Fed is Best: Best Baby Formula in India

Baby Formula

Breastfeeding is undoubtedly the best for your child. However, due to various problems and reasons a mother might not be able to feed the baby. All these mothers do not need to die of guilt. Rather than breast is best the fact is Fed is best. Till the baby is six months old, they can only have breast milk or formula milk. Many companies have come with very good formula for babies which takes care of all their nutritional needs.

Although, there are many good brands available in the country today, you must discuss with your doctor before starting the baby on any formula. The pediatrician can recommend the best one for your baby. There are three essential things that must be kept in mind before buying formula:

  • Buy the formula which is suitable for the age of your baby
  • Read the ingredients carefully so that you can avoid allergies.
  • During initial feeds keep a lookout on any reaction in the baby.

Let us see some of the best formulas in the country today:

Nestle Nan

Nestle’s approach towards formula is slightly different when compared to others. Pro-biotics is a major ingredient in the formula. The intent is to reduce colic and improve digestion at the same time. Another positive of the Nestle branded Nan formula is the absence of any added sugar. The formula also has a great balance between whey and casein protein, with a ratio of 70:30. The lower quantity of casein calls for better digestion. Overall, if your small one has issues with digestion, Nestle Nan is a very effective formula. Personally, I have used Nan since day 1 and had no issues of any kind. As my daughter was a preemie we started with Nan Pro and later switched to Nan 1.


Dexolac has enough good ingredients in it which can stimulate brain development in infants and boost immunity. Dexolac has a high content of lecithin and amino acids which help in the overall growth of your small one. It also has enough quantity of whey protein, maltodextrin and other nutrients essential. These nutrients support the growth of your younger one during the early stages.

Dexolac contains calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and phosphorus, which aid in the strengthening of bones. Even though the formula is rich in proteins and nutrients, it is balanced enough so as to reduce any burden on the kidneys.


Similac has a wide range of products that you can choose based on the growth and individual development of kids. One of its products Neosure is primarily aimed at premature kids. To be more specific, the ones who are born before 37 weeks and weigh in less than 2.5 Kgs.

The formula has higher fat and carbohydrate content than some other products by Similac. It helps the premature infants gain weight faster. The formulas in its base form have folic acid, omega 3 fatty acid, iron, and zinc. These nutrients help in the brain as well as physical development of infants.

There are different stages of the formula for different age groups. It also has a soy-based formula for kids who are intolerant towards lactose.


You can pick up Enfamil for infants of different age groups. It’s a+ is available for kids of the age group 0-6 months, 6-12 months and 12-24 months. It also has a formula for kids more than 2 years old. When compared with other brands it has some additional ingredients such as Pantothenic Acid and DHA.

Enfamil contains pro-biotics as well which aid in better digestion. It has a higher quantity of carbohydrates, selenium, inositol, folic acid, iodine, phosphorus and the list goes on. It is packed with nutrients that ensure faster growth and development for your infants.

Nestle Lactogen

You can buy Lactogen for different age groups. Lactogen 1 is for kids up to six months and is enriched with milk solids, whey protein, corn oil, soy, maltodextrin, taurine, and L-carnitine. Lactogen 2 and 3 also contain all of the above and some additional nutrients.

Nestle maintains its ability to be easily digested by infants and is largely possible due to Maltodextrin. Lactogen also has a lower casein content in the formula. Overall, it contains all essential nutrients that your kid would need during the important growth stages.

Enfagrow A+

Unlike most other brands and formulae available in the market, Enfagrow A+ is primarily aimed at kids who are more than 2 years old. The ingredients of the formula help in the development of the brain primarily aiming at communication, intellectual, emotional and motor skills. DHA is one of the most prominent ingredients. DHA is essential during the growth phase and is not available in adequate amounts from normal food sources.


SMA first infant milk is specially designed for new born babies. It contains all essential nutrients that the infants need. SMA first infant milk fits in perfectly if your little one is partially breastfed or not at all. The higher amount of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids along with whey proteins ensure growth. The formula helps the small ones gain necessary weight.


Farex by Nutricia is another great option when it comes to premature kids. Kids who are born before 37 weeks and are less than 2.5 kg need some crucial nutrients and weight gain quickly. Farex has all the ingredients needed for weight gain and at the same time aid in development, growth, and immunity of kids. For low birth and premature kids, the formula has all the necessary components.



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