Baby Toy Safety: Tips Parents of Babies Absolutely Need to Know

baby toy safety

Toys and kids share an inseparable bond. While some of us still fancy toys and tend to buy our favorite fictional character collectibles, a child without a toy in any form is a difficult scene to imagine. We buy toys for them even before they are born.

There are some toys which are there for pure fun and there are some which help in their skill development. More important than the utility of the toy we need to see baby toy safety.

To look at the safety of the toys before handing them over to your bundle of joy cannot be missed. As mothers, we read the ingredients of any skincare product carefully and ensure complete safety, then why compromise on toys?

If you are a new mom and want to know what you should look at when buying baby products, this Guide on Safe Baby Products will help you.

Let us come back to toys. If you are looking for baby toy safety ideas and want to know how to ensure baby toy safety, read on.

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Baby Toy Safety Ideas: How Do You Know A Toy is Safe to Play With

Here are few smart tips to choose the right and safe toy for your child. Let us find out about basic baby toy safety ideas:

Avoid Small size

Toys are available in the stores with the suitable age group mentioned on the package. It is always advisable to stick to age-appropriate toys as in most cases all safety measures for the age group would be taken care of. Small parts of toys, though curious and great to look at, may pose the danger of choking.

Toys with small parts should be avoided

When it is the question of baby toy safety, consider your baby’s age before buying a toy. Also, toys play a vital part in the development of the child. While some enhance their motor skills others amplify their cognitive skills.

For toys that develop cognitive skills, you should read the post, Toys You Should Buy to Boost Your Baby’s Cognitive Skills.

Heavy and complicated toys invite hazards and injury. Choose lightweight toys, come in the grip of your child and are fun to play with.

No Loud Noise

Children indeed love animated things and toys are no exception. There are plenty of talking toys and musical toys available in the market.

However, ensure that you do not buy one that is too loud as this can impair the baby’s hearing. Instead, opt for squeezing toys and dancing dolls which have mild music and sound which make it pleasant to the ears and also exciting for kids.

Consider Washable Toys

Growing kids explore not just with their hands but also with their mouth. It is a common sight to see children banging a toy on the floor and immediately putting them in their mouth.

Though the act in itself is good news to you as your child seems to be an inquisitive and curious little lad, this act makes way for germs inside your child’s body thus making him fall sick more often.

The post, How to Stop Your Baby From Putting Everything in Mouth might interest you.

So, consider toys that you can wash and disinfect before letting them play with them.


Putting things in their mouth only means that the baby is exploring. They like to chew and bite on toys. Some toys are typically made to chew on and help the teething of the baby, do not buy toys that are resistant to chewing and may break into small parts and inviting danger of swallowing them.

Read the post, 10 Best Baby Teether In India to Make Teething Easy

Always buy non-toxic ones

With chewing and putting things in the mouth comes one of the biggest nightmares of the presence of toxic elements in the toys. Most of the toys available in the market are now toxic-free.

shumee Wooden Bruno

However, it is better safe than sorry and to look at the ‘non-toxic’ declaration on the packaging of the toy before spending your money on it. This takes a few seconds but this baby toy safety idea is something that cannot be missed.

Say no to sharp-edged toys

Certain toys have sharp edges like few learning blocks with non-tapered edges. You should get toys with smooth edges to ensure baby toy safety.

During the growing phase, your baby would surely put toys in his mouth to feel them. Baby toy safety becomes an issue here as sharp edges may cause cuts and abrasions. Hence, feel the surface of the toy looking for any sharp edges before handing them over to your child.


Kids will hit, bang and squeeze the toys the way they like them. That is how they play and grow. Hence, look for toys made of material that is sturdy and does not chip or break off easily exposing small parts which can cause the danger of choking and swallowing them.

Avoid electric toys and toys with strings

Such toys pose short-term and long-term hazards. While the strings can lead to strangulation and stall the blood flow, electric toys may get short-circuited over time and can lead to serious injuries.

Peppa Pig Interactive Play Mat

Toys that are battery operated must have the battery case secured with screws. This is very important for baby toy safety so the child cannot open the case. This is because batteries and the fluid in them are unsafe for kids and can cause chemical burns and internal bleeding.

Hand Me Downs

Getting hand-me-down toys from family and friends is common, but when it comes to baby toy safety one needs to be very careful. Many people do not have baby toy safety ideas and are not particular about them and thus, have not checked them.

One needs to be careful with painted toys as the paint should be lead-free.

baby toy safety ideas

Baby Toy Safety is Essential

There is no alternative to safety for anyone and when it comes to baby toy safety, it cannot be compromised. Also, ensure that you stay close and supervise your child’s playtime very often to anticipate any danger and eliminate them immediately.

Toys are an integral part of the growing up years. Each toy has its importance. Do you know there are reasons why kids love soft toys?

Let us not take away their childhood by getting fewer toys, but just take care of baby toy safety by ensuring they are safe when they enjoy.


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