Things I Miss About Being Pregnant


Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of life. You create a life within you and it is nothing short of a miracle. How tough is your journey to conceive or if you had a difficult pregnancy, when you see that little angel, it all seems worth every minute of it. Life changes completely when your little one arrives. If you are pregnant, my suggestion to you is enjoy this period as you will miss lots of things once the little bundle comes into the world. And if you have experienced it, I am sure you will agree with me.

My pregnancy of 34 weeks was an amazing journey and I miss lots of things about it. These 7 and half months were simply miraculous. Let me talk of a few things I miss about pregnant:

The Wait

From the minute, I saw the two pink lines, there was excitement and anticipation. I looked forward to each ultrasound and each checkup where I could hear my baby’s heartbeat. I wondered it would be a boy or a girl, how would he look like, how will I reach when I see her, how will it feel when I hold her in my arms and so on. The joy of waiting and more so when it is your first baby, is a beautiful feeling and someone who experiences this will only understand.

No Periods

After the two years of trying to conceive, I anyway had started hating periods. And what a welcome break it was to not get them now and of course no cramps and no PMS. Though the hormonal changes did cause mood swings, but the monthly tantrums were gone.

Glowing Skin and Lovely Hair

My hair was at its best during that phase and so was my skin. No hair fall, no acne and smooth and glossy hair. Sadly, it was all back to normal after the delivery and worse was when your hair starts falling in bunches.

Increase Waistlines

Trust me this is the only time, you are happy about your increasing waistline. You wear elasticated jeans and you are proud of it and there is no guilt. I did miss wearing my heels, but is was so comfortable to be in flats all the time. Comfort during those 34 weeks was more important than fashion, and still everybody said how lovely you look.

Comfortable in My Skin

Never before or after the 7 and a half months, I have felt so confident about my body. Never bothered to wear clothes that would make me look slimmer or which would complement my body type. Bigger boobs and big waistline, never enjoyed them so much and I am sure I never will.

The Baby Movement

The time I first felt the baby kick was magical. The dance party and the kickboxing sessions were something I looked forward to everyday. Those moments were like I was having a conversation with my little one. The feeling of creating a human is something you will always be proud of.


I can never forget how everyone adored me during my pregnancy. I am blessed to have a wonderful and caring family, but I can never forget how everyone made me feel precious in those months. Even strangers smile at you and you tend to take advantage of the pampering and the attention. People do not mind if you forget birthdays because it’s the hormones who are to be blamed and not you.

Shopping for my Angel

I remember making so many lists to ensure I had everything ready for the baby. Shopping for those tiny clothes and the linen was super fun. I went to innumerable shops and browsed through websites, to make sure I buy the best things. A trip to the mall after those times is a luxury so enjoy your shopping escapades.


You obviously will be sleep deprived when the baby comes, but taking naps at the most ridiculous times was great fun. In the hustle bustle of daily life, those are the only few months of your life when you will not be guilty of taking a nap after lunch. And trust me, this is the last time you will sleep as per your schedule. Someone soon will be dictating your sleep hours.

Guilt Free Eating

It is justified if you eat more during pregnancy and no one questions what you eat and how much you eat. Cravings are welcome and everyone is happy to get you your favorite food when you want. When you are pregnant listen to your body and eat what you want because that might be something the body needs while working hard.

Enjoy the Miracle

Till you do not experience it you will not know what I mean. It is nothing less than a miracle when you see this tiny little thing grow inside you. From the size of a pea to that of a peanut, from just hearing the heartbeat to seeing the tiny fingers and toes grow; it simply beautiful and amazing. I have never been so proud of myself and I am sure will never be.

You might be wondering why I have written seven and a half months or 34 weeks. My daughter was born at 34 weeks as she had stopped movements as she could not get enough space to move. Though my baby could not wait to come to me, I am sure if she had waited 6 more weeks, I would have enjoyed those too. In no way I am saying pregnancy is an easy journey, but undoubtedly it is worth it!!


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