Hug your Kid When They are Being Horrible

They're always going to be their daughter's first love.

It is extremely important for parents to understand their kid’s psychology. Kids are very sensitive as they are not fully developed neither physically nor mentally. They are in a transition stage where you can find them being impulsive, arrogant and sometimes calm and silent. Every child is unique in their own way, you just need to understand them and develop a sensible way to deal with them. As a parent I know it is easier said than done but if you take things easy, everything becomes simple. There is no expertise needed for parenting, the best way to raise kids is by paying attention to their likes, dislikes, activities, and their moods.

Why Kids Act Horribly

Kids are very tender and their activities directly get affected by their parents’ activities. So, if being a parent, you are not concerned about your child’s emotional and mental growth then that may lead to a serious effect on them. Different kinds of behavior can be observed in children like them being annoying, temper issues, disobeying, tantrums, lying frequently, and dull activities. There are various reasons which can be contributed to them behaving like this. Let us discuss some of them:

Your judgment

When you spend less time with your child, you will get to know very less about them, their attitude and their mentality. As a result of which you will misinterpret their acts. It will lead to misjudgments and that will be harmful to them. There develop behavioral problems in children as well as negative feelings for you in their brain and they act weird after that.


Your surroundings also affect a lot on your child’s behavior. Creating good and positive surroundings near kids is the best way to raise kids because that will have a good impact on them and vice versa. So, when you are sending your child to your neighbor then you should be careful. You should be aware of the things going on in your locality. Restrict your kid from those negative people and objects.


Sometimes it is observed, when parents have the attitude of acting aggressively in situations, then their kids also act likewise, because it comes in their genes.

Unfulfilled wish and excessive pampering

Some kids usually are very demanding in nature. When their demands don’t get fulfilled, they start crying out loud. It is also a fact that if all their wishes get fulfilled then they will get stubborn and unknowingly this nature gets developed in them. Well, in that case, the best way to raise kids is you should make them realize by your wisdom. Simply hug them and divert them from their demands. Kids do have a volatile memory; you can easily mold them according to you.

Hugging your child is important

Hug your child

There is a quote which says “A hug makes everything better than 1000 words”. When we are embraced by someone, how we feel? We feel the warmth, we feel loved, and we feel the bond. So, a hug has a great effect on everybody, be it a child, or an adult or an elderly. It gives a calming effect. You should hug your child as and when possible, especially when they are being horrible, it helps in child growth and development. Some of the advantages of doing the same are:

Hugging your child builds self esteem

Improves their self-esteem

When a kid thinks he is not loved or he feels neglected then he feels low. His confidence gets down and he gets demoralized. It is the hug which can make all these things better. It will make a difference in your kid’s life. His self-esteem will get elevated.

Hug your child when they are being horrible

Stress Reliever

In most of the cases, it can be seen that when a kid gets stressed for any reason, he starts showing tantrums, gets irritated often and even irritates you which results in behavioral problems in children. So, at that time the best way to raise kids is to hug them. He might be a bit repulsive at that time but it’s ok, don’t let him do so, hug him again tightly. He will definitely feel better.

Increases their Understanding

If you find the behavior of your child annoying and start yelling then you are doing wrong. First calm yourself and gently make him understand by soft words, meanwhile, you can hug him also. Kids can distinguish between your tenderness and your resentment. Your affection and a hug will work in this case. It will increase their ability to understand.

You May like to read our post, Benefits of Hugging and Kissing Your Baby

Enhances Mood

Science says a hug helps in release a hormone called Oxytocin. It reduces stress and elevates the mood of an individual.  So, hug your kind when he acts moody.

You may like to read our post, 6 Helpful Tips to Handle Anxiety in Toddlers

Hug your kid more often and induce a habit in him of hugging you back. It will work in both ways, for you and for your child also. A simple hug can strengthen your bond with your kid. They will be more expressive if you make them feel like they are important to you and you respect their feelings. They will feel that you love them unconditionally which will be a big step to shape their personality.


You may also like to read:

All The Amazing Benefits Of Hugging Your Baby


  1. Beautiful post aarushi and i completely agree with you. Hugging and other positive emotions not only strengthens the bond between parents and kids but these emotions create a positive atmosphere as well. Indeed power of positive parenting is magical and we all should try to adopt it.

  2. That’s a lovely article on the power of hug. I really liked the way you have detailed out the difference a hug could make in a parent-child relationship. The act of hug builds a deep bond that works wonders for a child’s personality. Enjoyed reading the post 🙂

  3. Thank you for sharing bthis wonderful post Arushi. My son is 3 years old and honestly I do lose my temper with him but you are right hugging can ease so many things. Sometimes kids are not really able to express what they are hugging them and showing them that they are loved can make a big difference to them !


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