The Beginning- The First Trimester

The First Trimester

After months of trying to conceive and innumerable doctor visits, when I saw the two pink lines on the home pregnancy kit, I cannot even explain the feeling in words. Pregnancy and motherhood are the two most beautiful phases in the life of a woman. As soon as you find out you are pregnant, there is a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness. I was no different. When I think back, to some extent I was a hyper would be mummy, but after all that I had gone through, I did not want to take any chances. The first three months or the first trimester is the most crucial and everyone should take a lot of care. I can give some advice out of my own experience. Hope it helps.

The First Trimester quotes

Choose Your Doctor

After your home pregnancy test is positive, the first thing you should do (after telling your husband) is to visit your doctor. In my case, I was going to my gynecologist for more than a year, but if you have never gone to one, its time you choose now. I know accidents do happen, but if you have been planning the pregnancy, consult a doctor as soon as you start trying. This is important for two reasons. First being, she/he will prescribe the right medicines you should take like folic acid. Second, you will have a good rapport with the doctor. During this time, you will be able to judge the doctor and see your comfort level. You should be able to ask any question without hesitation.

Especially during your first pregnancy, you will have many questions and trust me, most of them will be silly. The best doctor is one who will make you feel confident, and answer all your questions carefully. The doctor will also recommend an ultrasound at six weeks, which will confirm a normal pregnancy. I have seen people going to doctors who are popular and then changing in the last few months as they are not comfortable. This is stressful and must be avoided.

Listen to Your Body

After your doctor, the second thing you need to trust and listen to is your body. The body will signal and tell you what it needs. After week 6, the level of progesterone starts rising and this causes lethargy and nausea to many. I was lucky and had no nausea but yes, I could sleep all day. I never remember sleeping so much and I remember I would just be guilty of the same many times.

This time is the time when the formation of the baby is happening and the body is doing a lot of hard work. This is why you will feel low on energy at all times. Other problems can be food aversion or smell aversions. Most of these problems will last untill about 16 weeks so be prepared. Listen to your body, and rest as much as you need and you can.

The First Trimester quotes

Do Not Google

Google is our best friend, but without realizing can be an enemy too. Each pregnancy can be different and thus, if you search for every small thing, you will be confused. Sign up for some of the apps which send weekly updates. I used What to Expect and Baby Centre. Both were spot on in terms of what to expect that week and answer many questions. The weekly video of how the baby grows on WTE was amazing and I always waited eagerly to see the next one. How a human being grows inside you from a small cell is nature at its best. Ask your doctor about all the doubts, which these apps do not answer. I had a bad backache in the first trimester, and my doctor told me to sleep with a pillow between my legs and that worked wonders. Your doctor will have a solution to most of your problems.

Personal Hygiene

The growing uterus puts a lot of pressure on the bladder and thus, there is a constant need to urinate especially in your first trimester. In this phase, chances of UTIs increase, thus, taking care of personal hygiene becomes very important. You should regularly have water or liquids as your body needs it. Never make the mistake to drink less water for the fear of urinating too much.

Slow Down

The first three months are the most crucial in the pregnancy and you need to take a lot of care. You will need to slow down your pace. If working, try for some flexible times or try and take a nap in the afternoon if possible. Your seat at work must be very comfortable. I am not saying, stop living or doing things you love to do. Just slow down and avoid things which can cause too many jerks or have an impact. Any activity putting pressure on the stomach should also be avoided.

The First Trimester quote

 Eat healthy

As soon as you get pregnant, you will get a lot of advice saying, eat for two. Please do not. The baby is too small and is forming right now. Your reserves can take care of its needs. Remember to eat healthy food and do not take your pregnancy as an excuse to eat anything unhealthy. In my case, my doctor had told me to avoid any outside food for the first 12 weeks. I made my husband cook food for me and I loved the pampering. Home cooked food never caused acidity and I never put on extra weight too.

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Do Not Over Indulge in Clothes

Do not start buying maternity clothes as soon as you are pregnant. You will not grow at the same rate as your friend did. In my case, till six months I was fitting into most of my clothes. My bra size did not change during pregnancy as many had said. People also told me your foot size will increase. None of that happened. I only needed to use maternity clothes in the last trimester which in my case was only six weeks. My suggestion here, buy as and when you need and do not anticipate what you will need.


Even if you feel lazy and sleep, get some form of exercise. My doctor had advised me to walk daily and that’s what I did. Depending on your body and your pregnancy, ask your doctor about exercise. Moving is a good thing. Do your Kegels. I ultimately did not need them thanks to my emergency C section, but do start in time. They are known to be helpful later on.

The First Trimester quote

The first trimester or the first three months or the first twelve weeks of your pregnancy are beautiful. This is where you start this beautiful journey. Ensure you keep your husband involved by planning the doctor visits and the ultrasounds. The smile my husband had on his face when we saw the baby on the screen was priceless. That was pure and selfless love of a father, and trust me, you will love every bit of it. At the end of the first trimester, you will see a little human inside you. Take care of your well being and health in these crucial months. Keep away from unsolicited advice and the only person you trust is your doctor and the only thing you have to listen to is your body.

My first three months of the journey were amazing and I hope yours are too. This was the time I realized why love is blind. Because I started loving my baby before I even saw it.


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