Best Baby Bottle Sterilizers In India


The hygiene of a baby is of utmost importance. We as mothers have to take extra care when it comes to their feeding bottles and other accessories. During my pregnancy, I never thought I will need a sterilizer as soon as my baby was born. I had bought two bottles just to keep them handy. My daughter was born pre term and I was not able to breastfeed due to low supply and latching issues. We had to start giving her formula using a feeding cup. Till she was in the NICU everything was taken care of by the nurse, but we had to be ready to sterilize all her things as soon as she was handed to us.

There are many sterilizers available in the market and one must do their research well in advance and have it handy by the time the baby arrives. You might not need to use it immediately, but it should be there. You will need to sterilize bottles, breast pumps etc. and thus, a sterilizer is essential. Some of the good options available in the market are:

Phillips Avent Sterilizer

The Avent 3 in 1 is an electric steam stabilizer by Phillips and is quite popular among mothers and I used this one also. The sterilizer is large and allows you to sterilize a lot of things at the same time. In fact, you can sterilize a breast pump, bottle lids, nipples, small toys and as many as 6 small feeding bottles all at the same time. What is even more impressive is that you can sterilize metal, glass and plastic items as there are no restrictions regarding the same. Phillips Avent is a bit on higher price spectrum but its ease of usage and features compensate for the same. One of the most noticeable features is the auto shut down. Once the sterilization process is complete, the unit shuts itself down. The different components of the sterilizer are easy to remove and clean.

Chicco Electric Sterilizer

Chicco is another leader when it comes to maternity care or child care products. The Chicco electric sterilizer takes that observation couple of notches higher. The sterilizer is quite handy, as it can easily accommodate taller bottles by some minor changes. Chicco has a handy feature wherein the device shuts down post the completion of a sterilization cycle. A usual cycle takes about 10 to 15 minutes and requires about 120 ml of water. The device is transparent so that you can look at the process. The unit has a vent that releases steam, so that you are not bothered by it. But you need to use the entire system even if you want to sterilize some small items, which can be a bit of pain at times. If you do not open the lid, the items stay sterilized for 24 hours.

Pigeon Sterilizer

The Pigeon compact sterilizer is a compelling economical option if you do not feed your kids via bottles frequently. I bought this for travelling and this was a great help. Unlike some other products, it does not allow you to sterilize a whole lot of products. But then it doesn’t have to. It can sterilize a breast pump or a couple of bottles at the same time. Its compactness means that you can carry it with you anywhere you travel. The compact sterilizer comes with an automatic switch off option. So, you can simply place the items, switch the device on and finish up other work. It usually takes about 12 minutes to sterilize the items and if you do not open the lid they remain so for 6 hours.

Trumom Sterilizer

Trumom makes life much easier for parents. It is an effective product and quite affordable as well. It allows you to sterilize 6 small bottles or 4 large feeding bottles along with breast shields. Unlike some of its rivals, it does not have multiple compartments to sterilize different items. It does have a locking mechanism in place to ensure that there are no cases of spilling. What is impressive is that, even after fitting so many items, the device can fit into most of the microwave ovens.

Phillips Avent Microwave Sterilizer

If you don’t feel like spending a lot of money on a sterilizer, the Phillips Avent microwave sterilizer could be the perfect fit for you. The device comes along with clips that aid in closing the device. Though it is great value for money, you need to have a microwave oven to be able to use it. The Avent microwave sterilizer is quick as it takes about 2-6 minutes to sterilize. But if you keep the lids closed, the items can stay sterilized for 24 hours. The safety clips that come along with Phillips Avent sterilizer are one of the very few available in the market as of now.

WonderKart Electric Sterilizer

If you are looking for good value for money products, then the WonderKart electric sterilizer should be on your shortlist. The device uses ceramics for the sterilization process, making it a fast and effective process. The device has a stainless-steel partition which makes it a point avoid any sort of water leakage. It effectively does not leave any room for settlement of residues. You can sterilize up to 6 bottles and the cycle is 8 minutes. It requires just 75 ml of water for one cycle of sterilization and it holds good for an entire day. The simple and large layout means that it is easy to clean and maintain the device.

Ole Baby Electric Sterilizer

The international brand Ole Baby has lots of experience with child care products. A hassle-free experience and quick turnaround time were two primary inputs for the design of their sterilizer. And they have done well on not only those two aspects but several others as well. The device uses a technology wherein the sterilization takes place at very high temperature, killing 99.9% of the germs. An inbuilt thermostat guarantees that the device is switched off once the process is complete. It takes about 8 minutes for the entire sterilization process to be complete. The sterilizer can house about 3 large feeding bottles.


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