Creating Awareness to Be Less Judgmental and More Sensitive: Blogging with a Purpose #CauseAChatter

Simple Trees Photo Weekend Twitter Post

I started writing this blog in 2017 because I wanted to share with the world my experiences of the last few years. Many changes happened in my life since I got married, but the journey of trying to conceive, pregnancy and finally motherhood, gave me lots to speak about. While writing in the last few years, whenever I decided to write on a topic, there was one thing common to most of them and that was the problem of being judged.

We live in a highly judgmental society and the presence of social media has given us new rights to comment on everyone’s life even if we do not know them. From the time we were still contemplating to start a family to having troubles conceiving and of course, for all the decisions I took as a mother; I was constantly judged by someone and this affected by confidence levels and self-esteem. I understood I was not the only one in this boat, and many others could not even talk about it.

Blogging with a Purpose

In the last two years I have started realizing more and more on how judgmental we all are and how our conversations have become highly insensitive. I have often thought on how can be bring about more sensitivity and the only way I feel is to ensure our next generation grows in an accepting and equal environment. Many times, people do not even realize how hurtful their statements are and what impact they will have on the other person. Thus, sometimes just talking and creating awareness can improve things.

Blogging with a Purpose by Blogchatter is an initiative where we can write on any cause we support. This campaign gave me the opportunity and the motivation to blog on issues about being judged and being insensitive to people around us and creating an equal environment for all.

(You may like to read our post, Why Should We Stop Judging People)

The Cause I want to Chatter About

When I read about this campaign, I instantly knew this was the way through which I could try and make some difference to the thought process of people so that they start caring about others around them.

I am guilty as well about judging others and not even thinking what issues they are facing. In the last few years, I strongly believe that there is a story behind every individual and there is a reason for being the way they are and thus, we need to stop judging.

During this campaign, I want to write and talk about creating an awareness and an equal environment for all and to try and be less judgmental and more sensitive. We differentiate and discriminate based on various factors. Undoubtedly, we are a fast progressing nation and society, but till today women face more injustice in our country and they are judged much more for their choices than men.

In the next year, I will write posts on:

  • Our judgmental society and how to improve
  • Being More sensitive
  • Gender inequality
  • Patriarchy
  • Injustice women face because of being judged

(You may like to read my post, My 5 Realizations of the Last Decade)

Let’s Learn to Love and Accept

When we consciously make an effort to stop judging people, we become more understanding and compassionate. The time we spend on judging people reduces and our energies are diverted to more productive things. When we accept others, we learn from them and learn to like them. In all, we are in a happier space and we learn to Live and Let Live. I welcome you all on my journey of next year. I would love to hear your views on my cause and recommendations on issues I could write on. Let us all come together and bring about a much needed change so that we leave a better world for our kids.

If you also want to participate and blog with a purpose in 2020, register with Blogchatter and join the campaign.



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