Tips for First Day of School

Tips for First Day of School

It is that time of the year when parents and kids are gearing up for their first day of school. The first day of either pre-school or formal school is a big milestone for both parents and the child. New and big steps in your child’s life create new and big feelings for both the child and the parents. I still remember when Little Miss A started her play school in 2019 and how we prepared her for the same, and now we are trying to prepare for the first day of formal school.

When Little Miss A had started going to school, she settled in school without much difficulty. The first day was not easy for me at all and of course, for her too. Settling in the child always takes some time and parents need to be patient. With my experience of play school and how we are trying to prepare her for formal school, there are some tips I would like to write about, which might make it easier for others.

If you are a parent sending your child to a school for the first time, you should read my post, First Day of School, A Confused Mother to understand what emotions I went through as a mother.

Understand Their Feelings

Helpful Tips to Transition

Understand Their Feelings

You are mature and understand how you feel. Agreeably, it is a mixed bag of emotions for us but, hold on for a minute, and think from their point of view. Most of them are not even 4 years old and are used to a certain environment. Even if they have been to a preschool, the environment there is very projected.

Though they love experiencing new things and will be excited but they will also have their apprehensions and will be stressed. The way they will deal with the stress and anxiety will be different from maybe what you had expected. Talking to them and making them feel comfortable and secure will help.

Everything will be new for them and they are bound to be overwhelmed. Till now they were in the bubble of their house and now this is their first step to being independent. Understand them, and support them and be with them emotionally on their first day of school.

(Read my post, A Letter to My Daughter Starting Formal School)

Work With Their Teacher

Always remember the teacher is there because she knows how to handle kids. She will be there to help you and the child in every possible way. They are qualified and they will work to understand them better. Work with them and let them find the best way to make the child comfortable. The way the teachers at my daughter’s school helped us transition into the new school was beautiful. They allowed me to be with her for two days to familiarize her and then slowly managed to keep her for the full day without me. Never doubt the ability of the teacher as they know the best way to manage your child and their anxieties on the first day of school. Anxiety plays a major role in a child adjusting in a new environment. To know how to handle thus, read my post, 6 Helpful Tips to Handle Anxiety in Toddlers.

Respond to Your Feelings

They Respond to Your Feelings

Children are quick to realise the feelings the parents are going through and they respond to them. The parents need to be calm to ensure the child feels the same way. If they sense your nervousness and worry on the first day of school, they will become cautious and thus, will make settling tough for them. A child needs to be supported and if the parents are normal, they will also transit into the new phase with ease. To create calm, remember, you need to be calm. If your child is changing schools, you can read some tips to handle the first day of school here.

They Will Be Tired

The child will suddenly change their routine and be prepared for it. The busyness and the excitement of starting school will be exhausting for you and more for them. Ensure a good sleep routine and take care of their diet. They will be putting in a lot of effort to settle in and thus, it is natural for them to be exhausted. It is a massive change for them from their existing routine and more sleep and good nutrition are essential.

Give Easy to Eat Food

If your school expects the child to carry lunch, ensure you pack easy to eat food. Sometimes the children are not able to eat on their own and sometimes even if they are, they do not have the patience, time and inclination to eat with all the excitement around them. Give them cut fruits, or a wrap or any other finger food which they can easily pick up and eat.

Label Their Things

There are many students and all have different things and it is not possible for the teacher to remember what belongs to whom. All items should be well labelled so that there is no issue. Always send a spare set of weather appropriate clothes and ensure you send everything the school asks for. Also, slowly try to explain the child to keep everything and bring home as this will make them responsible and less dependent on anyone else.

First Day of School

Be Patient and Keep Your Cool

There will be some teething problems and sometimes the child will come back complaining about something. Be patient and listen to them but do not overreact. Kids can have big imaginations and they can blow things out of proportion or even tell you about something that never happened. Take your child’s feelings seriously and believe in them, but before reacting or shouting, check with the teacher on what happened and then take appropriate action.


New challenges and experiences are a way for your child to develop and grow. Have confidence in your child and in yourself and you both will be able to cross this bridge easily. Everyone takes time to adjust to something new and let your child do this at their own pace. You might like to read some tips to prepare the child for the first day of school here. Support them and have faith in them. Remember, this is the beginning of a new and beautiful phase for them, enjoy it with them.


  1. Aww your girl is looking so cute..and love d your post. I agree starting of school is big mile stone for kids and as a parent, it is common to have some anxiety and had shared really great tips and I am sure will help a lot to parents in reducing separation anxiety.

  2. That’s a cute and informative post.
    Miss A is very cute.
    Working with their teachers, looking for their feelings, keeping cool are doable and very good tips for school going parents.
    My kids had outgrown this age and I’m glad I use to help teachers with whatever possible from my end like labelling, giving extra cloths, sometimes even extra tiffin etc.
    Will share this post with parents who are in anxiety as from next month schools will be starting.

  3. Last year we started with our son’s play group, it was a totally overwhelming experience for me. he took pretty long to settle. i really liked some of the points mentioned here.

  4. I remember how painful it was to send my child to school for the first time. It is equally painful for the child until they realise you will be back and have not abandoned them. You have given some really nice points on how to make the transition easier for parents and child.

  5. your post is such a comprehensive read for all the parents..The kids and parents are anxious equally and one should read ur blog to keep it at bay…
    PS: Ur dotty is so adorable.

  6. Vey helpful and detailed post by you Arushi, I Still remember the day when my son started his playschool and as a parent my nervousness, was at the next level, Pointers shared by you are certainly going to work for me, when my daughter will be ready for her playschool, thanks !

  7. IAM a teacher yes principal now.And the first day in our school I can’t describe how we deal …endless cries..endless worries..dealing with parents…I read your post It is interesting but my mind was remembering how we deal the first day..nice one.All parents shld know n cooperate us like this.

  8. I still remember the day when my daughter first went to school. It was a mixed feeling and at the same time a feeling of anxiety.
    It took my daughter a week’s time to settle down with the other kids and she learnt to enjoy her way around. Your tips will surely make new moms deal with the issue in a more precise way.

  9. This is a very emotional phase when you leave your child with strangers.Your post will definitely help new mothers to prepare their kids for their first day. A comprehensive and detailed post.

  10. This is really nice post. My daughter’s formal schooling will start from April and I can feel the words. I am so excited but at the same time so nervous too. I am saving this post for future.

  11. My son is going to start his formal school on a few weeks and you rightly mentioned I have started getting the gitters already . Your post is very helpful. absolutely agree with you that the teachers are there and will definitely take care of child

    • We also are starting in a few weeks. I know i have gone through this once when she started play school but I must admit I am also a little nervous. πŸ™‚ All the best to you

  12. Hi Everyone,

    I’m a step mom, but nevertheless I want my daughter to do well on her first day of school. I need some feedback because these are new waters for me to navigate. I don’t want to over step, I don’t want to cause confusion. However I do wish to be able to be part of her school phase etc. I’m part of her lift after all. How should I go about school?? The eventuality is she will have PTA’s, Plays, Show and Tells etc…all of which my parents were active in participating in when I was growing up and so naturally I wish the same for my children. Your advice is greatly appreciated.

    • You can be a part of it as a parent or as a friend. It depends on your relationship and the presence and availability of her mother. If the mother is there, you might overstep but you can be a part of it as a friend and helping her. In either role, you can participate actively and give her the support she needs. Hope this helps.


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