Misconceptions About Formula Feeding


I read a quote somewhere once, “Breastfeeding is not a choice, it’s a responsibility’. I don’t think there is any doubt in saying that it is the responsibility of a mother alone and if she fails at fulfilling this, she has failed as a mother. For mothers who are able to breastfeed without a problem, this discussion will seem baseless. Think from the point of view of a mother like me, who could not exclusively breastfeed, they go through this miserable phase of guilt, which makes them lose some precious moments as a mother.

There are many reasons why a mother cannot breastfeed. Some of them are:

  • Low milk supply
  • Problems in latching
  • Medical issues
  • Going back to work
  • Post-partum depression

The main duty of a mother is to ensure her child gets the best she can give him. If she is not able to breastfeed him, she can supplement with formula. Mothers of formula fed babies hear cruel comments from many and this also adds on to their depression. I remember sitting alone at night and just crying because I was not able to feed my daughter. It is easy to pass judgements but no one places themselves in the place of a mother of a new born.

The focus of a mother should be to FEED her baby. Fed is Best. I am not against breastfeeding mothers but for those who are unable to do it, don’t kill them. Day in day out discussions, suggestions, home remedies etc.  make a mother very guilty. The comments from everyone around her make her sad and depressed. Every second person you meet raises their eyebrows and most of them will question your choice of feeding formula to the baby.

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When you formula feed your baby, there will be some ridiculous things you will hear. Take my advice and do not listen to them. You would rather feed your baby formula than to starve your bundle of joy and cause complications. Some of the things I heard are:

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Low Immunity

Lot of people will tell you that formula fed babies have low immunity. Undoubtedly, the nutrition and antibodies in the breast milk are needed by a little baby. With advancement in science and research, formula today is also well made and in no way, gives insufficient nutrition. In spite of the fact that you know you all must eat fruits and vegetables, you go and eat junk food. Here you are just giving your child the second best option. I have seen formula fed babies with perfect immunity, and this is a misconception.

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Selfish and Lazy

If you are feeding your baby formula you are termed as a lazy and selfish mom who does not think about her baby’s wellbeing. A mother is the most selfless person in the baby’s life and let it be her choice. Do not judge her decision and do not assume things. If she is a mother she is anyways doing a full-time job. And I am telling you out of experience, feeding formula is tougher. It involves so much work like boiling water, sterilizing bottles, making formula and of course the problems in travelling. Please do not call a mother lazy and selfish, you just make her lose confidence of being a perfect mother.

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It is your thought process and inclination to learn that impacts your intelligence and not formula or breast milk. Various studies are done which show breast milk makes children intelligent but there are many which states otherwise. Spending time with children and reading and playing with them will be more beneficial to them in terms of being smart than the milk they are drinking.


If you do not breastfeed your child will feel neglected and you will never have a bond. Excuse me, why? If you are sitting with a bottle and playing with your child and are present for them whenever they need you, you will have a beautiful bond. Cuddling, kissing, massaging and giving them a bath are just some of the ways you can bond with your baby. Even if you are not breastfeeding some skin to skin contact with the mother is very helpful for the baby.

My request to all mothers, please try and breastfeed your child but not under pressure. You do it because you are comfortable and your child is growing well. Please keep a check on your milk supply so that the baby does not starve. If you are exclusively breastfeeding your new born, please keep the following in mind:

  • Pump regularly to check supply
  • Monitor the weight of your new born till you see the weight gain
  • Check glucose and bilirubin levels
  • Regular checkups as recommended by the pediatrician

Motherhood is the toughest job every for a woman. You can take innumerable classes and read books, you are never prepared for it. To top to the problems a woman faces as a new mother there is unsolicited advice and ridiculous comments. We have to educate mothers that if the child does not get enough milk it can lead to jaundice, dehydration and hypoglycemia which can be harmful for the baby. Do not make formula feeding a cause of shame for a mother.

We as mothers and women, have to support a mother at all times. All we need to do is to be mature and not question the choices a mother makes. We have to assist her in her journey and not make it challenging for her. Accept the decisions and choices of a mother and respect them, and do not say things which are not needed.

Come on mummies, lets enjoy motherhood, coz there is no hood like motherhood.



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