6 Reasons How Blogging Gave Me Freedom


At every stage of life, freedom has a different meaning. In your teens it might mean to leave the house and start living independently. In college it might mean to start earning and not depend on parents for finance. And when working, it might mean to quit and work on that start-up you have planned. When my daughter was born in 2016, I wanted to spend every minute possible with her. I really wanted to enjoy each moment seeing her grow up. Undoubtedly, seeing a baby grow is one of the most beautiful things to experience. I had always worked from home, so I had the freedom to stop all work and be with her.

It was enjoyable to see her interact and grow each day, but there was something I felt that was missing and this was somewhere making me depressed. It was the freedom to talk. I needed an outlet, an outlet to speak my mind and heart. There would be days I would not have a sane and mature conversation with anyone. More than anything this was affecting my confidence levels. By nature, I do not like to confront people. If there is a discussion happening, I will put my point of view across once, but after that, I refrain. This does not mean; I do not have an opinion or I have changed mine due to this one-sided discussion.

There were a lot of things I wanted to talk about but there was no one to listen to me or rather I could speak to about these things. The only conversation I had was about what Miss A did or eat or her routine and so on and so forth. When Little Miss A had a more or less set routine and was sleeping well during the day and through the night, I knew I had to do something with myself else I would go into this shell and coming out of it would be difficult. And that was when I started to write this blog. Today, I cannot imagine my life without my blog. Let me tell you some things that I love about my blogging journey and how it gave me freedom.


Freedom to Express

After two years of blogging, there is a lot my blog has given to me and the biggest of them is the freedom to express. As I said earlier, there were many times when I wanted to talk about things but there was no one who had the time to listen to me. My blog gave me that platform. I had the freedom to talk about whatever I wanted to. From patriarchy to my view on some ads or web series to motherhood to tips which could help parents. I wrote everything which was food for thought for my thinkaholic brain.

(You may like to read our post, Patriarchy is Deep Rooted)

Freedom to Help

In my journey to conceive and then pregnancy and the first year of motherhood, there was lots I had learned and wanted to share. I remember when my doctor told me to undergo the process of tubal cannulation, I wanted to read someone’s experience, but I did not find much info. There were many other such things which I wanted to share as I knew a mother somewhere would find it useful. Helping a new mother and not judging her are two things I strongly want to do because I know how it feels when you are constantly under the radar and you hesitate to ask for help. If it was not for my blog, I would not be able to connect with many people like I do now, and I am thankful for that.


Freedom to Be Constructive

The time of the day I would not spend with Little Miss A I was spending on doing random things on social media and shopping for things we did not need. With my blog, I suddenly got a purpose in life. I wanted to write something and wanted to read posts of other bloggers who thought like me or who gave me a new perspective on my thoughts. Many times, you get an inspiration for a new post, when you read the post of another blogger. I was putting my thinkaholic brain to good use and there was something I would look forward to.

Freedom to Learn at My Pace

I will be honest and embarrassed to admit, when I started to blog, I thought it was an easy task. All you have to do is write what you want to and post it and it is done. The last two years have taught me a lot. There is so much to learn and every day you can learn something new. I am nowhere close to being a successful blogger and I do not even earn much, but the learning has been immense. And the best part is I have the freedom to learn and practice as and when I can at my pace and you do see results coming in.

Freedom to be My Own Boss

Being your own boss gives you the much-needed confidence. Working from home with a baby or a toddler is not as simple as it looks like. I had made a decision that Little Miss A will have me when she needed someone and not a nanny and thus, working for someone else was not possible. My blog helped me work at my timing (rather her schedule) and be my own boss. If there is a vacation coming up, work is planned accordingly. Working as and when you want to and feel like contributes a lot to the work satisfaction.

(You may like to read our post, Life of a Work from Home Mom)

Freedom to Connect with Like-Minded People

I distinctly remember when he superstar Sridevi Ji passed away last year in February, leaving the nation shocked, I was upset and horrified to read the kind of comments people wrote on social media. Random women were commenting on her personal life and her beauty regime etc. I was sad to read them and prayed that these comments do not reach the family. I thought this is how cruel the world has become. But when I wrote my post and I got comments where people agreed with me, it made me feel better, that there were good-hearted people in the world still. Connecting with like-minded people is a boon of technology and blogging has made it easier.

It is often seen that anyone who starts a blog wants to know how to make money blogging and I will be honest to admit I did too. My freedom to be financially independent with my blog is yet to come, but the freedom and the opportunity blogging has given me is far more important for my self-confidence and motivation. If someone asks me what is a blog used for, I will say in my case, Freedom and Happiness!!

weekly blog hop

The blog is a part of the #WeeklyBlogHop hosted by Alpana of www.mothersgurukul.com and Neha of www.growingwithnemit.com. I would like to thank Varsha of www.vrag.inΒ for introducing me to this blog hop and would further like to introduce Pragun of www.praguntatwa.com to share her take on the prompt.


  1. So resonate with your feelings. Blogging has actually given us all freedom in so many aspects. Financial independence is yet to come for me too. Wish you good luck.

  2. Totally agree to the post dear. Blogging is a free boon to connect with like-minded individuals. I’m happy to find those too. Blogging helped me a lot during my initial city change days post marriage πŸ™‚
    #WeeklyBloghop #bloghop #GWNxMG

  3. Can’t agree more. Writing is a wonderful and very powerful outlet for our thoughts. Sometimes we surprise ourselves. There are so many thoughts that goes on underneath and we don’t know where and how to channelize them. What could be a better way than to pen them down?

  4. This is a great post and very true. I feel blogging has opened many of the same doors for me and been such a positive thing in my life. Definitely something I wish more people discover and get benefits from.

  5. I so wish that blogging was as big as it is now when my son was born, I’d of loved to have stayed at home with him and had an outlet in the form of a blog.

    I hope the financial side of blogging works for you soon. Good luck x

  6. Same story here, Arushi. I started blogging because I wanted to share my parenting experience with a larger audience, with the like-minded mothers who were struggling with this new phase. Blogging gave me freedom to be me. Wonderful post!

  7. Hi Arushi, that was quite a heartfelt post and for any passionate blogger, the experience is highly satisfying. I can relate a lot when you mention that you experienced a sense of freedom and i believe this is one of the most important factor for many to take up blogging. The freedom to express and share helps release bottled up emotions, if done constructively. There’s just so much more that blogging offers and you have very nicely captured most of them. enjoyed reading your post πŸ™‚

  8. All the points you mentioned about blogging are true. It certainly gives freedom to express your thoughts. It is your page, you can argue without being cutoff. You may find like minded people who believe in your way of life. You can blog when you want to and not when some one orders you too. A blogging space is a place of freedom.

  9. So glad that blogging helped you reach out and free your mind. I’ve been blogging since a decade and now that I’ve become irregular in posting, I miss it. Keep blogging.

  10. Agree with your thoughts 100% percent. I have also never wanted to leave my kids with a nanny, baby sitter or anybody and wanted to work from as well…writing and blogging came to my rescue and here I am today!! πŸ™‚

  11. Your post completely resonates with me. I started blogging as a way to take a break from a 12-hour workday. It is a great way to meet like-minded people.

  12. Such an amazing post. Especially loved the point on freedom to be constructive. Everyone needs a purpose in life and writing is such a gift to have. All the best on your blogging journey πŸ™‚

  13. Seem like this post is written for me only, my blog is my life, yes I treat my blog as my kid, I write what I feel, what I think. There is no one who can stop me to share my feelings. A place where I can be the real me.

    • I think this post will resonate with all those bloggers who blog because they enjoy and not treat it as a profession and just monetize it. πŸ™‚ Glad you like the post. Thanks πŸ™‚

  14. This reminded me of a post I’ve written about two years ago, in which I said this freedom as the main reason for why I started blogging and what keeps my blog alive even after many hibernating spells… All the best.. πŸ™‚


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