Is Sleeping on the Tummy Safe for Your Baby?

Sleeping Baby

As a new parent everyone gets lots of unsolicited advice and this is more common in India. Each person who comes to meet the baby will give umpteen suggestions making you feel you know nothing. Sometimes the suggestions are helpful but sometimes they are not. As a new mother, you must ensure every decision you take about your child is well thought of. A lot of old age practices might have worked but scientifically are known to be bad for the baby. One such myth is to let the baby sleep on their tummy till they are one year old.

Should you Let your Baby Sleep on Their Tummy

If you are thinking to let your baby sleep on their tummy, the answer is No. it is unsafe to let the baby sleep on their tummy as this increases their chances of SIDS i.e. The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. When a baby sleeps on his tummy they breathe in less air which leads to suffocation. As a baby is too small to react or even shout for help, this proves to be fatal.

The baby should only be sleeping on their back and not even on their sides. The airflow increases when the babies sleep on their back, and thus, this position is recommended till the baby reaches the age of one. Babies should only be allowed to sleep on their tummy once they have good head and trunk control and are able to roll back to safety. This usually happens after they turn one and then it is safe to let them sleep in any position comfortable to them.

Baby Sleeping Position

Why is it Safe For Your Baby to Sleep on The Back?

 Doctors all over the world have confirmed that if the baby sleeps on their back there is no risk of choking. In order to keep the airway clear, the baby as a reflex action will naturally swallow or cough up any fluids. The windpipe is on the top of the esophagus which goes to the tummy when the baby is sleeping on the back. The location of the windpipe is such that the baby can naturally clear off the fluids which reduce the chance to choke. On the contrary, when the baby sleeps on his tummy, if any fluid is discharged it will come out through the esophagus and as the baby is not able to naturally clear it, it will collect in the windpipe which can lead to choking.

Baby to Sleep on The Back

Tummy time is essential for a baby to gain strength and to be able to sit and lift himself. Tummy time should be done when the baby is awake and alert and not when they are sleeping. Safety is of utmost importance when a baby is sleeping and thus, unless prescribed by the pediatrician, babies must be put to sleep on their backs and not on your tummy. Everyone should be informed about the same and a lot of care must be taken by one and all at home.


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