Breastfeeding Problems Are Not the End of the World

breastfeeding problems

With every newborn baby, a mother is born and so is a new milk machine. As soon the baby is born, the biggest concern to the world is breastfeeding but there is no one who talks of breastfeeding problems. Breastfeed is undoubtedly one of the best things a mother gives to her child.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says the baby should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months as this is essential for the health of the baby. There is no doubt about this fact, but we often do not talk of breastfeeding problems to new mothers and this becomes a stressful issue for them.

As all new parents know the importance of breastfeeding, I will not discuss this and focus on the issues because I know how it feels and mothers need help and can be saved from postpartum depression.

There is a Big Mismatch

When you attend prenatal classes or read books you are always all set to ensure you will exclusively breastfeed your child. Statistics show about if about 80% of moms start breastfeeding, there are only 50% who are doing it at six months.

The realities of breastfeeding are far away from the expectations a mother has. This comes from a mother who went through this phase, so I know how a mother starts thinking herself to be a failure. Though breastfeeding your baby is natural but for many like me, it does not come naturally.

Common Breastfeeding Problems

I will say maybe I was naΓ―ve, but I honestly never thought breastfeeding will be such a big challenge as it was. The fact is most women face some problem or the other, so if you are facing any, never feel alone or depressed. If you want to know my breastfeeding journey, read my post, The Pressure to Breastfeed.

Let us talk of the common breastfeeding problems though to know more you can click here. As I said, these are the most common and there are many more and more severe ones, so if you have a problem, please consult a doctor and do not treat it as the end of the world.


This is a common breastfeeding problem especially in the first few days where the milk levels are not yet set by the body. I remember though I was not able to feed or pump, I had some leakage in the first few days. Many moms get embarrassed though this is absolutely normal.

Mothers who have the issue of leakage should avoid long gaps in feeding. To avoid embarrassment, disposable nursing pads are easily available and one can use that.

Breast Engorgement

This is another very common breastfeeding problem and this makes the breasts feel very hard and it gets uncomfortable for the mother. The main reason for this is that the milk does not get removed completely maybe because the baby is not able to use all the supply.

To avoid this, one must try to feed the baby often and also ensure the position and latch is fine. Still, if the problem persists, mothers should try and pump out milk and store for the future.

(If you are looking for a breast pump, read our post, 10 Best Breast Pumps in India)

Sore Nipples

I remember when the nurse tried to get Miss A to latch she could not. And then she squeezed me so hard that I can honestly, never forget that pain. The result of this futile exercise was cracked and sore nipples.

The best remedy known for this is to apply breast milk but I had also used a cream suggested by the doctor. The bleeding had to stop because that meant we could not try often. As this can happen due to the wrong position and latch, a new mom should check this first, else consult an expert.

Common Breastfeeding Problems

Less Supply

As the baby was in NICU she was given formula and then we had latch issues. In all this, my supply was not enough or maybe as we could not manage feeds for the first week or so we had issues now. I tried all home remedies but though the baby was not full with my feed, I did not give up feeding till about 11 months. Then also, it was her decision to leave and not mine.

Every feed started with my feed for 15-20 minutes and then a top feed was given. I remember how I cried because I felt I had failed her but that was not something I let rule. Every little amount of milk you can give your baby has a lot of value so try and feed as much as and as often as possible.

Nipple Confusion

There are babies who are given bottles for feeding or who use pacifiers often have a problem of nipple confusion and this affects their feeding. In our case, we were not allowed to give a bottle till Little Miss A was two months old so that she does not get confused and continues to latch and have my feed.

We used the Medela feeding cup which was a great help. This is again a common breastfeeding problem and thus, till a feeding routine is established, one should not give a bottle or a pacifier.

Some Tips to Remember

Breastfeeding problems especially the ones mentioned are very normal and can be solved with simple tips or by consulting a lactation expert. Though Fed is Best, but do not give up on feeding till the time you can manage. Breast milk has no match though formula is not bad too. Some simple tips to be able to feed successfully are:

  • Try and feed right after birth
  • Feed the baby on demand and not by the clock
  • You will produce more milk as the baby feeds so feed as much as you can
  • Do not ignore breastfeeding problems and take help
  • If feeding gets too much to handle, try and pump so that others can feed
  • Try skin to skin contact
  • Take care of your diet and stay hydrated


Remember breastfeeding is not the only way to bond with your little bundle of joy and formula is not as bad as the world makes it sound. But, keeping this mind try and breastfeed but if not never think you are less of a mother. Have faith and continue to be the super mom you are.

Let me know how your breastfeeding journey was and how you dealt with issues, if any. I will wait to hear from you.


  1. Breastfeeding has become a stressful issue for new moms. Sometimes due to social pressure and sometimes, die to previous reading, new moms try to compare themselves with whatever they have read. But as you said, no matters for what duration you can feed your baby, its precious.

  2. Happy birthday Arushi! Many happy returns to you! Breastfeeding was indeed tough for me but I pursued it despite the odds. Of course every case is different!

  3. Wow happy bday dear god bless you! Breastfeeding is my favourite one and I enjoyed my phase of breastfeeding a lot with almighty’s grace and you have jotted down so precise on the facts❀️

  4. I remember how difficult it was for me to feed nipples got sore..I has to use nipple was painful. I wasn’t aware of so many things at that time. Your tips are very helpful for all the New moms

  5. I went through these 35 years ago and I didn’t have any information whatsoever. I made makeshift nursing pads at home and the sire nipples were ever so painful. It is wonderful how u new mothers are sharing and airing all the problems a new mom faces. Good job Arushi and a very happy birthday

  6. Happy birthday Arushi and again a great post on one of the most common problem of new moms..breastfeeding issues. yes mother’s milk is best thing for new born baby and sometimes mother faces minor issues to get adjust with this new thing. you had enlighten all important points and share really valuable tips that will help a lot to new mothers in dealing with these problems.

  7. First of all many many happy returns of the day. And about the post breastfeeding is the most beautiful journey of any mother’s life. Your post reminds me of the days when I used to breastfeed my kids. Some memory is attached to this. Thanks for taking me back into that period again 😍

  8. A very Happy B’day Arushi!!!keep shining girl!
    While reading about Breastfeeding took me my days of first delivery , I went through this guilt feel of not able to fed my baby during those 3 days of hospital , not for me but for my baby I felt like I failed him, although it all went so smother further, but yes sometime it brings a lot of pressure on new moms.

  9. Thank for the much-needed informative post. Most of the new moms face some or the other breastfeeding issues. I had issue of low supply but then again my mil and my doctor’s views were different- so not sure. But since my son loved, continued till 3 years.

  10. Diet and keeping yourself hydrated while breastfeeding is very essential. One thing that the hospital staff trained me where I had delivered my twinnies was to wipe the nipples with sterilized cotton in warm water everytime you breastfeed your child.This helps to keep nipples at bay from infection and prevents many other problems,.


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