Homeopathy for Women: Simple Remedies for Better Health

homeopathy for women

Homeopathy is an alternative branch of medical science that works on the basic principle of “Like cures like”. This means that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (a German physician) was the founder of homeopathy.

Homeopathy has become a preferred way of treatment across the globe and homeopathy for women has also been widely used for common women health issues.

Homeopathy for Women: The Treatment

Homeopathic treatment is usually “Individualized” and the practice of homeopathic medicine embraces a holistic approach to the treatment of sick. In simple words, “It treats the person as a whole, rather than focusing only on a particular diseased part”. For selecting a proper remedy, a qualified homeopathic therapist records the individual symptoms of the patient (that includes physical, mental, emotional and other individual symptoms) after detailed case-taking, and then prescribes a most similar remedy for the individual cases.

Do you know, the World Health Organization recognized, homeopathy as a world’s second largest therapeutic system and 500 million people use homeopathy worldwide?  Along with chronic diseases, homeopathy has a huge potential in treating different women’s disease conditions.

An Overview about Women’s General and Reproductive Health

 According to the USA Department of Health and Human Services  “A woman’s health reflects both her individual biology and her sociocultural, economic and physical environments. All these factors affect the duration and quality of her life.

And when we talk about the reproductive health of women, “Women’s life goes through various hormonal changes from menarche (beginning of menstrual cycle) to menopause. These hormonal changes have a large impact on women’s overall health that includes their physical, mental and emotional aspects of well-being.”

Nowadays, women use alternative ways of treatment more frequently than men and homeopathy for women is a preferred choice for many. Homeopathy is gaining immense popularity among women because of being free from side effects and curing the disease from the root.

Though homeopathy works best with an individualized treatment approach. Still, some homeopathic remedies work best in treating various women related ailments like menstrual problems, infertility, dysfunctions of pregnancy and menopause.

Remedies for Women in Homeopathy

In this post, I am listing some common female problems and their treatment with homeopathic remedies. Read on the post to know more:

Homeopathy for menstrual problems

Beginning of menstrual period is called “menarche” and it usually starts between the age of 12-15 years. This phase is one of the most sensitive phases of a girl or lets say a would-be woman’s life that involves various hormonal changes.  Many girls and women suffer from different menstrual problems like dysmenorrhea (means painful menses), menorrhagia (profuse menses) and metrorrhagia (intermittent menses).

It is very important to have a complete checkup and diagnostic tests for ruling out serious medical issues. But for mild cases, homeopathy can help a lot. A proper constitutional homeopathic remedy can help in treating various menstrual complaints like Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia and premenstrual syndrome. Here are some important homeopathic remedies that work wonderfully in treating menstrual problems.

  • Pulsatilla is a suitable remedy for complaints that start at the time of puberty. Women and girls usually describe this as they are “not well” at the time of puberty. This is an excellent remedy for various kinds of menstrual problems like painful, delayed or profuse menses. Also, it works great in treating symptoms of “premenstrual syndrome”.
  • Colocynth is a great remedy for painful menses. When patients have severe abdominal cramps that are relieved by bending double, heat and pressure, the use of this remedy is recommended.
  • Millefolium is an excellent remedy for heavy bleeding during menses. Especially when there is bright red and excessive bleeding during menses, this remedy works best.
  • Natrum mur is another excellent remedy for menstrual problems. It is suitable for delayed menses in young girls who are weak and anemic.

Homeopathy for Women for Pregnancy Related Stress

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase of any woman’s life that involves a whole set of complex physical, emotional and hormonal changes. These hormonal changes during pregnancy cause different issues like morning sickness, acidity and other digestive issues. Though for serious issues, it is always advisable to take conventional treatment, but for minor issues homeopathy can help a lot.

There are homeopathic remedies that can help a woman’s body to deal with various stresses. As homeopathic remedies are gentle and made up with natural substances, they are an ideal treatment option for treating minor issues related to pregnancy.

Here are some important remedies that are useful for treating some minor pregnancy related issues.

  • Ipecac is an excellent remedy for morning sickness. This remedy is good when a patient has constant nausea all day (not only in the morning). The nausea is so severe and even not relieved by vomiting can be treated successfully with the use of this remedy.
  • Arnica is an excellent remedy for muscular soreness and muscular strain. It is also useful for treating soreness after labor and delivery.
  • Nux vomica is an excellent remedy for treating indigestion, stomach pain and constipation during pregnancy.
  • Ferrrum phos is a great remedy for anemia during pregnancy.
  • Kali carb is an excellent remedy for treating backache during pregnancy, especially when women have a great sense of weakness with profuse sweating, this remedy works best.

Vaginitis and Homeopathy Treatment

Vaginitis is a medical term that is used for infection or inflammation of the vagina. The infection is usually caused by different organisms like bacteria, yeast, viruses or exposure to an irritant (chemical substance or spray). It usually happens when there is a change in the balance of bacteria or yeast that are normally found in the vagina.

The symptoms of vaginitis include unusual vaginal discharge, itching, painful urination and pain during intercourse.

Poor hygiene and a lower level of immunity is also a contributing factor for vaginal infections.

 As homeopathic remedies worked on the principle of increasing immunity power (vital force) for treating any disease condition, so they can be used as an excellent option for treating vaginitis.

Here are some important homeopathic remedies that work great for treating vaginitis.

  • Calcarea carb- Calcarea carb is a leading remedy for treating vaginitis. When there is thick, milky white discharge from the vagina along with itching present, this remedy work best.
  • Kreosotum- Kreosotum is another important remedy for treating vaginitis. When there is thin-watery, acrid and strong-smelling discharge from the vagina, indicate the use of this remedy.
  • Merc sol- Merc Sol is useful for treating vaginitis when there is greenish discharge from the vagina.
  • Borax- Borax is another important remedy for treating vaginitis. Borax is especially suited for yeast (fungal) vaginal infection. When there is a white discharge from the vagina (like the white of an egg) present with a sensation like warm water is coming out from the vagina, indicate the use of this remedy.
homeopathy for women

Homeopathy for Women for Menopause

Cessation of menstruation is called menopause. During this phase, women have a natural decline in reproductive hormones. Menopause happens in the age range between 40s and 50s. Some women may remain asymptomatic and did not have troublesome symptoms related to the menopausal phase, while some others may experience different physical, mental and emotional symptoms due to hormonal changes.

The main symptoms of menopause include, hot flushes and hot perspiration, sleep disturbances, irritability, mood swing, vaginal dryness, weight gain, and slowed metabolism.

A carefully selected constitutional homeopathic remedy can help a lot to women in dealing with these troublesome symptoms. Here are some common homeopathic remedies that work best in treating menopausal symptoms.

  • Lachesis- It is an excellent remedy for menopausal phase and useful in treating various symptoms related to menopause like hot flushes and hot perspiration, dark profuse menstrual bleeding.
  • Graphites – It is a great remedy for menopausal phase and is used successfully for treating various menopausal symptoms like hot flushes, night sweat, irregular or late period, vaginal dryness and skin infections like eczema.
  • Ignatia- Ignatia is a useful remedy for treating mental and emotional symptoms like sadness or irritability during the menopausal phase.

Homeopathy for Women Struggling with Infertility

Inability to get pregnant despite having careful unprotected sex for one year is considered as infertility. According to NCBI, it has been estimated that in the year 2010, there are 48.5 million infertile couples worldwide.

There are various factors like ovulation failure, blocked fallopian tube (female causes) and low number of sperm count, erectile dysfunction (male causes) that could be a reason for infertility.

Homeopathy medicines have a huge potential in treating infertility in both males and females. These medicines help in restoring the hormonal imbalance and re-establish the natural cycle. With this way, homeopathy helps infertile couples conceive naturally.

Here are some remedies that works good in treating infertility.

  • Naturm phos is a great homeopathic remedy for infertility in females. When there is a symptom of acidic, irritating, creamy discharge from the vagina, this remedy works best. Acidic discharge kills the sperm and causes infertility in females.
  • Sepia is another good remedy for infertility in females. It is useful when there is a history of delayed and suppressed menses.
  • Agnus cactus is a good remedy for infertility in males. It is useful when infertility is caused by erectile dysfunction.
  • Conium is another good remedy for infertility in males when there is a symptom of hard, enlarged and swollen testicles.


Homeopathy is a completely individual science and success of homeopathic treatment depends on proper individuation of case. A skilled homeopathic therapist records the detailed symptoms (physical, mental, social and emotional) after thorough case taking and prescribed a suitable remedy as per the individual case. The success rate can differ from person to person, and many factors (like duration of disease, age of patient) can contribute a significant role in the ideal cure. But, all said and done, homeopathy for women works wonders for those who believe in the alternate treatment and for those for whom it works.


This article has been written for educational purpose only. It did not intend to cure, diagnose or treat any disease condition. Always consult your physician before starting any self- medication.

If you want to read the more informative article on homeopathy, click here.



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