Why My Parents are Important to Me?


“Nobody on Earth can ever love you more than your parents”. While sipping my morning cup of tea I happened to read these lines. Simple words with a lot of meaning. The thinkaholic in me now had food for thought. Parents; two people I take for granted most of the times, yet something I cannot imagine life without.

The love of my parents is my life’s greatest blessing. Since the time I remember I do not remember one moment when I needed them and they were not there. Whether I needed them for support, guidance, suggestions or just one hug; they were always there. As a mother of a one-year old, I realize how the bond of a child and the parents is the strongest one and how life is incomplete without it.

Even when I became a mother, the one person I wanted there was my mother. I refused to deliver till I met my mother and the last person I called before being wheeled in was my dad. They gave me the confidence that all will be fine. They have always done this for me. I sometimes think how can they always know what to do and what to say. If I can be half as good as them, I think I will be a great parent.

Why Parents are Important?

Support System
These are the people who always have your back. They will support you in your best and worst times. Your parents have supported you in your bad times and will always be there to celebrate your success. From the time, you did well in school to the time you did not get a job, they have always guided and encouraged you. Whenever you fall, these are the hands that will hold you.

Unconditional Love
Parents do not set conditions to love you. You need them at any moment during the day, they will be there for you. Your friends for once might not take your call at midnight, but I am sure your parents will never say never. Your parents give you the two best gifts; life and love.

Sense of Belonging
We share a unique relationship with our parents. They define us. We look forward to being with them every minute when we can as that is where we belong to. Home is where family is. You do not have to meet them daily to see and realize how much love they have for you.

Dependable and Reliable
From the time, we are in our mother’s womb, it is our parents who take care of our needs. Life is not about the basic needs of life. Be it any physical, emotional or mental support, your family will always be there for you. You can rely and depend on them and they will never fail you.

They Make You What You Are
Your parents work very hard to bring you up and they shape our personalities with all the teachings. If someone praises me today for my nature, I do not think I have the right to say, Thank You. I need to say thanks to my parents. They have made me what I am today. They know the right thing to say at the right time and they teach you the right things in life.

Best Friends
Being a single child, I never missed a sibling because my parents were always there as my best friends. I could always and still can talk to them about anything. We still share our routines with each other and tell everything.

They Pamper You
Your parents will always give you the best of everything. They will put your needs in front of theirs and ensure you get everything they can afford.

My parents, I know always think of me before they think of themselves. They are just amazing. I can never thank god for giving me the best parents ever. My family is my strength. Family for me means, Father and Mother, I Love You!!


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