Our Obsession with The English Language

Few days back I came across a group of women chatting and one of them was mispronouncing some words. I could clearly see how some of them from...

Let’s Start Focusing

So apart from the Sridevi death news and the insensitive comments that came in, there was something else which caught my attention this weekend. It was the Tough...

High Time We Stop Judging

The mummy groups on Facebook and other social media are a boon many times, but they also are a reflection of our society. It is amazing to see...

Best Toys for 1-2 Year Old

As a parent, you make sure you give the best to your baby. And the same thoughts creep up when you are buying toys for the little one....

5 Effective Ways to Encourage Your Toddler to Talk

A recent research carried out at the University of Amsterdam states that majority of the babies start acquiring elementary language skills even before they are born! We have...

Best Stretch Marks Cream in India

Stretch marks are often related to the post-pregnancy phase. During pregnancy, the baby inside the womb stretches the skin beyond its regular capacity along with several other hormonal...

How to Budget Your Expenses?

The term ‘budget’ often bewildered me. Many a time I have found myself picking something up and then placing it back simply because buying something like that was...

Get The Best Feeding Chair for Your Little One

As your baby grows and starts eating food, it is time to get a high chair. Ensuring the baby sits in the high chair and eats all their...

How I Changed After Becoming a Mother

As soon as you decide to become a mother your life is never the same. The way you do things and the way you look at things changes...

Best Oils for Baby Massage in India

Baby massage is an essential part of the growing years of your little one. A daily oil massage for the baby for the first few months is known...

I am Not a Perfect Mother and I Do Not Want...

When I see mothers around me, I feel they are running in this rat race to be a perfect mother. Everybody wants to be the best mother and...

Stages of Not Being Able to Conceive

When you are facing the problem of not being able to conceive, it is often termed as infertility. I have gone through this phase and I feel that...