Best Diaper Rash Creams in India

A baby’s skin is very sensitive making it prone to rashes. We as mothers needs to take a lot of care to avoid any kind of diaper rash....

Break the Shackles of Gender Inequality In India: Raise Feminist Kids

Have you ever been a victim of gender inequality in India? Are there any other social issues which upset you? If you ask me, they do. This weekend...

What To Do When Kids Get On Your Nerves?

Does the title suggest that kids get on your nerves? The answer is a big yes because they do. Kids are undoubtedly God’s gift and they give happiness...

First Day of School: A Confused Mother

Since Little Miss A turned 2, one question everyone asked me was when was I sending her to school. I was in no hurry and was very clear...

What is the Right Age to Start Preschool?

There comes a stage when all new moms are exhausted and they want to know the right age to start preschool. You will find many advise popping up...

Why Worry About Walking and Baby Milestones in the First Year?

Do you remember the conversations about baby milestones in the first year? In our last post for Blogchatter A to Z we wrote each child is unique and...

11 Best Baby Laundry Detergents in India for Babies with Sensitive...

Babies have sensitive skin, and as a new parent, we need to be extra careful about all products that we use for them. Any product which touches their...

Home Remedies for Soothing Gums During Teething

Any milestone that your child reaches is an exciting time for you. it is similar when you find your baby’s teeth are coming and you are extremely happy...

Things to Keep in Mind While Communicating with Children

While communication is extremely necessary for any relationship, communicating with children can get a little tricky as you need to be careful regarding what you speak and understand...

Co-Sleeping Affects your Child’s Personality

The idea of co-sleeping with your child may seem to be old school to many who prefer to let their child sleep in a different room or bed...

10 Best Baby Product Brands in India

Today, new baby product brands are launched in the market every second day due to the surge in demand. This has made the selection of baby products a complicated task...

Social Media and Parenting: Is it a Boon or a Curse?

It takes a village to raise a child but fortunately or unfortunately, the village these days is a virtual one i.e. social media. Social media and parenting go...

A Letter to My Daughter Starting Formal School

Dear Aadya, Where have the last three and a half years gone? You are ready to start formal school soon. It seems like yesterday that you said your first...

10 Things To Know as A First Time Mom

Only a mother knows what she feels the day she becomes a ‘Mom’. It is not an easy journey but undoubtedly the most beautiful one. Kids do not...

10 Best Baby Teether in India to Make Teething Easy

The little one has started showing signs of teething? He is feeling irritated? One thing that will surely help is a teether. As a parent you want to...

Tips for First Day of School

It is that time of the year when parents and kids are gearing up for their first day of school. The first day of either pre-school or formal...

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