The Changes Fatherhood Brings


It is said that every man needs a daughter to set him right; but I think every man needs a child for him to realize how beautiful like is. Fatherhood changes a man, and I have ample proof seeing the people around me. My mom often said how my father changed overnight once I was born and I witnessed the same when Little Miss A came into our lives. The concept of fatherhood has changed and men are more involved in parenting. We often read about how a father has an impact on the emotional wellbeing of a child, but we often tend to ignore the influence children have on their fathers. From the way I have seen men change once the baby arrives, let us talk about some of the ways a man changes once he is a father.


The way a man likes to spend his time changes completely once the baby is born. Fathers tend to spend more time with kids and at work and less on social and leisure activities. I see my husband and even my friends, on how they like to spend every minute possible with the baby and in fact, they hardly do the things they would do before fatherhood happened.


It is a fact which has been proven by research; a man who is a father earns more when compared to non-fathers. There is no reason which can be attributed to this but I think it is because of the responsibility that comes in with fatherhood. A dad is worried about providing the best he can to his kids, and this makes him put in more effort at work. When it comes to money and work, dads are more careful and sensible. This definitely leads to higher stress but there is a higher level of satisfaction as well.

Father and Baby


There is no reason behind this but I have observed that men become healthier or rather health conscious when they become fathers. Involved dads anyway do more running around and jumping with the babies and later when they grow up, usually play games and sports. This makes them physically more active. Also with the responsibility, the fathers take more care of their health and switch to a healthier lifestyle which benefits them and the family in the long run.


New Respect for Wives

Men who are with their wives during pregnancy, child birth and are involved when the baby is growing up, realize what hard work it is to be a mother and most of them respect and love their wives more. They become more helpful and look at smaller things to ensure that the mummy is comfortable. New fathers definitely become caring to the babies and the mothers and the pampering and the attention is simply awesome.

More Time at Home

More Time at Home

My husband has always been the kinds who would not be happy to go out
without me, but since our daughter was born, he likes to be at home with her and spend more time. Priorities change and fathers start enjoying the time they spend at home with the little one. Kids do new things daily and to experience them is wonderful. Social gatherings are more the ones where kids can go but of course, a date night once in a while or drinks with friends is something they enjoy and look forward to.

Men might not go through any physical changes when they become fathers, but they undergo changes and most of them cannot be seen outside. Fatherhood, like motherhood, is an amazing journey and it is something no father would like to change. I remember reading this and it is so true,

“A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society”.



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