Follicular Scans: Best Fertility treatment for Women

Follicular Scans

I remember the day when we went to the doctor for fertility treatment as we were not able to conceive. After asking a few questions, she explained the course of action, which included some blood tests and something I heard for the first time, follicular scans. I never knew something like that existed and also this would be my monthly ritual for the next one year. I am sure there are many out there who do not know anything about follicular scans and have lots of questions about the same.

pregnant woman

Female Reproductive System

At the time of the birth, a girl has millions of immature eggs which are there in the ovary, waiting to be released. When a woman ovulates, it means one egg is released from the ovary and is available for fertilization. If this egg meets the sperm, and fertilization happens, the woman gets pregnant. The wall of the uterus to prepare for the pregnancy thickens, and if no conception happens the lining is shed from the body at the time of the periods.

There is a window of 12-24 hours after ovulation in which the egg and the sperm can be fertilized. Also, the ovaries release only one egg in a month. Thus, if you want to conceive baby, you need to have an intercourse in that period and not anytime of the month. If a woman has a normal cycle, she will ovulate between the 11th day of LMP (last menstrual period) to the 21st day. Though, this is standard but each woman can have her own cycle. Thus, the doctors like to track ovulation when they are treating the patients for fertility issues. For anybody who is trying to conceive, knowing the day of ovulation helps a lot. There are ovulation kits available in the market, but doctors advise folliculometry or transvaginal ultrasound follicular study.

You may like to read our post, Know Everything about Ovulation

Understanding the Follicular Study

Understanding the Follicular Study

A follicular study is a series of ultrasounds that are done to understand the window in which the woman will ovulate. The scans start around the 10th day of LMP and continue till the time the egg is released and it ruptures in the fallopian tubes. Any woman, undergoing fertility treatment will need to undergo these tests every month. I got them for 11 months too.

The Procedure of a Follicular Study

Essentially, follicular scans are ultrasounds where the follicles in the ovaries are studied by taking pictures of the reproductive system. A small plastic instrument which is clean and hygienic is inserted in the vagina. Doctors use a condom usually to maintain the highest safety standards and a gel is used to ensure no pain. The patient has to lie down while the scan is carried and as there are no clothes worn below the waist, the patient is covered with a sheet. The doctor carries the scans and they follow the growth of the egg. By doing this, they can estimate when the egg will be released and when it will rupture, helping couples plan the intercourse. This increases the chances to conceive. The eggs and the endometrial lining are studied in the scans and this also helps in planning treatments like IUI and IVF.

Follicular Scan

Why Scans are Recommended

Doctors suggest these scans in the following scenarios:

  • When couples are not able to conceive after trying for months
  • Any woman trying to get pregnant and is over the age of 35
  • Any woman who has had miscarriages in the initial stages
  • Any woman who is given medication to induce ovulation
  • When trying for conception through IUI and IVF

Follicular study scans are painless and are done in about 5-10 minutes. The doctors follow the growth of the follicle and thus, they suggest the frequency. Depending on the size, they repeat the scans alternate days and daily when the follicle seems ready to rupture. There are no side effects but it can be a stressful and taxing time for the couple who is trying to get pregnant. As the doctors give the window to have an intercourse, sex becomes very mechanical and there is immense pressure on both the partners.

I have been there and done that, and thus, I know the effect these scans can have mentally. There are other devices too which can chart ovulation, but these scans are the most accurate way. The couples should take this as a tool which can help them and not a dictator in their relationship. Enjoy your time together and do not be obsessed about making a baby. Everything happens at the right time.  

“Timing is everything, if it is meant to be it will be. Everything happens at the right time for the right reasons”

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  1. indeed follicular scans are one of the most accurate way and helps a lot in getting pregnant to couples. as there is no side effects and it takes only few minutes to done, it is another advantage. great informative post and you had covered all points well here, will help others to understand the importance of this process.

  2. It’s indeed a very informative post. I also know of few couples who have been struggling to have a child for years now. I am sure this basic understanding about follicular study and ovulation could help them a lot !

  3. This is a very good post for couples trying to start a family. It’s always good to know the various processes involved when we undergo fertility treatment. Very informative.

  4. This is a wonderful article Arushi.. thank you for sharing the details about follicular scans . Youbhave rightly said that timing is everything. When it is meant to happen, it will definitely happen. But we get anxious. I remember when I was trying to cincthoe anxious I used to get every month!


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