Growth Spurt in Babies in The First Year

All mothers remember that first day when they held their little bundle of joy. And all moms would agree that they all grow up so fast. Time flies...

Ear Infection in Infants

You find your baby absolutely gleeful and active in the morning. But suddenly are there some abnormalities in her/his behavior? Is the baby crying continuously, tugging of ear,...

Know the 10 Best Immunity Boosting Foods For Kids

Do you want to know the best immunity boosting foods for your child? Do you find your little one falls ill very frequently? Are you worried that he...

How to Teach Kids to Respect Wildlife in a Simple Way?

Nature; the word itself is therapeutic. When I hear the word, I think of mountains and forests. Forests and wildlife have been an important part of my growing...

How to Teach Kindness and Empathy to Kids?

Kindness and empathy; two words that have been very important to me all my life. Even before I conceived, I always wished that my baby understands these two...

Simple, Fun and Amazing Father’s Day Activities for Kids

“A father is a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love”. Fathers are indeed special and it is the time of the year to celebrate them. Father’s...

A Comprehensive Guide to Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby

The first year of parenting is full of milestones and parents look forward to each one of them. Introducing solid foods to your baby is one of the...

How to Promote Gender Equality at Home?

Gender equality starts at home and there is no better place to introduce the concept to a child. The role of the family in gender equality is immense...

Why Should You Never Doubt Your Mother’s Instincts?

I always heard of the term mother’s instincts but never really understood what was it and how does one acquire it. My mother always had it I know....

Parents: To Stop Judging People is the Need of the Hour

I do not think there will be many people who would not agree with me if I say we have become a very judgmental society. Social media has...

Best Diaper Rash Creams in India

A baby’s skin is very sensitive making it prone to rashes. We as mothers needs to take a lot of care to avoid any kind of diaper rash....

First Day of School: A Confused Mother

Since Little Miss A turned 2, one question everyone asked me was when was I sending her to school. I was in no hurry and was very clear...

11 Best Baby Laundry Detergents in India for Babies with Sensitive...

Babies have sensitive skin, and as a new parent, we need to be extra careful about all products that we use for them. Any product which touches their...

What is the Right Age to Start Reading to Babies?

From the time you conceive to the time you deliver and bring the baby home, you spend a lot of time thinking about what you will do with the...

Why Learning From Mistakes is Important For Kids?

As adults, we often hear learning from mistakes is important. But do we allow our kids to do the same? I am sure you have heard the quote, “I...

What To Do When Kids Get On Your Nerves?

Does the title suggest that kids get on your nerves? The answer is a big yes because they do. Kids are undoubtedly God’s gift and they give happiness...

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