7 Baby Products That Adults Can Easily Use

Baby Products Adults Can Easily Use

Babies have a very delicate skin which is extremely prone to dryness, itchiness, rashes etc. This is the main reason that there are special products made for babies which have no chemicals, fragrances and dyes. These products are mild on the skin and keep the skin soft and supple. The products made for babies are made with utmost care, and this is the reason why many of them are good for adults to use in various ways. Some products can be used in the same way whereas there are some which can be put to different uses. Let us have a look at some of these:

Diaper Rash Creams

For bad diaper rashes, it is often recommended that we use a diaper rash cream which has a high level of zinc oxide. These creams are a great option to treat irritated skin. Creams like Desitin are one of the best diaper rash creams available and they give immediate relief without any side effects as they do not have parabens and harsh ingredients. So next time, there is a minor cut, burn or scrapes, you can try using your baby’s diaper rash cream. (Read our post, Best Diaper Rash Creams in India)

Baby Shampoo

The best baby shampoos are dermatologically tested, free from harsh ingredients and are paraben free. For all those who have sensitive skin, baby shampoos are the best choice as these are delicate for the skin. Baby shampoos can be used to clean mascaras and eye make up as these do not hurt the eye. Also, a good baby shampoo is a perfect choice to clean make up brushes and combs and hair brushes. A baby shampoo can also be used to wash delicate fabrics without spoiling their colours. They can be added to the laundry and can be washed in cold water to keep the clothes intact.

Baby Wipes

This is one product I often use. Baby wipes are the safest way to clean make up. The make up removers available in the market usually have a high level of alcohol which leaves the skin irritated. The baby wipes are gentle and they leave the skin feeling cool and fresh. These wipes do not have any chemical and can be used to clean phone screens and laptops too. Try the Mother Sparsh Baby Wipes next time when you want to remove the make up easily. (Read our post, Best Baby Wipes and How to Choose Them)

Baby Powder

Baby powders are a very good option to use as dry shampoo. It can be also used as a deodorant and also be put on the fees to avoid sweating and itching. You should use talc free baby powder which has a light fragrance. Try the one by Forest Essentials; it is one of the best products in the market. (Read our post, Best Baby Powder for Your Baby’s Soft Skin in India)

Baby Detergent

The laundry detergents made for babies do not have any harsh chemicals as they keep the clothes of the baby soft. These detergents clean the clothes while keeping them soft. For any one with any skin allergies or rashes, switching to baby detergents is highly recommended. You can try the Pigeons Baby Detergent Powder the next time you want to a mild detergent. (Read our post, Best Baby Detergents)


SPF is not age related and thus, the sun screen you buy for tour baby is something you can also use when going out in the sun. Sunscreen for babies have a good SPF and at the same time do not have harsh chemicals which can harm the skin.

Baby Oil

Baby oil is a good moisturizing oil and can be used after a bath to moisturize the skin. A good baby oil is also a great way to remove water proof eye makeup. Oil can help clean the mascara which will not happen when you use soap and water. All that is needed is to use a piece of cotton and apply to the eyes. Rinsing after this, will remove all make up in a jiffy. Baby oil can also be used to polish your steel utensils and keep them shining. Another thing which can be polished using a baby oil is wood. The glass and cup marks can be easily cleaned with a cloth dipped in baby oil, leaving the table shining. (Read our post, Best Oils for Baby Massage in India)

Besides the above there are some other products which though are made for babies, but can be easily used by adults. Did you know, you can use diapers as an ice pack? There are many YouTube videos to help you with this.


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