How to Teach Phonics to Kids: Easy Ways for Parents
As a child did you ever struggle with spelling and reading? Was it a task for you to remember spellings and you often got confused?
Do not be embarrassed...
Never Force Your Kids for These 7 Things
As parents, there are many times when we force our opinion and decision on our kids but there are some things which we should never force our kids...
What is The Right Toilet Training Age for Your Little One?
Are you starting to toilet train your baby and you want to know the right toilet training age?
Or you are a mother and have heard remarks like these?
When is a Child Too Old to Sleep with Parents?
Co-sleeping is a choice many parents make but the question that remains is when is a child too old to sleep with parents.
Co-sleeping is one of the most...
6 Helpful Tips to Handle Anxiety in Toddlers
Not many people take anxiety in toddlers seriously and brush it off saying it is a joke. The fact of the matter is that anxiety in children under...
Like to Be Organized? 13 Simple Kids’ Toy Storage Ideas For...
I am sure, all parents reading this will agree with me that kids today have far more options when it comes to toys and books than we did....
Positive Parenting Tips for Child Development
“Learn something from Tanya”. “She is such a good girl and does not throw any tantrums.” “Amayra is so cute and you are so naughty. Why cannot you...
How To Stop Your Baby From Putting Everything In His Mouth?
It is not uncommon to hear a mother of a baby of around 6 months of age ask, “how to stop baby from putting everything in mouth”? A...
How To Stop Baby Hiccups After Feeding?
Hiccups are very normal in babies, especially in the newborn ones. In general, hiccups are one of the normal behaviors or reflex action of the body and usually...
What Are The Causes of Religious Intolerance?
The country is facing the wrath of insensitivity and I often wonder what the causes of religious intolerance are? A few weeks back, when I thought about the...
Why Advice for New Parents Needs to be Filtered?
The only thing that comes free in the parenting journey is advice for new parents. When it comes to new parents, they get it in abundance, without even...
Co-Sleeping Benefits: Everything You Need to Know
One of the most debatable or widely discussed topics is co-sleeping with your child and of course, co-sleeping benefits or how dangerous it is. As I always say...
Never Ignore Your Parents, They Are Reason Why You Are and...
I woke up to reading a very disturbing news in the paper today. A son went to meet his mother and all he found in the house was...
The Terrible Twos are Actually Terrific
I still remember when Little Miss A was one and half year old, a friend told me ‘the terrible twos are yet to come and trust me they...
Do You Know the Reasons for the Love for Soft Toys?
A child’s love for soft toys is known to all adults. Most of the time it is the safest gift to give to a kid. In the first...
Teaching Kids About Feminism is the Need of the Hour
I met someone who read the post Patriarchy is Deep Rooted. He asked me, “So you are a feminist?” I looked at him and smiled and said, ‘yes’....