Coronavirus in Kids: Essential Tips for Parents

Coronavirus In Kids

The COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization and one query parents all over the world have is what about coronavirus in kids. There is a rapid increase in the number of persons being affected by the disease all over the world and the fear of the disease among the common people is on a rise. In such adverse situations, it has become quite difficult to understand what precautions to take and how to keep ourselves and our families safe. People from all age groups are affected and thus, it is imperative to take action and know details about coronavirus in kids and if they are at risk.

Before we discuss coronavirus in kids, let us first understand what are the coronavirus and the COVID-19.

What is coronavirus and COVID-19?

Coronavirus is a member belonging to the virus family which is mostly responsible for causing diseases among the animals. This virus family consists of seven members who have now started causing diseases among human beings as well. The new addition into this family of viruses is the coronavirus which was initially transmitted from animals to human beings and later on from one person to another leading to illnesses related to common cold and breathlessness. This disease caused by the coronavirus has been officially declared as COVID-19 by the World Health Organization.

Then how did the outbreak of this dreadful virus begin across the world?

According to research reports, it can be said that the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus began from the “Wet Market” in Wuhan of China. This market sold live as well as dead animals which included fish, birds, chicken, etc. These types of markets tend to be the source of viruses that can transmit to human beings through animals as it is quite impossible to maintain proper standards of hygiene in a place where live animals are being slaughtered. So far there is no confirmed report on how the virus spread and its origin except the fact that it started in Wuhan.

Symptoms of COVID-19     

The COVID-19 virus can spread by contact with certain fluids of the human body such as cough droplets or droplets present in the sneeze of an infected person. There are high probabilities that the COVID-19 virus can spread by touching something which an infected person has touched and then again making contact within our eyes, nose or mouth.

The symptoms associated with COVID-19 can range from being mild to severe. It will take around 2 -14 days after being exposed to the virus for the symptoms to show up. The major symptoms of the COVID-19 are:

  1. Fever
  2. Cough
  3. Shortness of breath and breathing difficulties

When the infection is too severe, it can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death in worse cases.

What can be the effect of coronavirus in kids?

It can be quite strange as well as interesting to know that COVID-19 has got a very minor impact on the kids. This deadly disease has a very severe impact on elderly people and as per the latest reports on people between the ages of 19 to 40, whereas its impact is very minor on kids. The most likely reason for the low impact of coronavirus in kids can be that during the winter season there are many non-COVID-19 coronaviruses which kids catch frequently. Since they are exposed to catching these other coronaviruses frequently, they have developed an immunity towards the COVID-19 which is absent in adults and elderly people.

(You may like to read our post, Winter Health Tips for Children)

However, even though children are not affected by the coronavirus but they can act as agents for the transmission of the deadly virus. It is necessary to ensure that the elderly adults are kept away from kids as kids can act as vectors for transmitting the COVID-19. Since social distancing is the only effective way to prevent the further outbreak of this disease, parents must ensure that their kids are kept away from elders or persons having chronic health conditions. Moreover, parents should also maintain a hygienic environment at home and ensure that their kids do not touch dirty/exposed surfaces.

But, then what are the major symptoms of COVID-19 which can be seen in kids?

Major symptoms of coronavirus in kids

The symptoms that prevail for coronavirus in kids are similar to that of the adults but the severity of the impact is low or mild. However, some kids or infants might fall sick due to being affected by the coronavirus.

The major symptoms which can be seen in kids and infants if affected by the coronavirus are

  1. Fever
  2. Respiratory problems or breathlessness
  3. Cough
  4. Chest pain
  5. Sneezing and runny nose

What to do if a kid has pre-existing medical conditions?

What should the parents do if their kid has pre-existing medical conditions and show some symptoms of the COVID-19?

  • Asthma – Kids who have asthma tend to exhibit more severe symptoms of the COVID-19. The cough or the wheezing can be more problematic or there can be chest pain or issues related to respiration. In such cases, the parents should keep an eye on their kids continuously, observe them and take them to the doctor. Doctors can check on their medicines also and confirm if any other further medication is required. However, to date there have not been any such cases which state about any severe impact of COVID-19 on asthmatic kids; but it is always good to be cautious and vigilant.
  • Diabetes – Like asthma, there are no references for kids having diabetes showing up any severe health problems due to COVID-19. Those kids who have well-managed diabetes are neither exposed to many risks of being affected by COVID-19 nor have worse impacts even if infected by the disease. But, in the case of those kids where there is poor control over diabetes, the immune system becomes weak and complications can arise. In such cases, the parents and doctors must be very careful and keep a close watch on the kid and his health conditions. 

(You may like to read our post, Best Indian Home Remedies for Cold and Cough in Babies)

How can parents protect their kids from the coronavirus and COVID-19?

It’s a known fact that currently there is no vaccine available for the COVID-19. So, what do parents do to protect their children from this dreadful disease?

Limit exposure

As said earlier, children would be affected by the coronavirus when the virus comes in contact with their eyes, nose, mouth, lungs, etc.  So, the most important step which can be taken by the parents for preventing their kids from being affected by the virus is to avoid exposing the kids to people.

  • Keeping away from people who are ill- If anyone is ill even if the family members, it is quite necessary for the parents to keep the children away from them at least at a distance of 6 feet.
  • Avoiding crowds and public places – Parents must try and keep their children away from crowded places especially public places where the risk of transmission of the virus is quite high. This is one reason all over the world schools have been shut. The chances of kids coming in contact with elders who could be infected or carrying the infection are high and thus, social distancing is recommended.

Washing Hands Regularly

Another important protective measure that can be taken by the parents for the prevention of coronavirus infection among their kids is by making the kids wash their hands.

  • Parents must make their kids wash their hands with hand wash or soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. What I have done with my daughter is to ask her to sing “Happy birthday” and keep washing her hands. She enjoys and does not hurry up.
  • Parents should ensure that their kids wash their hands immediately after using the washroom, after coming into the house from playground, school or any other outdoor location, before eating, after coughing/sneezing.
  • In case, there is no hand wash or soap available using sanitizers would also be helpful for the kids.
  • There might be some kids who would not be interested in washing their hands regularly. For them, parents can think about a very small reward or compliment on washing their hands. Even parents can motivate their kids to wash hands regularly by doing the same themselves.

Cover Face

Moreover, parents can encourage everyone in the family to cover their faces while coughing or sneezing with tissue or handkerchiefs. The handkerchiefs must be washed properly and the used tissues should be disposed of carefully.  Even the kids or other members of the family must wash their hands after coughing or sneezing.

Avoid Touching Face

Parents must also check that their kids do not touch their faces, eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible. This reduces the chances of being affected by the coronavirus.

Personal Hygiene

Maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene is the best method to prevent being infected by the coronavirus. Parents should keep their houses clean and ensure that the toys of their kids are washed properly. Stores and cabinets at home should be kept clean and locked to prevent kids from touching them.  Surfaces, household common areas, desks, tables, chairs, toilets, sink, etc. all must be cleaned using disinfectants. The laundry, linen, towels of the house should also be cleaned regularly and properly.

Practice What You Preach

As parents are the role models for their children, anxiety, and stress must be avoided by the parents. They should discuss in details about the infection and things that can be done to avoid the infection with the children. This brings awareness among the kids and makes it easy to prevent further outbreaks.



Hence, even though the impact of coronavirus in kids is less as compared to that of elders; it is necessary to keep our children safe and protected from the coronavirus. As parents, we can teach our children hygienic habits and maintain hygiene in the house too. Maintaining cleanliness, social distancing and remaining vigilant are some of the key preventive tips which parents can adopt to safeguard their kids from the coronavirus and COVID-19. So, let’s work together and reduce the risk!!



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