Can We Hope for Some Positive Pandemic Effects on Our Society?

pandemic effects on society

COVID-19, a term, most of us had not heard of till almost a year back. And today pandemic effects on society, it is ruling the lives of people across the globe. The virus and the lockdown have affected the lives of many across the globe in several ways. Be it healthcare, social or economic; there is nothing left that has not suffered.

Read this post, Effects on COVID-19 Pandemic in Daily Life to understand how it has impacted us.

Have you ever wondered what is the future post the pandemic and the pandemic effects on the society? In March 2020, when the pandemic started spreading in India, we thought a few weeks will pass and life would return to normal. More than 14 months later, we have forgotten what normal life was.

The pandemic has affected everything in life; be it positive or negative. While we do not know when things will settle down but we for sure can wish for a future full of hope and happiness; where we do not forget the lessons learnt.

If we take the positive pandemic effects on society and move forward, we will ensure we have a better and happier place for our kids.

As a mom, there are many lessons the last year has taught me. If you want to read more about them, head to the post, A Mom’s Simple and Important Lessons from the Lockdown. The aim should be to remember these and work towards a superior, positive, hopeful, and happy future for our kids and us.

My Wishes for Positive Pandemic Effects on Society

Respect the environment

Respect the environment

The one thing that the virus brought with it was the condition for all to stay at home. In the fast-paced lives that we all lived, this was something none of us ever imagined.

People stayed at home, there was less travel, there were lesser cars on the road, and all this meant less POLLUTION.

I do not remember the last I saw such clear blue skies in my city. Waking up to the birds chirping was the main reason we went for holidays as this was something we never witnessed in the busy city life. But, during the lockdown, it seemed all birds found new places to travel while we stayed home. Mother Earth healed.

Nature reclaimed the space we had taken over and the pandemic was a reminder that we had exploited resources and the habitats of species we should have co-existed with.

I hope in the future we see a positive effect on society. Post pandemic we should not forget that we need to be respectful towards the planet and other species and need to co-exist, because if we do not, nature will find ways to get the space back, which rightfully is not ours alone.

Woman walking on road and gender equality

Gender Equality

Not many people realised that one of the lessons that the pandemic taught, was gender equality. This in my opinion will be the best pandemic effect on society.

The maid we took for granted and now is one of the most important parts of a functional household.The working system in the pandemic was about working from home and flexibility.This is something that has and I hope will continue to improve gender equality at work. Both parents had the responsibility of taking care of the kids, managing their online classes, and of course, work.

It was no more the role of a mom to manage it all and the father realised how tough it is for her to manage work, home, and kids, or even the home and kids.

I hope in the future after the pandemic, men do not forget how tough the balancing act is for women.They should continue to support them the way they did or if they did not, they should start. This will also teach the right lessons to the kids and we will move away from the patriarchal society.

In the post, Patriarchy is Deep Rooted, you will realise, that how it exists in our society and we do not even realise it. Thus, this lesson is important to have an equal society.

The post, Break the Shackles of Gender Inequality In India will give you an insight into gender inequality and how to overcome it.

Enjoy Simple Pleasure of Lifes

Let Lives Be Simple

While the world is still struggling from the deadly C virus, it certainly has shown us that life is better when it is simple and it is we who overcomplicate it.

With no recreation and limited resources, we all enjoyed the simpler things of life. We spent more time with the family than on socialising and the kids have really enjoyed this undivided attention from the parents.

Before the pandemic, how many of us let the work be and spend time with kids, reading and playing.? Our needs were less, we learnt to live in limited means and we were far more content and happier.

If we want positive pandemic effects on society,we must have this ideology where we should be simple, stay simple, and live simple. Running after unwanted and materialistic things is just like changing the finishing line of a race. And this is something our kids need to learn for sure.

The post, Top 5 Benefits of Spending Quality Time with Kids is a must-read to be able to plan things better to ensure we give kids the time they need.

Dispenser with soap and Corona word

Health is Wealth

Health is physical and mental, and both are equally important. We have taken a lot of care of our health by eating healthy and following good hygiene practices. We have to continue this for ensuring the good health and immunity of our kids.

Keeping kids safe in pandemic times was for sure a challenge, but now that they have also adopted healthy habits, we must not let them forget it. Immunity-building foods were given importance and this must not stop.

Most importantly, the last year has made the world realize, that mental health is important and we have to understand and support the people around us.

For those, who would like to read more on mental health, this post What is Mental Health is a good read.

In the future post the pandemic we have to keep our health as the most important and also ensure our kids do the same. You have to listen to your body, your heart, and your brain and understand the signals and ensure you remain happy and healthy.

Never Take Life for Granted

The last wish I have for the future and after the second wave I see as a very positive pandemic effect on society, is that we never again take things for granted. We all have done this mistake and I hope we have learnt the lessons.

I hope you, like me, will respect what we have, be grateful to God, and never take things for granted. We do not know what will happen tomorrow, so enjoy your present and thank the almighty for all that he has given us.

future after COVID-19

Pandemic Effects on Our Society

The world will for sure be a different place in times to come, and it will take time for it to come back to what we called a ‘normal life’. But yes, we can wish for a happy and hopeful future with some positive pandemic effects on society.For this we need to make sure, we do not make the same mistakes we were making, and make a better and happier world for our kids.


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