Never Ignore Your Parents, They Are Reason Why You Are and Who You Are


I woke up to reading a very disturbing news in the paper today. A son went to meet his mother and all he found in the house was her skeleton. She had died a few weeks back and her body was decomposed. He had come from US to meet her. The most upsetting thing about this news was he had not spoken to his mother since April 2016. Why? How can a son or a child do this to their parents? Should you ignore the people who were there for you whenever you needed them?

As kids it is normal for us to ignore our parents and give more importance to friends and career. As we grow older and start our life away from them, we understand their importance. When you come to an empty house where your mom is not waiting with your favorite food, you miss them more. As we get busy with our spouses or work, we value the time we spent with them. You will know what your parents did for you when you become parents. Life is hectic for everyone and while running behind various things, we forget our parents.

Mostly all parents try and give you the best childhood they can afford to give. There are some things you must do for them and not forget them.

Call Them Daily
Speak to them once a day at least to know if they are doing fine. If they call you just ask what is needed before you start shouting at them for calling you at work. Sometimes it could be their concern for you but sometimes they might need you. Sparing a minute is not difficult. You should have a fixed time of calling your parents so that they also know when you will call, and you also will not forget in the hustle bustle of your life.

Do Not Snap at Them
Technology is new to them. They lived in simpler times. But if they are accepting the change and trying to live in the present times, help them. Do not snap at them when they need your help to send an email or when they are trying to make a video call to see you and their grandchildren. Do not get irritated if they are learning and are slow. Just remember the times they spent patiently with you teaching you that stupid maths problem.

Spend a Weekend with Them
If you live with them or away from them, spend a day or a weekend with them every month. There should be no agenda. Just spend time with them, talk to them about relatives or current affairs. What you do with them is not important. They want your attention and time. When you make them the priority in your life, they really appreciate it. For children, who stay abroad, try and make one visit every year and spend time with them. It is not a big deal to forego your life and luxuries for a few days to make them happy. After all, that is all they have done all their life.

You may also like: Why My Parents are Important to Me?

Be There When They Need You
Everything in life can wait but if your parents need you, just be with them. They did this for you always and in all probability, are still doing it. If your friend did the same, you will surely reciprocate so why are parents an exception.

Take Care of Their Health
You must ensure they take care of their health. With age, parents tend to ignore their health. They might find your nagging irritating but you must push them and get regular checkups done and get the best treatment.

Do Not Fight with Them
Parents can get irritating many times but so can you. Do not fight with them and try and handle things patiently. You will forget what you fought about but they will not forget the hurtful things you said while shouting. Listen to their point of view and give yours. Sometimes it is good to ignore things and let them settle with time.

Be Independent
All your life you have run to them with your problems. Now you are grown up so stop. Learn to sort out your own matters and do not give them stress. They deserve a break but if you think you need them, they will always a shout away. You wanted to always live your life, so live one now and do not bother them.

Force Them to Travel
Your parents have always put their life on hold for you. Do not be selfish now and urge them to travel and enjoy. Encourage them to travel alone but sometimes you should accompany them too. Do not let your plans and routine come in their way. Plan their trips and let them enjoy life. They deserve it.

Parents are god’s gift for you. Pamper them, make them smile and make them feel loved. That is all they need.

“The Best Feeling in the World, is to Know Your Parents are smiling because of you”



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