Tips to Control TV Time for Your Little One

Little One

We live in a world of screens and as much as we need television and other screens to stay updated with the latest happenings in the world, we tend to often overdo it. Children are far more difficult to control and police once they have gravitated towards switching on the TV or laptop as a source of entertainment. Over watching television has more health and behavioral hazards in children than one. Studies have shown that children who spend more time in front of the screens and television are more prone to childhood obesity, laziness and decreased appetite, while there are significant changes in the behavior of the child. Watching a wrestling matches or racing shows forces the child to imitate the acts shown in the television. Children spending a considerable amount of time watching television have also been seen to find it difficult to cope at school!

Though screen time is necessary for kids and you cannot completely cut the television or screen time, handling the screen time would surely let the child get enough exposure through television and also prevent your child from getting addicted to it. Here are few tips to control TV time for your little one.

  • Setting an Example

A difficult tip to start with, but as a parent, you need to start somewhere to limit your child’s screen time and one of the best ways to enforce it is by setting an example yourself. Children tend to gravitate towards and pick up the habits and behavior they observe in their parents. Missing a few shows will not harm as much as tackling a child with behavioral issues. Set an example to your child by cutting out on your TV time and spend more time with them.

Get out of the House

  • Get out of the House

Instead of imposing strict rules on TV time and getting into a tough conversation with your rather rigid child on the harms of watching a TV, get out of the house and plan outdoor activities. Plan a day out at the museum or take a quick break from the mundane day to day work and plan a short weekend getaway with your child. It will not only help you relax but also give you that much needed quality time with your little one while the TV time is invariably limited in the background.

Develop other habits

  • Develop other habits

It is not always necessary to get all the information on current affairs of the world through television. Get your child develop other habits and hobbies. Get him a book and help your child develop the habit of reading. Or you can leave the canvas and paints open in front of your child and assist him in making the first strokes. If you are worried about your child staying aloof from the current affairs, get newspapers delivered on a regular basis at home. Encourage your child in reading the newspaper while you supervise on the important news to be read. Later, indulge in meaningful discussion with your child and answer their curiosity.

  • Sports

Sports can be a very significant tool to keep your child away from the TV. As a starter, take your child out at the park in the evenings and let her get involved with the other kids in the locality. Figure out what kind of sports or games your child enjoys playing. Is she an athletic one? Does she love cycling? Will she enjoy swimming? Or if she likes playing in a team? You can enroll your child in one of the sports clubs to develop that knack and interest.

Play Dates

  • Play dates

Plan play dates with other kids. Or plan out a weekly play hour for your child involving your family. Involve the child in carrying out the tasks or planning the itinerary. Talk to other parents you wish to invite over for a play date with a common rule of no TV during the time. Include a different game each week and strategically plan the games to boost the creativity of the children, keep them entertained and develop habits like team work in them.

Limiting TV time

  • Limiting TV time

Regardless of all the tips you follow to curb the need of your child to spend more time in front of the tube, you would still need to allow your child have some screen time to help them get knowledge on stuff they would not otherwise get from sports or games. Supervise and pick shows that you would want your child to see. Channels like National Geographic or shows on Science experiments gives your child enough entertainment while simultaneously giving them the knowledge that would help them in the years at school. You can also control the time spent in front of the TV but carefully picking up channels in your cable subscription that you would want your child to watch.

Get involved in conversation

  • Get involved in conversation

There is nothing like a good conversation with your kids. Few kids are born curious and ask a lot of questions during their formative years. Do not shut them up. Rather, spend some time answering their questions with facts. If your child is not a curious one and keeps to himself more often, give him props and indoor games to initiate a conversation and keep them involved.

Involve them in activities

  • Involve them in activities

Puzzles, chess boards, carom or even the simple play kitchen toys are great props to keep your child away from the TV. If your child is bored and not willing to play the games, involve him in helping you out with your little garden or bathe your pet. An activity not only keeps your child involved and away from TV but also inculcates a sense of sharing the load of chores at home.

While you wish to limit your child’s TV time, it is not advisable to cut down completely on the screen time as well. Create a plan for holistic development of your child by limiting TV time and including more activities and hobbies in her day, so that your child is not bored and develops her interest and hobbies slowly.


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