The Woman That I Am-Perfectly Imperfect

The Woman That I am-Perfectly Imperfect

After the Decade Hop, I was looking forward to the next hop organized by our super hosts, Rashi and Manas and this time the theme was The Woman that I Am. Whenever I attempted to write a post, I went blank, and trust me, even now I am quite clueless. And when the hop started, the amazing posts that have been coming in daily are a different level altogether. I thought I should be honest enough to admit, I cannot come close to any of those posts so I decided to just write what I felt today.

The Woman That I am-Who is She?

I am a daughter, a wife, a daughter in law and a mother but most importantly I am a woman. Now, if you ask me which role I am perfect at, you will see a dumbfounded face. Please do not think I am embarrassed or upset about this, because I am not. Now coming back to the issue; what should my post be about? My Little Miss A, my inspiration, came to my rescue always without even realizing it. She decided to read a book on Ma Durga, and the last page of the book said,

β€œβ€¦β€¦Ma Durga.

The perfect example of womanhood is she.

She fiercely protects her loved ones from danger,

Even if super gentle at other times she may be.

Mahisha’s mistake was one that many make,

Of thinking a woman is only gentle and frail.

They forget that she is Shakti incarnate,

The power within her can never, ever fail’

The lines so aptly describe not only Ma Durga, but every woman. And maybe me too. I am there for the people who matter to me when they need me. I am calm and gentle, but when someone needs me or is in trouble, I am their biggest support system. Society is Mahisha and every woman is Ma Durga. Never underestimate a woman, and thus, though I am not perfect, I am happy because my strength lies within me.

The Woman That I am- She is imperfect

I might not be a perfect daughter, or a perfect wife or even a perfect mother. But who has decided what is perfect? Who has set standards? Society? You or me? I assume no one I would bother about.

In my opinion, I am β€œperfectly imperfect”. And that is β€œThe Woman That I am”

When I login to Instagram or Facebook, I see perfect looking women, with perfect homes, perfect kids, an ideal husband and holidaying at exotic locations looking perfect. Their life seems perfect, but is it perfect for social media or it actually is. We all know the answer but it puts so much pressure on the others. Society has set standards for a β€˜perfect woman’. So going by this definition of a perfect woman or when I see the β€˜perfect’ women around me, my thought is, I am not perfect, never was and never will be. I am ok with being perfectly imperfect. Why does society call me imperfect?

  • I do not
    earn a six-figure salary
  • I am a
    blogger who enjoys her work but does not earn anything so for the world I am
    just passing time
  • I need to
    lose lots of weight so I am not slim and beautiful
  • I am not a
    mother because my Little Miss A was a c sec baby and I could not exclusively
    breastfeed her. In fact, I could not even carry her for 9 months. I miserably
    failed even before I started
  • Β I do not force her to be an ideal child and
    encourage her to make choices and guide her
  • I give her
    some screen time daily because I want some me-time
  • My house
    is not clean always and I do not like to cook (and thus, I fail to be a good
    wife and a good daughter in law)
  • My husband
    might have his list of issues with me, but let us leave that and encourage him
    to write a post for me. I know he loves me so really does not matter. πŸ˜‰
  • Β I am a shopaholic though I am lazy and spend
    most of the days in my track pants.

If left to a judgmental society, I am just imperfect. There are times when you do feel low. If you do too, read, How to Love Yourself When You Are Loved?

(You may also like to read my post, I am not a Perfect Mother and I Do Not Want to Be One)

The Woman That I Am- Is Proud and Thankful

In today’s times when so many people around me are insensitive, judgmental and intolerant, I am proud to be a kind person at heart who accepts the other person as a human being and nothing else. I give priority to my family and my work, and I know my near and dear ones can count on me in times of need. I am a positive person and faithful and I accept the people the way they are. This year my New Year resolution was to stay happy and accept the way I am; be proud of my strengths and work on my weaknesses. I might not have achieved much in life, but I thank god for every blessing and I am thankful for every lesson life has taught me.

Two people are responsible to make me the woman that I am, and they are my parents. Today it is my parent’s anniversary and I think it is the perfect day to thank them for bringing me up this way. They made me capable of making my choices and then trusted me with them. They might not be the proudest parents, but they know they have made me a good human being and I am proud of that. What I am today is because two of the most beautiful people have brought me up and made me The Woman That I Am. You are my inspiration, my pillars of strength and basically, my lifelines. Happy Anniversary, Ma and Papa.

(You may like to read my post, β€œNever Ignore Your Parents, They are the Reason Why You are and Who You Are)

This post is a part of β€œThe Woman That I Am” Blog Hop #TheWomanThatIAm organized by Rashi Roy and Manas Mukul #RRxMM. The event is sponsored by Kraffitti.


  1. Society has unwritten rules for a married woman. You have listed them all. I am so proud that you are successful even though you don’t tick the rule boxes. We need more women like you.

  2. True to the heart and very beautifully expressed. A lovely gift from you to your parents on their anniversary! 😊

  3. Perfect is mirage really to be there for people when they need is really wonderful. Be you and be proud of being perfectly imperfect. πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸ™Œ superb πŸ™‚

  4. First of all, Happy Anniversary to uncle and aunty! As you proud the woman you are, I also proud of being perfectly imperfect. I believe that nobody is perfect and so their lives too whether they try to show on social media and any other places. Accept your flaws and enjoy human wood. Respect others and don’t give the right to anyone to judge you on your faults. Mental peace is happiness is more important than anything else.

    Deepika Mishra

    • Thank you for the wishes and for appreciating my post, Deepika. I am glad you resonate with it. I agree there is nothing more important than mental peace and that is in our own hands. Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚

  5. So well said, Society is Mahisha and every woman is Ma Durga.
    Your list of woman that I’m – looks like traces of my story too – be it not being always decked up or dressed up, always prick and pane house becomes a dream with 4 kids around, and like u said people think to be a blogger is complete time pass…. can we ask them to try and write just one post on a theme…haha
    I am β€œperfectly imperfect”. And that is β€œThe Woman That I am” so very well said, nicely written.

  6. Hi Arushi! Firstly, I liked the title bcz I am also working on an article on this theme. I like the concept of being perfectly imperfect. But I am adding a little twist like you. I loved the second part, where you described your strengths. The way you told us you’re a perfect daughter mother wife and an empowered woman. More and more power to you.

  7. Arushi Please convey my best wishes to Uncle and Aunty on their special day, indeed, they are a proud parents, as they made their daughter to understand and value her worth, from staying away from the life full of show offs. no one is perfect here, but those who are able to find the beauty in their perfections are the real artist, and I am sure you are the blessed one from among those.Loved your straight from heart post .

  8. Absolutely honest and heartwarming post. We are all imperfectly perfect in our own ways. How we embrace this imperfection is the journey πŸ™‚

  9. A from the heart write up. I could so relate to every word. Sometimes we all face guilt pangs that we are not worth it. A little love and self confidence works wonders to uplift the Woman that we are.

  10. Count me in your team of perfectly imperfect. I loved your true to heart post dear Arushi. Shall I copy paste for my turn tomorrow? Just kidding. Stay the way you are. Perfect never is important. Happiness with the way we are is.

    • I love it that I found a team of perfectly imperfect women here. And if the hosts are ok pls copy πŸ™‚ Thank you for reading and appreciating. Glad you like the post πŸ™‚

  11. An apt comparison every woman has part of Ma Durga in her and no body perfect. There is no such person as a perfect wife or perfect mother or perfect daughter in law as there is no perfect husband or child or in laws for that matter. It is the love and respect for each other that makes it a happy family not a perfect one. All the points listed out in your post do not make you imperfect it just makes you a human.

  12. Firstly, anniversary wishes to your parents. Secondly, you have summed up the lives that many of us lead, perfectly imperfect. And just like I also feel that I’m fine the way I am. And those who have problems with me and want to stay away, I’m fine with that too.
    Keep writing. Your writing resonates with the reader a s their thoughts.
    Janaki@beyondthe familiar

  13. Wishing your parents a very happy anniversary.
    Love the title of the post. The stress of being perfect never ends. Simply because there is no standard definition for perfection.

  14. Anniversary wishes to your parents, Arushi.

    The lines about Durga ma are so apt and each woman is an embodiment of it. The society expects us to be boxed into specific stereotypes. We need to break them and be comfortable being imperfectly perfect. A beautiful post. Keep inspiring.

  15. Perfectly Imperfect – Loved that. As Apurva Purohit says – β€œYou can’t and don’t need to be perfect in everything you do – be outstanding in specific areas instead of mediocre in all”

  16. It was such a beautiful and heartfelt post..We as women are usually trying to manage everything perfectly and in the process forget to live…Your post made me feel happy about the fact that it talks about feeling happy with all complete and incomplete achievements.. Loved it..Keep spreading happiness..Best wishes…Thanks a lot for your lovely words for my posts always…God bless ..

  17. Many many wishes to your parents. Coincidentally it’s my parents anniversary too. So this day is special for me too. Your thoughts are honest and much close to every woman out there. I really wish we all have the same confidence and positive attitude like you.
    #damurureads Urvashi

  18. Happy Anniversary to your parents! What a joy you must be to them with all your accomplishments! We, women, are all perfectly imperfect as you so aptly put it! There is nothing wrong with that for sure! You have paid an honest and beautiful tribute to yourself and to all women indirectly by being proud of you!

  19. Such a true post Arushi. And we women are so imperfectly perfect!! Jo bhi hai jaise bhi hai , hamare saath mein hi baat hai.l fo the whole family πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ‘. and your parents must be really proud., congratulations on their Anniversary!!

  20. Beautifully written post Arushi. The fact that you know that you are perfect inspite of being imperfect is so appropriate. No one in this world is perfect. Every one has flaws. It is the desire to be better make a person perfect. What say?

    Meena from

  21. Hi Arushi! amazing post. nobody is perfect in this world so, I think we need to accept our own flows and try to understand what is the real meaning of life and those who are able to find the meaning they are the real. More power to you and much love.

  22. What a lovely and heartfelt post Arushi! I felt like you were describing me when you elucidated the reasons why you’re not ‘perfect’ according to society’s standards! Haha we are all imperfectly perfect in our own ways!
    Happy anniversary to your parents, and though you have stated otherwise in this post, I am sure they are very very proud of you too.

  23. There are loads of questions, whether the reel picture is same as the real picture? what we see on social media is a fact or myth? but whatever it is , we should live our own lives without repenting a penny. make ur own choices and own them till the last breath. Love ur lively post. πŸ™‚

  24. Very true and beautifully written. The few lines on Ma Durga were so apt and you have interpreted it perfectly. Every woman is Ma Durga, powerful yet calm. That was really thoughtful of you to gift this post to your parents. Am sure they are very proud of you and they must have had a wonderful anniversary too. Convey my regards to them. It’s really nice to know more about you and am glad you are a part of this blog hop πŸ™‚

  25. First hearty congratulations to your parents. What a wonderful post each word so true. Written well. Word play about perfect and imperfect true

  26. Wonderful write up Arushi ji. The most basic thing is to be comfortable and happy in who you are…if one can happily accept that nothing better than that. Aur is comment ka font thoda badha do…likhne me dikh hi nahi raha …hahahah
    #RRxMM #TheWomanThatIAm

    • Please call me Arushi. And thank you for the feedback. Will fix it soon. And thank you for the appreciation and your wonderful comment. Your first comment on my blog means a lot to me.


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