in NICU is a Tough Phase.

Is Your Baby Normal

This is the worst fear of a parent of a preemie. When my doctor told me we had to go in for a c section, my only question to her will my baby be ok? She assured me that nothing will be wrong.

It is known that preterm babies are at a higher risk of developmental problems. Do not talk about this to a parent who for sure will always be stressed about this and cannot do anything except praying and hoping.

Premature baby care is important and crucial and no parent will ever compromise on this and these questions just add to the stress.

Miracles are often disguised as preemies

You are Hyper

Taking care of a new born is anyway a very difficult task, and premature baby care requires more effort. A premature baby should not be exposed to germs at all. The reason my doctor gave me was that their immunity system is not well developed yet and an infection can cause complications.

Our pediatrician said we need to be extra careful and keep her away from any possibility of an infection. Do not ask the parents to expose the baby to germs to make her stronger. Even if you feel they are being hyper, it is for a reason. Let them be.

That is a Big baby

A preemie baby is one who is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. This has nothing to do with the weight. It is a good thing if the baby has the right weight. There are far more complications involved if the baby is underweight. The parents are relieved about this and saying this will not be appreciated.

You are Not a Real mom

This is not one of the things you hear as a mother of a preemie but also as a mother who goes through a c section. Just because she did not bear pains does not make her less of a mother. She let the doctor cut layers and went through a tough recovery to ensure her baby was fine. How does this make her less of a mother or as they say not a β€˜real’ mom?

You should read the post, 10 C-Section Recovery Tips, to help you recover better and ignore what people have to say.

Breast is best

A mother after a c section has problems feeding and when the baby arrives early this becomes more difficult. Many times, mothers of NICU babies are able to breastfeed but sometimes, like me, they are not able to. Do not remind her about breast feeding and its importance. She knows it. But she also knows more than breast is best, fed is best. The baby’s health is more important rather than right or wrong.

If you have heard this or are going through this phase, read the post, The Pressure to Breastfeed.

Baby in incubator

This is Common in Your Country/Society

Women from a lower income bracket or women abroad are said to have normal deliveries because they work harder. Is it a mother’s fault she is where she is? As per statistics, one out 8 new born babies in the USA are preemie. So how is India different from there?

This is the worst thing you can say to a mother of a preemie. She is anyways very guilty of not able to keep her child for longer. The worst thing she hears is that it was her fault. All emergency c secs happen due to a medical reason and it in no way is the mother’s fault.

Your Child is Slow

A preemie baby till the age of 5 is known to do things as per the adjusted age and not their real age. This means what a full-term baby will do at 5 months they might do at 6 months, if they were born at 36 weeks. They all come to the same level gradually.

Telling a mother how her child is not reaching milestones as per the norms and is slow, is very rude. Each child anyway is known to be different and they all do things at their own pace. Never make a mom feel sad about her child. She is proud of her little one, and let her be. β€œTheir first step may have taken a little longer than others, but the journey to get there, made it that much more victorious”

things you hear as a mother of a preemie

Support a Preemie Mom

Apart from this, there are several other things you hear as a mother of a preemie. Many do not realize they are being insensitive but they also do not know what the parents are going through emotionally. Be in their place, and you will know their plight.

You should read, 8 Things You Should Say to Parents of a Preemie

If you cannot make them better, stay quiet. All they need is your love and support and your blessings for the health of their baby. And for the mothers, ignore what people say. Enjoy the moment. Remember, β€œBeing the parent of a preemie means you are extra special. After all, God does not pick anybody to witness a miracle”

Related Posts to Things You Hear as a Mother of a Preemie

  1. 10 Things to Know as a First Time Mom
  2. Expect the Unexpected During Childbirth
  3. Tips to Take Care of a New Born Baby


  1. β€˜You are lucky’ and β€˜sleep till they keep the baby’ actually made me smile. I was wondering how can people think or say like this. It shows less common sense and low EQ level. Sometimes I feel if they don’t know what to say then better to keep quiet.

  2. Somethings are not in our hands and preemie is on of them. A worth post to be read by every to-be mother. No one wishes it will happen but its always better to stay prepared and this posts tells a lot.

  3. My elder one was born in 34 week and I had gone through the similar situation. I know that stressful feeling when as a mom you had thousands of thoughts about wellness and health of your pre term baby but people without understanding that throw their unwanted advises. not paying attention to them is best policy that has worked well for me.

  4. Oh this is something that many people should read. Though my first was a c section, no one dared to say I’m not a real mother. I wonder why!! πŸ˜†… But that’s just a sad thing to say to someone who is new to motherhood.

  5. I so hear you Arushi…people are so callous and every word you have stated rings true. In my case I was tiny and my baby was BIG..I had a horrifying C section and even after…my postnatal depression became chronic and I still suffer from it. But people can only make unkind idiotic remarks. My advise….just ignore them. They just don’t matter in your life.

  6. 38 weeks, normal delivery, 2.5 kg baby, healthy baby, but I was still not a mom until I heard those not so wise words – sleep while he sleeps or he is being taken care, aren’t you feeding him properly, breastfeed is the best powder is useless.. Bla bla almost everyday. We all have our shares

  7. Lovely post, Arushi. You have poured your heart here. I could relate with every word as I have gone through the same. Mine was C-section and one of my baby was in NICU bcoz of the protocol birth weight. I too kept hearing your baby is weak, fragile and till date even when doctor said he is absolutely normal from all aspects and his immunity is more than my daughter.Harping that your child is weak hurts the mother most. I really wonder why ppl have to share their unwanted comments.


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