Things Dads Do Better than Moms

Things Dads Do Better than Moms

The times have changed where moms were expected ‘to raise a child’ and considered that they did better. In the modern household where both the partners are earning to support the household, doing chores and raising a child, not just in monetary terms of paying the school fees, the responsibilities of child care is shared equally. Now, with an exception to breastfeeding, dads can do almost everything that a mom does. And vice versa. Dads today take on all roles easily. Read our post on Penguin Dads.

In families where kids are raised by both the parents, moms excel at some jobs while dads are the heroes at other tasks. Sharing the responsibilities of child care equally lessens the burden on each parent and makes the task of raising a child more productive and time efficient. While bring up my daughter I have realised there are some things my husband does better than me and the two year old clearly understands it and prefers him to do them. Let us talk of a few things which dads do and are better than moms.

Making the Child Listen

In families where kids spend more time with their moms, making them listen and do a certain activity likely takes shape when said by the dad. In such cases where kids spend most of the time with their moms, they are used to seeing their moms discipling them, getting angry at them and being friends with them as well. So, dads take the credit of making the kids listen in such households.

Shoulder rides with dad

Shoulder rides

While moms usually carry their children on their waist, when it comes to shoulder rides kids often turn towards their dads. And needless to say, dads excel at it and love to carry their kids on their shoulders. Kids feel they are on top of the world and love looking at the world from new heights.

dad playing with his kids



Involvement in Sports

While many moms are good at sports and are sportsperson themselves, there remains a big section of households where the sports are the dad’s forte and area of expertise. The kid’s inclination towards sports comes from the dad, with whom they spend learning the game, watching the game and replicating them on the ground. Dads are the first and best coach kids can get to develop an interest for the sport.

dad playing with son

Adventure and games

While moms take care of lot of tasks in the household, the stamina to take the kid out on an adventure of play Hide and seek and Police Thief rests the best on dads. A dad would eagerly play a computer game with the kid, watch star wars, engage in friendly fist fighting and become kids themselves when playing with one! Be it hiking or camping out, dads are the heroes! And of course kids love this time spent with dad.

Pacifying Kids

Moms take lot of stress for everything related to her kids. Be it a small cut at the playground, dads can pacify the crying child easily than mom. A bad feedback from school? Mom would freak out, but dads do not worry too much about it. In short, daddy cool makes petty issues look punier which would have otherwise drove moms crazy!

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

 Be it making a sand castle at the beach or go fishing, dads are the ones most kids cling to for it. It is common to see kids soil their clothes ‘helping’ dad with gardening while he would carefully teach them the skill and allowing them to plant and water, and moms getting annoyed seeing the child painted in mud for she has to clean the mess. While moms go on doing their job of cleaning, with a clear expression of anger on her face, dads have a smile saying, ‘That’s okay! We had fun’

dad reading bedtime story

Reading Bed Time Stories

It is a joke in my house, that little Miss A thinks mummy is illiterate as she wants only papa to read to her at night. While moms do read bed time stories to kids, dads do the job much better by imitating the characters and making funny sounds. Also, since moms get super tired after a long day at work or being at home with the kids, dads make bed time stories more fun.

Spoiling the kids

Spoiling the kids

My dad still spoils me and Miss A is spoilt too much by her papa. Dads are the best when it comes to spoiling the kids. Moms make a schedule for the kids and stick to it. But some exception on days when moms are away do not harm much, do they? Only a dad can break the schedule and let you watch an animation movie with him, order fries for dinner and pamper you with ice cream in the morning!

No doubt moms can do almost everything that a dad does; the whole idea of this read is not to specify gender biased roles. For example, we all know moms who can take the child out on a drive while dads can braid their daughter’s hair! Sharing the tasks between partners who can complete the task in the least time is more reasonable than each trying to master at everything!



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