Importance of Grandparents in a Child’s Life

importance of grandparents

The importance of grandparents in a child’s life is undebatable. Children and grandparents have a positive effect on each other. Little Miss A is blessed to have both her maternal and paternal grandparents around and I see that it makes a lot of difference in our daily lives apart from the long term benefits. After the two of us, these are the only people we can trust who love her unconditionally.

When our parents were raising us, they had their set of responsibilities and work and social commitments. The second time around, they are more relaxed and also more confident. The importance of grandparents comes from the fact that they are more fun, less strict and unarguably more experienced.

Parents feel more comfortable leaving kids with the grandparents, but we must remember they are grandparents and not nannies. The importance of grandparents is a lot but that does not mean we expect them to put their lives on hold and bring up our kids.

(You may like to read our post, Grandparents or Caretakers)

Reasons for the Importance of Grandparents

The role of grandparents in the development of a child is important and let us talk about a few things as talking about all is not possible in one post.

More Experience

Grandparents have much more experience in handling and understanding the kids. Yes, sometimes their ways might seem outdated to us, but we cannot deny they handle the situation in a better way. In our case, my mom is a teacher, so her way to handle kids is far better than any of us.

Thus, I notice, Little Miss A tends to listen to her more than to both of us. It is the way the grandparents understand and manage the kids patiently, that helps them teach important things in the simplest of ways.  

Grandparents are Fun

Grandparents have no stress and lesser responsibilities as compared to the parents. They are more relaxed and are willing to bend the rules more to let them have fun. It is not their job to parent them but to help them grow. Free play is much needed and that is what the kids enjoy with grandparents.

The importance of grandparents is that they teach them the important lesson to have fun while not forgetting what needs to be done, has to be done. Little Miss A enjoys going to the kitchen and cook with her grandmothers. They let her create a mess and do something which gives her happiness and confidence.

Impart Knowledge

In my opinion, knowing about your family and your history and culture is very essential to be able to be successful and happy in life. This is one of the most important role of grandparents that they help the child stay connected. Grandparents have immense knowledge about various things. I call my mom for natural remedies or suggestions for problems we have with Miss A. They have experience and also they know the child, so they can help.

Balanced Parenting

This is something I have personally noticed and thus, I feel is one of the most important roles of grandparents. They provide the much needed balance to the parenting we give our children. We have schedules for them and us, and thus, during a regular day, we all are running like machines.

Grandparents help them in bending the rules a bit though not spoiling their routine. They are strict as well when it is needed but also let them be when they think it is ok. They provide balance between strictness and leniency which is essential for kids. I think this is important as this is what will create memories that they will cherish when they grow up.

Grandchildren Keep them Active

Since Little Miss A was born, I have seen a new version of my parents. They, I feel, are more excited about all her milestones and achievements than we are or they ever for me. I guess, this time they have more patience and as they say, the interest is dearer than the principal.

They did not enjoy our moments because of other commitments. The kids give them a sense of purpose and this keeps them going and stay interested and active so it helps everyone.     

Life Lessons

Somewhere in the daily rut of teaching them various things, I feel we as parents forget to teach them various important life lessons. It is amazing to see with such ease grandparents can teach them important life lessons which will help them much more than the book knowledge.

The importance of grandparents in a child’s life comes from the fact that they are able to teach them big things in the simplest of ways.

(You may like to read our post, Why Our Grandparents were Healthier Than Us)


How much we tend to differ from our parents, we cannot deny they have more experience. We are blessed to have our parents and grandparents to help us. My grandma has some very simple and useful tips and tricks for various issues. We have small families today, and thus, it is essential that the kids stay connected to the grandparents.

We are blessed to have the technology and the kids can easily call and see the grandparents. Parents have to make a conscious effort sometimes and slowly, the relationship develops and will be independent of us. The importance of grandparents in your child’s life cannot be written in a post but has to be felt and seen. As Alex Hale says,

“Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.”


  1. ” Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.” Such an amazing way to express your thoughts.. The kind of warmth and support grandparents provide is beyond words..Your posts are full of love..

  2. Yes grandparents are most integral part of our child’s life and of course they had more experience and knowledge when it comes to dealing any parenting issues . kids learnt a lot from them while having fun too. lovely clicks..seems you girl is having loads of fun with her grandparents.

  3. This is so sweet Arushi and so emotional. Very true, the role of grandparents in a child’s life is pivotal. I loved your post.

  4. Unfortunately by the time I was born only my maternal grandmother was alive and she used to tell me tales of Ramayana and Mahabharata. In my daughter’s case both her paternal grandparents are alive but both of her maternal grandparents are dead. My daughter loves to spend time with my mother and father and they simply dote on her.

  5. How I agree which each and every words of your. My kids love their grandparents (both sets of them) and I know that they are safe and grounded with them. In my case, balanced parenting is what has come to my rescue most as my mother in law, always helped me keep my parenting approach in perspective

  6. Ohh cutieeee Adya!! She looks soooo cute in these pics. You know Arushi, I have been surrounded with my three grandparents in my childhood. That’s why, I felt a strong personal touch in this post. Loved the vibes. Yes, grandparents are best teachers and friends always.

  7. So true Arushi. Grandparents are indeed important in every child’s life. I have come to appreciate their special bond even more during this lockdown as my son interacts with my in-laws.

  8. That’s really a lovely post and no denial of the lesson and experience kids gather from grandparents. My kids are lucky to stay with there grandparents and have a routine of daily shlokas reciting in evenings, games like cards and carrom to play with. Your choice for G is Great and apt.

  9. Love u for this Arushi..being a grandmother I know firsthand what it is to be a grandparent.I try to pack as much as I can when they are with me.I wish they were closer. I missed out on grandparents on my life and my kids too had one set closeby but they were way too old altho my dad made up for the rest

    • Thank you so much. Grandparents are always special and I can imagine how you feel when they are not close to you. Thanks to technology you can see them when you want and you will have a beautiful bond with them

  10. Hmmm good but I do have my doubts with some grandparents though I just let it go. Anyway, I was deprived of meeting my grandparents when I was younger so making sure my kids get their love at least if nothing else.

  11. Grandparents are the ocean of love. And when our kids get their company I can only say when the ocean of love meets the cream of life. that moment is spectacular and magical.

  12. I agree with you. Grandparents are an integral and very important part of a kid’s life. They can be parents and friends all at the same time. Lovely Post! And cheers to all grandparents out there.

  13. Grand parents ae limitless love to give. Infact yesterday I was telling my son that tk to dadi when she calls, her only expectation from you is attention and love.
    Grandparents have veto power to override parents decisions sometimes.

  14. Such a comprehensive post on grandparents. I think they easily teach lessons to children in such a way that they quickly understand because grandparents stop taking life so seriously and are entering their 2nd childhood. So they are wise and they are in a better place to communicate with children easily. That must be it!

  15. Grandparents are the best friends a child can have. They are the parents who pamper a child with love and little discipline. My twinnies seek refuge in their grandparents lap when they know mumma is going to scold them. Heartfelt post. I still miss my grandparents.


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