A to Z Challenge 2020-Theme Reveal

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

April is a special month because it is my birthday month (Yay!!). The month is also special for the blogging community as it is time for the A to Z Challenge 2020. This challenge is one of the most interesting and exciting, yet one of the most difficult ones. For those who do not know about this, let me explain. The A to Z Challenge 2020 is a month long event where one needs to write one post daily except Sundays. That means 26 days and 26 letters. Now what about the alphabets? The title of each post daily has to be in an alphabetical order. So April 1 from A and April 2 from B and so on and so forth. Statistics say that most of the bloggers are not able to successfully complete it as it involves daily blogging and reading too. If you are a first time participant like me, you should read the post by Mayuri, First Time at the #AtoZChallenge? This could help you.

This is my first year to participate and I am excited on one hand, and nervous on the other. Now let me talk about the theme for my posts. The idea to blog started when I Little Miss A was born. There was a difficult journey I had gone through and parenting though is beautiful but is extremely challenging. As she turned a year old, I took the plunge and started blogging about my thoughts and my experiences as a mother.

This May, my baby turns 4. (How time flies!!) I thought what could be a better theme than compiling my experiences on the first four years of parenting. Thus, my theme for the A to Z challenge is

β€œThe First Four Years of Parenting”

Parenting, is not a rocket science, but is not an easy thing. We hear innumerable advises and the thing which is important, yet most ignored is, each child is different. My posts will be originating from my experiences and what worked for Little Miss A and me. Each baby is different and the main issue is none of them come with their manual. So I am ready to take on the A to Z Challenge 2020 and share my experience and advice for mothers. (Yes, more advise). I am a slow parent as many say, so may be your point of view differs from mine. I will wait to hear your story too so please read and comment.

In the journey of next month, I am looking forward to reading some interesting posts and meet more and interact with more bloggers, especially like minded ones. I hope my posts will be of help to someone. I look at where I stood 4 years back, clueless and lost. Let us all jump on to the train and take a trip down my parenting journey. See you all on the 1st of April (No April Fool). Until then, bye and take care.  For those who have not registered and are interested, please hurry up as the registrations are still open


  1. My nephew is about 1.5 years and hearing stories from my sister are the best part of my day! Also receiving his videos. All the best for your first AtoZ – it’s going to be mad πŸ˜€

  2. First four years are a bliss.I still miss the years wen my daughter was at that cute age who is going to be 12 this June. Parenting is like a rollercoaster ride which gives you goosebumps but still you want to experience. it.

  3. All the best for the A2Z Challenge, I haven’t participated in any yet and must say it requires some serious efforts and dedication. Loved your theme, I’m surely it will people like me and all the new/expecting parents. Best wishes Arushiji πŸ™‚

    • Thank you so much Atul. This is my first time and i am very nervous and excited. Hope can pull this through with good posts. Thanks for dropping by and the lovely session today. πŸ™‚


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