Things Women Must Learn From Men

women learn from men

It is Women’s Day and it is that time of the year where we celebrate women. We talk about feminism which means that both men and women should be equal with no one being considered superior to the other one. It is a known fact that men and women complement each other. They have several things different from each other but on the other hand they make each other complete. Life in our society is normal because these two sexes live together, work together despite of being so different from each other.There are things women must learn from women.

Women must learn from men

Usually, we think that men should always learn something or the other from women. Women are the epitome of love, sacrifice and virtues and we very often insist men to learn from women. But, however this thinking has become stereotypical now. Even, there are qualities in men which women should definitely learn. When we want to be treated equally then why not learn something from them too. let us talk about a few:


Men tend to put themselves and their self-interest above everything else mostly all the times. This can be termed as selfishness in some instances, but however self focus can give good results when practiced in many aspects of life.


Men are more assertive as compared to women. They will demand and usually make sure they get what they want. Women try to please everyone and maintain peace in the house, but that reduces their probability of getting whatever they want for themselves and many a times they are forced to surrender.

Logical thinking

Women need to definitely understand that everything has logic behind it and you should follow logic while making any decisions like men. Illogical thinking can be unreasonable at times too. Some decisions are better taken from the head and not heart.

Comparatively less overprotective than women

Undoubtedly, women are much more overprotective than men in any case especially when it comes to their children, their family members, their belongings etc. While, this can be good at times but however can result in a lot of stress in life in the long run.

Less trusting

Women should learn to trust others a little less as they are very quick in trusting people, keeping expectations from others and at the end get hurt. But men usually do not trust people easily and are always ready to face the worst.

Sense of humor

Men have a great sense of humor and in turn they enjoy life as there are many things which they do not stress about. Women should also try and learn humor from men so as to enjoy the different facets of life.

Speaking bluntly whenever needed

In today’s diplomatic world, this is necessary. You should be able to speak up bluntly i.e. clearly so as to relieve big burdens on yourself. When you are honest in whatever you are speaking, you tend to attract more recipients towards yourself and also help in developing other forms of honesty. Men are good in this and women should learn this quality from them.

Clean fighting

Men are clean fighters than women. If they are into any argument, any fight or argue but that is the end of it.. But women tend to carry the baggage of previous fights to the future. Easy apology and exchange of hugs is not easy in women and should be learnt from men. I see this on many social media groups where women carry on arguing with strange people for no reason and many times on baseless grounds.

Forget heartbreak faster

The ‘get over’ attitude that men possess definitely needs to be learnt by women. Be a break up or a separation in a relationship, men easily and quickly forget the past and move on to the future.

Carefree parenting

In case of parenting, women are overprotective, cautious and fearful always. It is definitely due to the care and concern for the children but sometimes it confines the child to a particular boundary due to lack of exposure. Male parents are encouraging, carefree and will motivate their children if any risks taken or new adventures experienced.

Less emotional at times

Women are emotional all the times be it a petty matter or a big issue. Men can handle the same issue with a few less emotions and yield the results. Of course, women too yield the solutions to problems but with an emotional turmoil. They can just hold the sentiments whenever not so needed and can learn about this most easily from men.

Hence, breaking the stereotype it’s not the men who always need to learn, women should also learn the applaudable qualities from men as well. I am not saying that women do not have any of these qualities but this piece is written by observing people around me and cannot be generalized. So let us be positive, learn from men, accept the changes and celebrate womanhood.


  1. […] If you expect a young man to stand up in the metro, you please do the same for an elderly gentleman. Do not expect men to hold doors for you. There are things men do better than women, so let them do it. Why do we want to show them we are superior? Respect men and not hate them. If you think women know it all and are perfect, you are wrong. Read the post, Things Women Must Learn from Men. […]


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