The Beautiful One: The Second Trimester

Second Trimester

Two weeks back we had posted a blog on the first trimester. The first trimester comes with its own share of excitement and nervousness. Everything is new and it is tough on the body as well as a tiny human being is being formed inside you. Once you hit the 14-week mark, you enter the second trimester. As I had mentioned earlier also, the most important person in your pregnancy journey should be your doctor. You can read any number of books or use different applications on your phone, you must remember each pregnancy is different and the best person to give you correct advise is your doctor.

I will not lie and say that most of my first trimester I lived with a constant fear of losing the baby. I had waited for very long and at no cost wanted my pregnancy to end in a miscarriage. When I entered the second trimester, the fear started to go. I was more confident about the pregnancy. My doctor had put many restrictions in the first trimester and these were eased out too. Now when I think back, I am sure, the second trimester was the easiest and the most beautiful one.

second trimester

Energy Levels Were Back

One of the most prominent things about this phase was the energy levels were back. I was able to function for longer hours and did not want to sleep at the drop of the hat. I was able to live my old lifestyle of staying up at night and reading and watching TV. I was able to get more things done in this phase. My baby lists and hospital bag lists were all ready in this time. All the clothes I had got from friends and family were sorted and washed once. Lot of people laughed but something in me kept telling me to be ready in time. I guess somewhere the mummy inside knew this little one will not stay in for 40 weeks.


The first trimester had come with a bad back pain which somehow improved in the second one. Though I managed to live with the back pain, now my foot started aching. It was extremely painful and I was limping to walk. No doctor could figure out why and the only conclusion they could reach was that some nerve was getting pressed with the increasing pressure. It stayed on for a few weeks and then vanished on its own.

Ate More and Peed Less

The urge to go to the loo to pee thankfully was better. I now had a life outside the loo and now I could also even eat better. I never had morning sickness but still was not able to eat a lot. My appetite improved in this phase and I was eating everything I was told to besides eating what I craved for.

Back to Life

The restriction on eating out was less now so we enjoyed our lunch and dinner dates again. I was allowed to join fitness classes and this was fun as I not only could exercise but I could also meet other moms to be.


Travelling in the first trimester was a big no but I managed to travel in the second trimester. I landed in Mumbai as my husband was there for work. I knew for some years this was the last time I could just get up, back my bags and go. I went to stay with my parents for a few weeks as I knew this was the last time I was getting undivided attention. To be able to travel without any problems was lovely.



Remember I said the second trimester is the most beautiful one. This is because this is the first time you feel your baby. The movement and the kicks start. No words can describe this feeling. I could now talk to my baby and getting a kick in response was amazing. I was always very particular of the number of movements I felt and any one day of lesser or no movement, I would run to the doctor. She would usually check and the baby would start moving.

Lovely Hair

The hair growth during the second trimester was awesome. There was no hair fall and the hair grew to be think and lovely. Something I had always wanted.

All pregnancies are different and thus, different people can face different symptoms. Some other things you might face in this trimester are:

  • No morning sickness
  • Acne and dull complexion
  • Low confidence levels due to increasing belly
  • Sleeping issues if you like to sleep on your stomach
  • Itchiness on the stomach area
  • Stretch marks
  • Lesser cramps

baby bump second trimester

In the second trimester your belly starts showing and it’s a tough thing to keep your pregnancy a secret. This is also the time when you will need to start buying maternity clothes. Maternity pants are very comfortable and they can be used post delivery too for a few weeks. Though the second trimester is the easiest of the three, you should always take care of your diet, exercise and doctor appointments. You should pamper yourself with massages and you should do everything that makes you happy. After all, a happy mummy means a happy baby.


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