Lessons My Daughter Teaches Me


My daughter is 20 months old now. It has been a pleasure to see a tiny baby grow into a beautiful small girl who has a mind of her own. A new born baby is like a plain canvas where you add colors. It is amazing to see how they learn things. When my daughter suddenly says a new word or does something new, I wonder how she learnt it quickly. I try my best to teach her lots of things as she does absorb them like a sponge. But what is more amazing is even at a small age of 20 months, she has been teaching me some of the most important life lessons. It is not that I did not know about them, but seeing her grow I have learnt them all over again. Kids can teach us some essential things which we forget in our routines. Some of them are:

Never Give Up

Never Give Up

When kids are unable to do something, they try again and again till they are not able to do it perfectly; they do not give up. We as adults, tend to lose hope very fast. Working relentlessly on your goals in a focused manner is something we should learn from kids.

Selfless and Generous

Kids share things and do small favors for people around them, without expecting anything in return. All they want is love and appreciation, and there is nothing else that matters to them.


Kids treat everyone in the same way. They do not judge people on the basis of economic status, color or caste. I do not know why is it so difficult for grown-ups.

I Don’t Care

Children have a “I don’t care attitude” and they do not worry about what people will think. They are real who do not want to maintain an image.

think like a child

Out of the Box

Children have an amazing imagination and logic is something that comes second to them. With an out of the box thinking, they can get things done easily and in an interesting way.



The key to learning is the ability to question everything around you. Their hunger for knowledge makes them learn things faster and without any problems.

Be Brave

Children are usually open to challenges and are not afraid of things. They are willing to try new things and which makes them more open to changes around them.

Be Happy and Smile

Be Happy and Smile

Children do not look for things to make them happy and smile. Even the smallest of things can bring a lot of happiness to them.

They Do Not Pretend

 Kids are not there to please or impress anyone. They do what they want to do and express their thoughts, without bothering about the opinion of others.

Let Go

Children very easily adapt to change and let go of the past. They do not hold any grudges against anyone and continue being happy.

learn from child

There is a lot we can learn from our kids. Kids shape us more than we shape them. Enjoy the childhood with your child and apart from the happiness, there will be some very important life lessons you will learn.

“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about”



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