What is the Right Age to Start Reading to Babies?

reading to babies

From the time you conceive to the time you deliver and bring the baby home, you spend a lot of time thinking about what you will do with the baby. All mothers want to give the best to the baby. I often see moms asking what to do with the baby when they are not sleeping. There are many things which you can do but one thing that tops my list is reading to babies. Many believe that the child is too small to be read to but you will be amazed to see the benefits of reading to infants and toddlers. The child might not understand what you are saying but reading aloud to them has many advantages.

Benefits of Reading to Infants and Toddlers

Reading to Babies Helps You Connect

There are many benefits of reading to infants and toddlers but what is most important in my opinion is that it helps you build a bond with your child. The child after coming out from the protected environment of the womb loves the voices of his parents and being close to them especially the mother as these are the only two things that are familiar to him in this strange world. Reading aloud to the baby gives him these two. Reading to babies gives them a sense of security which has a positive impact on their growth. In this way, you also end up spending uninterrupted time daily with the little one, which strengthens the bond.

Reading to Babies and Brain Development

The baby we bring to this world is like a plain canvas that gradually gets filled with colors. As Miss A is turning 4 soon, I feel the growth a child shows in the first three years is astounding. No child comes with a guide and each parent is anxious about how to bring them up the right way. Their brains are working nonstop and imbibing things around them at all times. Reading to babies helps them develop language skills and learn concepts and form channels for thoughts. With all these, the thinking and learning ability of the child enhances.

Increase Vocabulary by Reading to Babies

The child’s exposure to various words increases multifold as they read more and more. When we read aloud to babies, they hear lots of words, some of which we will not be able to say in the daily course. The development of vocabulary is one of the main benefits of reading to infants and toddlers as this helps them in the long run. The cognitive development of a child is influenced by the vocabulary and thus, reading to them is helpful. The child might not start speaking anytime but his little brain starts storing these words and it is a proven fact, children with a better vocabulary tend to speak sooner than others.

Reading to Babies Boosts Brain Power

As per a study, ‘Reading at home with children from an early age was strongly correlated with brain activation in areas connected with visual imagery and understanding and meaning of language.’ (Time.com). Reading to babies affects the processing speed of the brain. They not only have a better vocabulary and can read fast but they also have a better sense of reasoning and they remember concepts better. Reading especially speed reading, is thus, a very important part of right brain development programs for kids. 

Reading teaches them Emotions

When we read aloud to babies we use various emotions and expressions to make it more fun and to convey the thoughts. This gives the child exposure to different sounds and thus, different emotions. The child learns to correlate expressions and sounds to different emotions and this helps them develop an emotional quotient which in the long run has more benefits than the intelligence quotient.  

Reading gives them a Life-Long Friend

Last but not the last, reading to babies from a very early age shows them the importance of books and reading. Books can be a lifelong friend to your child and a constant companion who ensures they are never bored. Reading is one of the best habits a child can develop and when the parents start reading to babies at a very early age, it becomes a routine and they develop a habit which they will cherish always. 

Tips on Reading to Babies

Reading to babies as we said is a bonding time for the parents and child and thus, a very important daily activity which you both can do. However, it is helpful to keep some tips in mind to ensure you get the maximum benefits of reading to infants and toddlers.

  • Make a daily routine to read at a fixed time like before going to bed. This also calms the baby and they know it’s time to sleep
  • Cuddle with the baby when you read to ensure they are comfortable and warm
  • Use different emotions and voices to help them distinguish between characters and emotions
  • Ask questions when reading. Initially, the child will not answer but they will learn when you answer for them. This will help in building their ability to ask and answer questions
  • Read the same books again and again as most kids love it and they also learn many things apart from the story
  •  As the baby grows get the touch and feel books or may be some books they can hold and feel

(You may like to read our post, Best First Books That Your Baby Will Love)


Reading to a new born baby might seem to be a waste of time for many but trust me, it has many benefits. Reading to babies and brain development go hand in hand as a child is like a sponge, where they absorb everything that they hear and see around them. The brain develops a lot all the time and reading to babies is a great way to boost development. So if you have not started yet, start reading to your baby soon, because it is never too late.  

This post is a part of “How to become a profitable blogger” blog train. hosted by Neha and Surbhi. I am growing my blog and learning to be profitable with Grow Your Blog Challenge.

I am growing my blog with Surbhi from http://www.prettymummasays.com/ and Neha from https://bloggingmadeeasier.com/ and https://www.sharingourexperiences.com/


  1. Arushi, I started reading aloud to my son from the moment I conceived. Reading at bedtime has been a daily ritual since he was born, and I have seen the benefits of this up close- he picks concepts, vocabulary and grammar really well. He also has an amazingly creative imagination.

    • Wow. I am sure that is helped him a lot. We started when A was 3 months or so but since that day it is a bed time routine. In fact, when i start packing for a trip, she first goes and gets 10-15 books for me to pack. Thanks for reading the post 🙂

  2. I agree arushi, reading offers so many great benefits for babies and kids. and sometimes I feel that reading to babies is an art and we should use different voice tones and emotions while reading them. I had done this with my both girls and get all the amazing benefits you had shared in this post.

  3. SO agree with u. Benefits of reading to kids can never be ignored. i started reading to my son when he was 1.5 year old. he is 4 year old now and surprisingly he remembers the stories i had read out to him then.. whenever he comes across an old book of his, he pulls it out and starts narrating the story.. its wonderful to see the kids involved in books.

  4. 500% agree with you Arushi, I used to read story books before bed time for my son and these days for my 1YO daughter and I am witnessing the power of reading habit in my kiddos , I am so happy that my both kiddos are in the love of reading books,

  5. Iam an educationist and I agree with your post and I have seen while teaching what reading has given to some kidz ,when compared with others..it’s totally not a wastage of time rather you nurture a creature for future.nice post.

  6. I started reading to my twinnies when they were around 2yrs. When we introduce books early to kids they have a liking for the same. My daughter loves books and she is fascinated to read more and more. She at times ask me to narrate or read a book more than twice in a day.

  7. I believe Inculcating the habit of reading in a child is like laying the foundation stone of a child’s personality. This habit of reading is beneficial in so many ways.
    Also, Parents should make sure that they avoid reading the books in a babyish style where they ruin the phonics of the child as they utter the words in the wrong way. The clearer their way of reading aloud, the quicker their child will adapt to their spoken language and speak with clarity.

  8. A very informative post which should be shared by every mom’s, especially we became a mom for the first time. I too used to read when they were just one year old. I feel reading gives good vibes

  9. I have heard reading to the baby and pleasant music while still in the womb also has an effect on the foetal development. Reading habit is truly like a best friend for life.


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