Home Remedies for Skin Rashes in Babies

Skin Rashes in Babies

Babies are the happiest when they have a happy and soothing skin.

The skin of babies is the most sensitive and a little of changes in their diet, climatic conditions or any other external factors can bring about certain reactions within the skin leading to wailing babies.

Out of the many reasons, some of the major factors leading to skin rashes in babies are:-

  • Change in diet-Mother’s milk is the best for babies till 6 months. Then gradually, new food items and supplements are introduced, it’s probably possible that the body might react immediately to the new ingredients. Some of them could create allergies in the baby’s body leading to skin rashes, itching etc.
  • Environmental factors– Pollution, dust, dirt can cause allergies in babies leading to skin rashes. The localities we live in, the cleanliness of our houses are vital factors affecting baby’s skin conditions.
  • Climatic conditions– Extreme heat and high temperature usually during summers lead to heat rashes in babies. Due to the sudden rise in temperature during summers, the baby’s body becomes dehydrated and can result in rashes. Also, in winters due to cold and chilly wind the skin becomes dry and patchy.
  • Clothing– Usually it’s advisable to wash the clothes of babies before use and in adequate amount of detergent or soap as excessive quantities of detergents is a major factor leading to skin rashes in babies. (You may like to read our post, Best Baby Detergents)
  • Physical contact– While holding babies, use of sanitizers should be preferred always as unclean hands can transfer germs and infections to the babies resulting in rash.

Itchy skin, blisters over the body, red marks on the body, certain lumps etc. are the forms of skin rashes in the babies which can be dealt with at home by certain home remedies like:-


Turmeric paste

 Raw turmeric is excellent for the skin and can be made into a fine paste and applied on the baby’s body in small quantities. It can be mixed with the massage oil and used or can be applied directly on the baby’s body. This is a very good disinfectant and prevents skin infections. However, use of turmeric can sometimes lead to common cold in babies. Hence, it is advised to use it in small quantities.

Coconut oil

 For skin rashes occurring due to constant use of diapers, coconut oil can be applied to the affected area and the area should be left open for air passage. Also, coconut oil is the best option of massage oil in babies as it keeps the skin smooth and also makes bones and muscles strong.

aloe vera

Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera has a very good cooling property and it is a natural product. It soothes the baby’s skin and reduces any inflammation or red rashes.  It can be used to treat diaper rashes as well. ( Read our post, Amazing Uses of Aloe Vera For Babies)

Ice packs

For instant cooling effect, we can use ice cubes wrapped in muslin cloth on the rashes for immediate relief from itching.

olive oil

Olive Oil

Olive Oil is extremely beneficial for baby’s skin as it acts as a moisturizer as well as a hydrating agent. It can be used either as a massage oil or can be added to the bath water of babies. It is even beneficial in case of diaper rashes.

Sandalwood paste

 Sandalwood paste is a natural ingredient and can act as a cooling agent for heat rashes in babies. It can be mixed with turmeric paste or with rose water and applied on baby’s body.

Cucumber extracts

This is again a natural ingredient and helps in keeping babies body cool.

Neem leaves

Neem leaves

Neem leaves can be added to the bath water of babies, or it can also be mixed with turmeric, grounded to a paste and then applied to the body of babies. It has got several medicinal qualities and acts as a disinfectant hence, protecting babies from any skin allergies or diseases.

Fuller Earth

It contains magnesium, silica, quartz etc. which act as an antiseptic. It can be mixed with rose water and applied on the baby’s body.



Honey helps in removing the dirt particles from baby’s skin and healing it from rashes or infections.

Skin rashes are very common with babies, but if they go unnoticed, they can further spread and make the baby feel much more uncomfortable and frustrated. Hence, immediate action needs to be taken using these home remedies for quick relief to our little ones.



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