Diarrhoea in Toddlers: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Diarrhoea in Toddlers

As a mother, the worst thing that can happen to the child is frequently falling sick. Children have low immunity and are more prone to getting infections. Cold, Cough, upset stomach are some of the common causes of chronic diarrhoea in toddlers that parents need to take care of.

Diarrhoea is a common ailment in toddlers these days. It is a condition in which toddlers pass water stools frequently throughout the day. Diarrhoea can be very dangerous in toddlers, as it drains away the water content from the body of the child. At times, watery stool can also be accompanied with vomiting and high fever.

Let’s now take a deeper look at the common causes of diarrhoea in toddlers

Food poisoning

What are the causes of diarrhoea in toddlers?

Food poisoning

One of the main reasons behind diarrhoea in toddlers is consumption of not so fresh foods by toddlers, which can lead to diarrhoea. It is very necessary to give fresh and healthy food to our children.

Infections in the digestive tract

Bacteria, viruses etc. can cause infection in the digestive tract leading to diarrhoea. Toddler diarrhoea diet like certain food items, water, juices etc. can be amongst one of the other causes.

Food allergies

Some children are allergic to certain food products. It is usually different for different kids. For some it might be milk and milk products whereas for others it can be some specific vegetables like brinjal, cabbage etc.  which turn out as causes of toddler diarrhoea.

Side effects of some medicines

If your child is on some medication, then you must be careful about any of these types of symptoms. It is very natural that small children’s body will throw some reaction to those compounds which they are taking as medicines.

Intestinal Passage time changes

It may happen sometimes that the food which the child eats, is passed very rapidly through the intestinal passage and sufficient water could not be absorbed for digestion causing diarrhoea.

Intestinal Micro flora

A group of microorganisms are present in the intestines of children which help in easy digestion of food. But in some toddlers, the number of these micro organisms can be more at times causing loose stools.

Symptoms of diarrhoea in toddlers

  1. Liquid stools in toddlers
  2. Vomiting
  3. High fever
  4. Shivering of the body
  5. Loss of appetite

Diarrhoea can cause dehydration in the body of the toddlers which is a severe health risk. Some major symptoms of dehydration are no urination since long periods, weight loss, high fever, loss of appetite, constant crying etc. Once, you notice these types of symptoms you should immediately take your kid to the pediatrician for treatment.

Consulting the pediatrician immediately, when you find such symptoms is one of the best ways of treatment of diarrhoea in toddlers

When to take a toddler to the doctor for diarrhoea

  • When you start noticing any symptoms of dehydration the most common one being no urination for long hours, you should take your child to the doctor.
  • If there is a high fever of almost 104 degrees or more, then doctor’s supervision is needed.
  • If you notice any blood spots in the stool, a stool test along with doctor’s checkup is needed.

To know more about symptoms, causes and treatment of diarrhoea, you may also want to read this article


Diarrhoea in toddlers: Treatment methods

Intake of water in large quantities

Intake of water in large quantities

Always ensure to give large quantity of water to the diarrhoea affected toddler. This would help in preventing the occurrence of dehydration in your baby.

ORS solution

This is a saline solution available in markets which can help in balancing the fluid loss in the body caused due to diarrhoea. Now there are flavored tetra packs available which taste like juices and are liked by toddlers.


If it is a very bad infection and the condition of the baby is not very conducive, the doctor would suggest for antibiotics to remove infection from the body. Ensure that anti diarrhoea medicine for toddlers is given as suggested by the doctor

Intravenous saline

If the condition of the child is very serious and he/she becomes unconscious, the doctor suggests for saline solutions to be given to the toddler.

Food to give toddlers with diarrhoea
  • Small quantities of liquid like water, ORS solution in small intervals should be given to the toddler.
  • Fruits like bananas, pomegranate etc. can be given to babies to control diarrhoea.
  • Applesauce can be given to toddlers to control diarrhoea.
  • Rice or the whole cereals made at home is advisable.
  • Breast milk if being given, can be continued while diarrhoea.

The BRAT diet i.e. Banana, rice, apple and toast is known to be very effective and mothers should start it immediately. There are some probiotic medicines available in the market and these really help in controlling the diarrhoea and ensuring salt balance in the body.

Foods to avoid during diarrhoea
  • Milk, butter, cheese and other dairy products need to be avoided during diarrhoea.
  • Fruit juices should be avoided while diarrhoea.
  • Cakes, biscuits and other baked products should not be given during diarrhoea.
  • Vegetables like Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Broccoli etc. should be avoided as these vegetables form gas in the body of toddlers.
Diarrhoea in Toddlers: Proper Prevention techniques
Proper vaccination

Vaccination for toddlers should be done on time as per the pediatrician’s given vaccination chart so as to prevent infections in toddlers. Timely vaccination boosts the immunity in the body of the child and protects her/him from infections.

Maintaining hygiene

Hygiene should be maintained at home and also the surroundings where you live should be kept clean. Clean environment is a healthy environment and prevents the spread of infections.

Washing hands before eating

Teaching good habits to your child is very much necessary for his/her health. You should inculcate the habit of washing hands before eating, cleaning hands regularly etc. in your child to avoid infection.

Hence, diarrhoea can be drastic in kids sometimes and can lead to dangerous health hazards. So, we should try to prevent the occurrence of diarrhoea by maintaining cleanliness. Also, if any health issue prevails instead of being panic, we should consult the doctor and try to maintain proper diet.

To know more about parenting and common problems in toddlers, you may want to refer the following link

(You may like to read our post, Remedies for Common Ailments For Your Child)



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