How I Changed After Becoming a Mother

Changed After Becoming a Mother

As soon as you decide to become a mother your life is never the same. The way you do things and the way you look at things changes completely. For a mom, motherhood is a metamorphosis and the changes that it brings about are more or less permanent. Through the journey when I was trying to conceive to when I realized I was pregnant with my little A to today when she is a 20-month-old beautiful baby, I have seen many changes not only in my life but in myself, and all this is thanks to motherhood.

Let me tell you about some of the changes I have noticed. May be as a first-time mother you will agree with me.

new life

I Have Become a Light Sleeper

I would always sleep like a log. In fact, during my pregnancy, I used to wonder how will I come to know when the baby needs me. These worries vanished the day we got our daughter home. I would wake up with the slightest of noise she made. I was alert in my sleep also and somewhere I thank my motherly instincts that I would come to know when she needed me.

I Have Lost My Intelligence

I was an intelligent girl and would remember everything I needed to do in a day. I don’t know where has my memory gone and why can I not be so smart again. I feel I do more dumb things and sometimes I do not have a sensible conversation. I am not saying my baby has made me stupid; I just feel you are enjoying the small pleasures of teaching basic things to someone that the bigger things do not hold any value.

hold any value

I Don’t Look Well Groomed

I try and take out time for myself when it comes to beauty regime and my fitness, but still, I am not as well dressed and well-groomed as I used to be. There are bumps and bulges and thanks to the hormonal balance, there is enough hair everywhere except the head. Motherhood gives you a happy glow but definitely makes you feel less pretty. Dressing sense is more about comfort now and less about fashion. Getting ready now seems like a task and I am very rarely looking forward to it.

I Respect All Mothers

Even while I was pregnant, I would easily judge a mom and pass comments on her parenting style. Now I realize that each mother lives with her own struggles and most of the times she has to find a solution on her own. I have renewed respect for all mothers and I know that we should never compare parenting styles and never ever judge a mother. She will always do her best for the baby in her own way.


Patience is the Key

To enjoy your motherhood, patience is the key to all locks. Both, by husband and I, have increased patience levels and trust me, there is no better way than this to sail through. You have to be calm and composed in the worst of scenarios. This is not only good for your sanity but also helps the children to learn to handle difficult situations in a sensible way. Being hyper is the worst thing you can do.

There are No Accidents

With a child who learns to walk and crawl and discovers new things around him, accidents are bound to happen. Every time they fall and get hurt, I just feel it is routine. There is no need to fret and pick them up every time they fall. They will learn to get up and walk unless they get hurt and need attention.


I am not talking about my weight here but I mean, since my daughter started eating I make healthier food choices for her and to a large extent for myself too. I am very careful of what she eats and what we bring in to the house. I feel it is the right time to ensure she builds healthy eating habits.

No TV Shows

I used to simply love watching TV and I would watch it any time of the day. Now I do not have any favorite shows and most of the times I do not even know what is coming on the TV. As we do now allow screen time for her and we have a live entertainment channel, TV has become non-existent in our lives.

Motherhood brings about MANY changes and these are just some of them. But the most beautiful part is that each one of them is totally worth it and I would not trade them for anything. I prefer watching her sing Twinkle Twinkle than watching a TV show. Mummy is the most beautiful name someone has ever given me and I prefer to be called that than anything else.

“I will never be the person I was before Motherhood, and that’s okay.”


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