The Hospital Bag Packing List

Hospital Bag

Motherhood is a long journey starts as soon as you conceive and lasts a lifetime. And as mothers, its natural to make sure that you are taking enough care of yourself and the needs of the baby at the same time. The joy of having a kid in the house knows no bounds. The family gets together to arrange every possible thing for the new born, modifying the mouse making it more suitable for a baby, start shortlisting the names and the gifts already start pouring in from the well-wishers. Now, it’s the wait for welcoming the baby home. If you have been already creating a mental checklist of all the items that you need to carry to the hospital while you head out to the maternity wing, here is a list of things that will make the checklist easy for you and remind you of anything necessary that you might have been possibly missing out on or did not realise to be in need.

Hospital Mom Bag

The Essentials for the Mum-To-Be:

  1. The first and the most important item that you would have surely made a point of carrying is the doctor’s file with all your necessary documents of tests performed, prescriptions along with your medicine kit.
  2. While the hospital provides everything from blankets, cushion and pillow covers, bedsheets and pillows, it is always good to carry one of your own- the one which is your favourite and helps you relax. Plus, who knows when they can come handy!
  3. Night gowns are much better than your regular pyjamas. So keep a couple of night gowns packed in your kit, though these days most hospitals give you gowns.
  4. 4-5 front open buttoned gowns for the ease of feeding the baby.
  5. Toiletries are an important item to be packed in any kit and so it is when you are packing your maternity kit. Carry the cremes and lotions that you cannot do without and lip balms to keep your lips protected and supple in the warm labour ward.
  6. Feet can get cold during labour. So ensure you have your comfortable socks and slippers handy in your kit.
  7. Shawls and feeding cushions for the comfort to yourself and the baby during feeding. The feeding cushions are ergonomically designed to provide maximum support to your back and arms during feeding the baby.
  8. A nipple cream to relieve cracked and sore nipples caused by breast feeding.
  9. Bleeding occurs immediately after delivery and continues for more than 10 days. Hence, disposable maternity pads are a must haves in your hospital kit.
  10. And so are maternity briefs- disposable. Keep a little extra, about 12 sets, in handy.
  11. Comfortable clothes to change to while returning.
  12. Nursing bras.

diaper bag

The Essentials for the Baby:

  1. Soft and comfortable baby swaddles.
  2. Sleepsuits and onesies.
  3. Baby blankets and towels which the hospital provides almost always! However, better to keep a couple of each handy, just in case.
  4. One of the most essential items in your kit, diapers and cremes to avoid the rashes on your new born.
  5. Baby toiletries
  6. Baby feeding bottles and cleaners.
  7. Baby’s warm clothes. Carry a bunch of inners and caps to keep your baby warm.
  8. Its good to keep a breast pump handy in case your baby finds it difficult to feed directly.
  9. Silicone nipple pullers or shields in case the baby is unable to latch. This ensures smooth flow of milk and easy suckling for the baby.
  10. Formula milk
  11. Comfortable clothes to wear while coming home. Carry caps, socks, baby shoes and onesies.

A well packed hospital bag is a great stress reliever. I could not pack mine as my daughter did not give me time to do so. Luckily, I had bought everything so getting things to the hospital was not very tough. These things will definitely make life easy for the mom, baby and the attendant.


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