Remedies for Common Ailments for Your Child

Remedies for Common Ailments for Your Child

As a first-time mother, every time the child falls sick, it is natural for one to panic and run to the doctor. When kids are small they tend to fall sick often as their immunity is still building up. While growing up I remember how my mom and grandmother would have home remedies for everything and we would only go to the doctor if the symptoms aggravated. I try and follow the same with Little Miss A and avoid giving her medicines unless it is really necessary. Many illnesses in children can be handled at home for the first few days. If the symptoms do not subside or if the child is not responding, immediate medical attention is needed.

fever in children


One rule that my doctor told us and we follow is the ‘three day rule’. If by giving a paracetamol and other symptomatic relief only the fever goes in three days it is a viral fever. If the fever persists, then there is a need for antibiotics as it is a bacterial infection. Fever is the body’s way of informing of an infection and paracetamols also should only be given when the fever crosses 100 degrees. In spite of giving crocin and calpol, if the fever crosses 102, one must consult the doctor.

cold in children

Cold and Cough

This is the most common ailment in children and in especially the ones going to school. Many factors like catching an infection from other kids and seasonal changes, cause cold and cough easily. For small children, no over the counter medicines should be used. Saline water can be used for nebulizing and nasal drops with saline water can be used to clear the nose.

You might want to read our post: Best Home Remedies for Cold and Cough in Babies



When the child gets a bout of diarrhea, probiotics should be immediately given. As prescribed by the doctor, I keep enterogermania handy all the time. Usually, diarrhea settles in 3-4 days, but if not, the child must be taken to the doctor. The baby should be given plenty of fluids and should have light food which does not irritate the stomach. BRAT diet works wonders usually and should be tried. It means to give the child, Banana, Rice, Apple Puree and Toast. If the child is passing more than 4-5 stools and there is no relief in 24 hours, one must go to the doctor. In the meanwhile, keeping the child hydrated is very important.


When a child gets constipated it means lack of water and fibre in the diet. The child should be given fruits and vegetables daily and sufficient intake of fluids should be ensured. Natural food like prunes can be given but if the problem persists and the child is very uncomfortable, taking medical advise is advisable.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

This is a common disease and is infectious. It is a viral infection which pre schoolers are more prone to get. The doctor usually prescribes ointments and the child should be kept indoors. As there are sores in the mouth, vanilla ice cream provides relief and must be given.

insect bites in children

Insect Bites

It is common for children to be bitten by mosquitoes and insects. Precautions like patches and repellants must be used and one must watch out for symptoms. There are easy home remedies for common insect bites which provide relief to the child.

Read our post: First Aid At Home For Insect Bites

While children are growing up they fall sick and are uncomfortable due to various problems. The ground rule is to stay calm and not panic. The child senses the stress of the parents. As long as the child is happy and active, do not panic and pass on the stress. And for all the moms of today, please do not Google and do self-diagnosis. One should always check with the doctor for any doubt. Also, try and go to a pediatrician who does not recommend medicines at the drop of the hat. We need to help the child build his immunity and also be patient and calm. After all, falling sick is a part and parcel of growing up. Trust your maternal instinct and enjoy your motherhood.



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