I always tell judgmental people around me to stop judging a mother as she was born new too. In my four years of being a mother, I have been judged by many innumerable times. The people to judge me are the ones who know me and also the ones who do not. Some read my posts and comments on social media and the family and friends, see my parenting style. I always suggest parents especially mothers to stop judging the other moms. It is not about mom shaming but about supporting her, because if a mother does not understand, no one else will.
Table of Contents
How do We Judge a Mother?
How much we all would like, babies do not come with an instruction manual. You need to figure out what is good for you and the baby. The mother does not know it all and she takes her time to figure out things. Always remember, no one can know the child as well as a mother does. After all, she knows him for 9 more months, and trust me that makes a lot of difference.
Now coming back to the point how do we do mom shaming and why we must stop judging? Social media is an intrinsic part of our lives and we find all kinds of support here. Motherhood is no different. There are so many mother support groups on all social media channels, and they are flooded with queries and comments all day. Most of the time these are very helpful as you find someone in the same boat as yours and you get a new perspective of the problem. But wait, it does not stop at that. I feel these groups are more like mummy wars than a support group. Rather than helping the other mom or commenting, they start judging and educating others.
I want to say we all are not fighting a war on the India Pakistan border. There is nothing wrong or right about parenting, there are different ways. A mother can be judged for several things and this mom shaming needs to stop. Being a mother to a nearly four year old, I would like to tell all the mothers reading this, you are doing a fantastic job.

Stop Judging and Let a Mom Make Choices
We all make choices and decisions by what we think is right or what suits us in the present situation. How does it matter if I co-sleep or follow the cry out method to sleep train? How does it matter if I potty train at 8 months or 3 years? How does it matter I work or I stay at home? Who cares your child was breastfed or was given formula? You brought a life in the world, now you chose a normal delivery or a c sec, it does not bother me. You went through immense pain both ways, so hats off to you. The list is endless.
Who are you and me to judge a mother’s choice sitting in our homes. We all want the best for our children. Which mother have you seen who will consciously make a wrong choice? Being a mother is the hardest job in the world, and the mere fact you are doing one cheers to you. Unsolicited advice and comments make a mother doubt herself and question her choices. It leads to confusion and disappointment.
(You should read our post, Why Advice for New Parents Needs to be Filtered?)
Why Should We Stop Judging A Mom?
It is ok to talk about the choices and the decisions we make for the kids but we should not make this a rat race. We all are facing our own set of problems and we should support each other, as no one else will ever understand what we go through daily. Let us discuss some reasons why we must support and respect other moms and stop judging them.
We all Are Clueless
A new mother is always clueless and each day is a challenge for her. None of the birthing classes or the What to expect books come in handy. I am sure we all took some time to get our bearings. We learn from experience and from others around us. How we handled our situation is completely our choice depending on what we think works best or will work the best for the baby. If you are a new mom, read the post, Things You Need to Know as A New Mother.

We Do Not Know the Whole Story
When you see a mother reacting in a particular way or doing something you do not approve of, you are quick to pass judgment. We are not with the mother and child all day so we do not know what has happened. The child must be having a bad day or the mother is unwell or she has her problems and at the end of it she just loses her mind. Sitting in our La La Land, we cannot decide what is right or wrong, so let her be and stop judging and mom shaming.
No One Else Will Understand
Only a mother can understand what the other one feels like. Sleepless nights, feeding issues, postpartum depression, crying babies etc., are only some of the problems a mother faces. Each phase comes with a new set of problems. We all have given up and cried at some point or the other. Another mother in the same boat is the best person to talk to at such times. We need to give support to each other in these times and not give a lecture on right or wrong and simply, stop judging.

This is a Serious Job
No mother is not taking her job of a mother seriously. We become very conscious as we want to give the best to the baby. We read and research and find out solutions to the problems we face. Sometimes we all can lose our temper but that is to protect the child and ensure they get the best. If you think you took a good decision, do not assume the other one is an idiot. If you cannot understand her, keep quiet. We all want to be the best mother to our kids so stop judging and bashing the other one for her parenting style.
(New moms, the post, Tips to Take Care of A New Born Baby, will be very helpful for you.)
Be in Her Shoes
It is a human reaction to judge the other person. But before you judge the other mother, put yourself in her shoes. She also must be facing many challenges with the baby. Life is not simple with a child. Give your support and do not judge them.
No One is Perfect
Each child is different and so is every adult. We all want to be perfect mothers but none of us are. Also, we cannot assume we are right and the other one is wrong. Health and happiness should come in first for every parent and there is no need to be perfect. Your baby loves you and always keep in mind, “There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million ways to be a good one. “

Like we give time to our children to bloom, we must give mothers time too. Stop judging and adding stress to the life of a mother. Let us all be in this together, and understand, that we all are in this together and we all will do the best we can. Let a mother decide what is best for her and her child.
Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about, but the hardest thing in the world to do.
I have often been judged as a mother because I could not exclusively breastfeed, had a c sec, my child sucked her fingers, she co-sleeps and I can give you many more. These are the main reasons I started this blog as I want to tell moms be happy with your choices and your child. Do not give in to peer pressure. And when my blog is featured in the Top 200 Writing Blogs with acclaimed international and Indian bloggers, it makes me feel happy and I do not mind being judged. I am happy I am able to help mothers in a small way. Thanks Feedspot for this.
[…] not shame her if she cannot feed. Try and help a new mom in every possible way, after all, she is born new too. For those who are able to feed, please continue to do. It is undoubtedly the best thing for […]
It is absolutely incorrect to judge a mom. When a mom judges another mom, that the last thing we they should be doing. And I feel, what is the need for that? do we have less things to worry?let other moms live their motherhood journey on their terms. we arenoone to pass comments
I wish more people thought like you. Thanks for reading
Yes, it had happened with me so many times when people ( in fact my close friends and relatives) had judged my parenting style and judged me for so many things. now, with the passing time I had learnt that it is best to not overreact on these kind of situations. logo ka kamm hai kahna, aur wo kuch na kuch to kahenge hi..as a parent, we know what is best for your kid? and this is the thing that matter most in the end.
I agree with you. Thank you for stopping by
I couldn’t agree more with you on the point that every mother is her own circumstances and her own story. In my case, I have always felt so inadequate as a mother that I have always gone by my mother in laws advice. Trust me I have been judged for that too. I was told that I should not be giving my mil so much say over how I bring up my kids. I stopped responding after a point in time.
Ignore and live in peace is the mantra to follow in my opinion!! Thank you
I so agree with you Arushi! Somehow i find its another Mother who is judging/belittling another Mother.. Mom shaming is the word i believe.. Your post echoes my sentiments perfectly. . Great J post!
Thanks and you are right. Mostly it is other mothers who are judging the other moms
You’re doing a fabulous job! There is so much to learn as a mother, and the ones passing judgements seem to experts on it. Love the positivity that you’re spreading through this blog. <3
Thank you so much. Glad you like the posts and the positivity 🙂
This is so true Arushi and you have presented so well. If only we start following these, the world would be a much better place for women. Lovely photo of the mother-daughter duo 😘
Thank you so much 🙂
Humans are judgemental.As a mom we are constantly judging and being judged.No one has any blue print. Great reading
Thank you so much. Glad you like the post
Very well said. We need to stop judging mothers, irrespective of their choices.
Thank you !!
I feel you Arushi! Mothers are judged every step of the way. Ironically every child is different, every parent’s parenting style is different- so there can never be just one method that applies to all, in any case!
True. If people around us understood this
Very nicely expressed. And we have the same topic again😊
If only people will show as much support to mothers as they do with judgements. The world would be a better place for mothers.
Haha. Will head to your post in a bit.I think less judgments would make the world a better place
Only if people could understand Arushi! I was and still judges at all times. It used to bother me a lot before but then I realised that whatever i didn’t there will always be someone to comment. So now I don’t care anymore and I’m much happier
You learnt the best thing for sure. Be happy 🙂
It is so easy for people to mom shame – I have faced it too – for leaving my job, for putting on weight, for not keeping an ‘ayaa’, for practicing a different kind of parenting!!! I don’t understand why people are so invested in others lives!!
I think because they are insecure and feel they become better if they prove the other one is wrong. I hope moms like you and me are able to bring about a change
Very well written. Mom shaming needs to stop. Afterall we all are worried for the betterment of our children in what ever way we choose. I have often been looked upon because I delivered my girls through c section. But yes, I am no less a mother. Looking forward for your post know Monday
Aww thank you. I agree a mother is a mother. She cannot be judged.
Mere speaking or giving advice is crazy but actually being mom and doing think for your kids is different thing.
I completely agree with you. Thank you for reading
Being judgemental is something people take for granted clueless why? But yes if we are doing our responsibilities well just let them be and ignore. We have given birth to kids and have the sole right to decide too.
I agree. Thanks for stopping by 🙂
A heartfelt post, judging mother and her choices are the most favorite things of the society. I hope people and their attitude changes with time.
I hope so too. Thanks for stopping by
Absolutely no one has right to judge unless they know the whole story. Every mom tries her best. Love this post.
Thanks. Glad you like the post
Whether they themselves are a parent or no people think judging is their privilege they have and cast their free advices which I totally am not in favour.
Neither am I. But people refuse to understand. Hope we can change soon
Such an apt choice of topic for today buddy. I have written about it countless times myself too simple because I too have been judged recklessly as a young inexperienced mom
Glad you like the post. I hope when we write and talk about it, we might be able to bring in some change.
Absolutely true mothers are always being judged by both people inside and outside of the house, no one wants to reduce her problems or understand her situation they are ready with their points to almost demoralizing the mothers. this is a sad reality of our society hopefully it would be changed for the better one,and as a mother, we should come forward to stop this, by raising the voice against such incidents if we witness around ourselves.
It’s true…like we give time to grow a child…the society must give a mom to grow too… Loved reading the post
Thanks for reading. Glad you liked the post
This was a much-needed post for me! Such an eye-opener. Love the topics you cover and how beautifully you articulate your ideas 🙂
Thank you so much. So glad you like the posts 🙂
I dunno when we Indians will learn to live and let live. My daughter is 30 not married. A gentleman stopped me in the Gurudwara and said…aapko maa ka farz yaad dilaana hai! I am a single parent..struggled to raise my kids and now they want to remind me of man ka farz!
Oh my god. Someone had the audacity to tell you that. So the judging does not stop when your kids grow up as well. I guess the best way is to either ignore or give it off politely.
Bang on! we are all clueless and motherhood is always a new experience. We learn in the process of motherhood . Judging a mom is never the right thing
Glad you agree. Thanks for reading 🙂
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