The Day I Delivered


Pregnancy undoubtedly is one of the most beautiful experiences of life and giving birth to a baby changes your life by 360 degrees. I had a smooth and largely uneventful pregnancy. I was 34 weeks pregnant and was actively making arrangements for the baby to arrive. My friends in my prenatal fitness class said I was the most organized would be mummy, as I had more or less done everything on my list.

It was a Monday and the husband was travelling for the week from Tuesday trying to get things out of the way. We had a fun weekend with an awesome spa (the best part of my pregnancy were my massages), lunches, dinners and shopping. I was at my fitness class and while meditating I realized I had not felt any movement since yesterday. This was not alarming as the little one was definitely a lazy bum. After my class finished, I thought why not go and get a quick check up before I head home. The husband was travelling all week and I did not want to stress my in-laws. The baby always reacted when the doctor checked me.

I causally walked into her clinic and asked her to quickly check. She smiled and agreed. My doctor was a blessing. She was always supportive. Now the action started. Actually, there was no action. She checked a couple of times and said I was right that the baby was not moving. She said though does not seem to a cause of worry but I should go to the maternity floor and get a test. Now I was nervous.

Anyway, I walked up. No one at home knew still what I was up to. When I realized it was lunch time I messaged my mother in law telling her I will take some time but she quickly rushed to the hospital. Thank God!! I did need someone. I thought I should also inform my husband though I knew he was in a very important meeting.

The test also showed no movement and then happened the ultrasound which also confirmed the same. The heart beat was fine so the doctor was not worried so I was admitted to be under observation. Now the family was stressed and the hubby came too. The whole day passed and a couple of tests happened. While sleeping at night I felt a slight movement and I was happy all was ok. It was my mother’s birthday and I wished her early morning and told her all seems ok and I will be home soon.

The final ultrasound was to take place before I was discharged. The doctor still did not see any MOVEMENT. Now I was scared. In the next three hours, we had 3 ultrasounds. I ate chocolates, drank cold water and did everything I could think of. Tried talking to the baby which had always worked but still no luck.

At 4 pm my doctor decided we had to go in for a c-sec. C-Section?? Why?? I wanted a normal delivery. It was just 34 weeks. How can the baby come out now? You cannot even imagine the questions I had in my mind. I came up with all possible excuses but she said this had to be done. I thought she will do it the next day so I have time. She knew me too well and did not tell me until the last minute. She called me at 6:30pm. Get ready!! I will see you in half hour in the labor room.

WHAT?? My first reaction was to call my dad and say I can’t do this, mummy and you are not here. He said, don’t worry mom is on her way and I will see you tomorrow. Just do what the doctor says and be positive. Now I had to excuse and had to agree. My husband was super nervous too but remained calm for me. I maintained a cool head too because now there seemed to be no option.

I called the doctor and said, I am ready and I need two things from you. One, I need to talk to you ALONE for 10 minutes before you do anything and Second, I will not go in the OT till I don’t meet my mother.

She gave her comforting smile and said DONE DEAL.

They took me to the delivery room to get me ready at 7 pm. She came. Sent everyone out and answered all my questions patiently. Now my only concern was my baby. I had waited so long for the little one and just wanted everything to be ok. She told me not to worry as baby’s weight was ok and the worst-case scenario would be that she would be kept in the Neo Natal ICU for 15 days. She patiently explained the whole procedure of the operation. I always wanted a normal delivery so this was never discussed. She said my husband will be next to me at all times and to just trust her. I had always done that in the last 18 months and had no reason to not do it today.

All questions done, all nails cut, nail paint removed mummy was all set to go get her little one!!
(Continued…. My Mind When I Went Through the C-Sec)



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